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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake

    St James' Park

    It matches the scaffold pic so it must be
  2. Heake


    Its the sign of a rather limited vocabulary tbf. He probably meant to call us cunts
  3. Assuming Ashleys brief was maintain Premier league status only, then in theory, he`s only 1 win away from his target. On that basis, sacking might not only seem rather premature, but whole un justifiable (From a financial perspective). Certainly explains his reticence to bin him up to now
  4. Even on a personal level though, In any other business where a senior management figure was being subjected to such pressure & calls for their head, there would be either public backing or dismissal. Pardue must be (if he isn't already) on the verge of becoming very ill with all this going on & no matter what my feelings on him as a manager, I wouldn't wish death on the bloke. Maybe that is Ashleys secret plan? Why sack him when you can kill him
  5. Im starting to get pretty bitter about this whole farce now. Its October & ive been unable to feel like I can provide any emotional backing to the team since the start of the season (Probably from since last derby day tbh). Im fucking sick of it man, I can accept being shit (in the short term), but this slow bleed to death thing just tears the soul & I feel like ive been robbed of a football season.
  6. If he hadn't let his mouth go the weekend, the king would be dead.
  7. Anyone recommend a radio streaming site in the uk for this & other games? Not talking about dodgy sites but there must be an alternative to .cock if you don't live in the north east?
  8. Heake


    A classic truism (is that a word?): You can't always get what you want, but you often get what you deserve. Pretty much sums up the apologists who bottled the demo today. Fuck them, fuck Pardue & fuck the club. I'm finished till he's gone.
  9. http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.607995708143961352&w=204&h=119&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7 No Alan....I expect you to die
  10. My memory is fine. I can vividly recall the genius long ball tactics he employed on each of the last few mackem games where we were well & truly smashed. He`s like a politician who has just been rumbled for bumming his PA & thinks a few glib remarks will sort out those thick proles
  11. Heake


    Exactly. What don't people get? if the support is so polarised into hoying abuse at the manager to the point that he is unable to do his job, he must resign (If not be sacked first). Should the protests be anything like forecast then the breath-taking lack of integrity he`ll be displaying, regardless of the result, if he still refuses to do the decent thing after the match / at half time would be a damning indictment on his character. its also an absolute guarantee that at least one radge will at some point(s) make a charge to the dugout. This could be one of the most memorable days up barrack rd in a long time (Though not necessarily for the right reasons)
  12. For the first time in my life I celebrated a defeat on Saturday. Never thought I`d ever do that Ever
  13. Yeah I'm very worried about this. But I can't see where we are going to get goals. It looks to me that the players have jacked it in, thank god. Aye, Totally agree. they weren't that sh1t when we signed them & if you factor in Pardue`s footballing curse, theres no way they should have regressed this much in 4 weeks.
  14. The fans are only a small part of the equation at this point. Doesn't matter if Ashley does genuinely want to spite us, his biggest priority is to ensure we stay a premier league club and keep bringing in the TV money. Keeping Pardew as manager will put that in danger ultimately because he is so bad at his job. Pardew won't be the manager much longer and Ashley can only delay sacking the piece of s*** so long. The fans behaviour is a massive part of the equation. Should, by there actions, the team goes to pieces & is unable to function (Which is highly likely), It puts huge pressure on Pardue & effectively makes his position untenable.
  15. Regardless of the reasoning behind Ashleys intentions, should the crowd be unrelenting on Saturday, he`ll be gone. Even Ashey, in all his stubbornness, will recognise that with Pardue subjected to 90minutes of dogs abuse the team will be unable to function & will, ultimately, be relegated should he not be removed. I`ve said a week or so ago I think he`s gone, Its who he rolls in next that worries me. Pardue will then resurface at a league one or two club which is around his level. edit: The fucking bastard
  16. Says on talk shite one of the banners was confiscated & was 'personal' Was it a Pardue is a cunt banner?
  17. Proven liars chastising notorious liars for lying. FFS!
  18. The best pubs in Brum are round that area (For beer). shame I only discovered this a few years ago. (Edit: I`ll give them both a try!)
  19. Too right. This is Chamberlain Square in Birmingham. On the left is the Council House, a grade II* listed building. On the right is the Town Hall, a grade 1 listed building, built in the mid nineteenth century where everyone from Charles Dickens to Churchill spoke, where bands like Black Sabbath played some of their early gigs. http://www.britain-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/CN2FE1.jpg What used to be on the other side of this square (ie behind the person taking the picture): http://www.photobydjnorton.com/Library/Test160.jpg What is there now, built in the mid 1970s: http://www.birminghamroundabout.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/birmingham_central_library.jpg Truly revolting. Being demolished at the end of the year, thank f***. John Madin built loads of this brutalist s*** over Birmingham and he outlived almost every one of them. I for one would gladly push the plunger on this one. I appreciate that lots of the post war buildings went up due to the damage the Luftwaffe did, but when I hear London luvvies getting themselves all wound up about that horrible mess getting demolished, i want to puke. It is also right in the middle of the city centre, dividing it in two. The moaners are probably the same people who, for decades, sneered at that building. Oh well, sorry, I've gone off topic. (Even further off topic) I'm off to that town hall for the first time this Sunday after a session in probably the best pub in Brum (The Wellington)
  20. I`ve gone past him & as far as I`m concerned now, the King is dead. My concerns now are who Big Mike turns to following his demise.
  21. We`re unbeaten in our last two games man!
  22. I think the criticism of .com is a tad harsh. I often find them highly critical of the current regime & consider them to be, in the main, pretty objective in their views.
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