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Everything posted by Heake

  1. Heake

    Alan Pardew

    If Sam gets wind of Partridges accusation that they came & played long ball he should chin him. From what I witnessed, we were lumping it up a lot more than they did. I feel like I'm getting short changed every time I watch this shit & listen to him.
  2. West ham were poor. We were no better. Partridges patter on SSN was insulting to anyone who has even a passing knowledge of the game. No shots on target & free beer all night, surely,for Kevin Nolan just about sums it up (how did he miss that?). The sight of Partridge screaming, desperately for imaginary penalties in order to gloss over his glaring inadequacies have left me in the kind of mood that usually results in a whitey by 11pm.
  3. As we have none...it would seem unlikely
  4. Aye, I'm starting to think that maybe old Joe's had a bit of a bum deal-press wise. I've not heard any reports about him being anything other than an affable, approachable down to earth bloke. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt till the end of this window & hope he brings something decent to the table. Negative energy & all that mullarkey. If not he can rot in hell for all I care
  5. Billy Davies? + Scottish + Teams play excellent attacking football (apparently) + revered tactician + done pretty well wherever hes managed ------ - Piss artist allegedly - Scottish - never managed a "big" club
  6. Did anyone see Partridges interview on SS before the game? He looked on the verge of tears, angry as fuck, just what you`d imagine him to look like after a row. I accept this is a big leap of faith but if Cabaye had played all precious it is quite feasible to imagine Partridge sending him packing "For the good of the squad". No matter, the team / squad clearly wasn't up for the task in hand whatever did transpire.
  7. Don't think they would, more likely to be buying Gomis or someone else. I remain totally in the dark about this Gomis chap, other than reports I`ve read etc. Please, if we end up signing you, don`t turn out to be a fuckng parcel.
  8. I remain baffled as to why any of our "reps" would travel to France in relation to an offer for Cabaye? I can see why they would go to conduct negotiations in order to buy someone but To sell a player? Surely any "personals" would be between the agent & the buying club? any contact with NUFC need by by phone / videolink etc?
  9. how much would a modern day Rob Lee cost? If we had two more players to buy I`d have another Rob Lee & another Brian "Killer" Kilcline. Just to put a bit of steel up Johnny Foreigner, ye na
  10. It's the 1st thing on the page. Try refreshing. FFS...these new-fangled computer thingys...ta..got it now
  11. I cant find that on .com? link?
  12. Heake

    Alan Pardew

    This is no time for such an underreaction* (*assuming that's a word)
  13. Heake

    Alan Pardew

    As galling as it was to tolerate the spineless farrago that counted for our "performance" last night, It was Partridges patronising dribble that I found the most insulting. When you`ve seen something first hand, analysed it & concluded from the evidence you`ve been presented with, to be offered a version, totally at odds to what your eyes have seen as an excuse for his shortcoming's, well, its the language of Cameron, Hague, Milliband & countless other political cocks that feel we deserve no more than utter contempt. He clearly feels we deserve no more than that. I have given up what little sympathy I had for his position now & just wish he would walk.
  14. Canny player but not what Arsenal need imo. I reckon this will be the opening shot across the bow before his departure. My worry isn't that we`ll loose him, I like him but he is very lightweight. No, the problem is who, if anyone, will we replace him with? Not really what I wanted to hear a few hours before the first of our bi-annual Manc humpings.
  15. Alans been a naughty boy, he didn't look after the toys he`s got, so uncle Mikes not going to buy him anymore till he shows that he can.
  16. Should we get a proper humping, the hacks will have Partridge beneath the proverbial sword of Damocles. I almost feel ashamed to admit a dark desire to push him closer to the trapdoor, but I honestly couldn't put up with the same spineless negativity as we did last year. We have to have a go them at least If we somehow turn this lot over, I`ll be so numb, It'll probably take a "sinking in" period before I get to celebrate I reckon 3-0 & Partridge gone by mid September
  17. Heake

    Loïc Remy

    Creativity is not just the job of the midfield though. If they don't have forwards making runs and creating space they can't create chances for the forwards. Something hopefully Remy will provide. However, you`ve still got to get the fucker to him.
  18. Heake

    Loïc Remy

    Whilst I cant disagree that we really need another "proper" centre forward, the problem, & its been a re-occurring theme on this forum for a while, is the lack of creativity. I cant remember too many times last season when I`ve sat head in hands wondering how we`ve missed so many excellent chances. Sure there`s been times when we`ve looked decent, but in the main Cisse has looked isolated & if we cant make the by-line & put one in, we've been fucked: There's been nothing down the middle. Bizarrely, I`m more inclined to accept that, though it lacks depth, the squad is over par on quality, it just lacks the coaching to provide a cohesive threat up top.
  19. Heake

    Loïc Remy

    Kind of agree with this sentiment. I get the impression that they feel the squad, though thin, should be more than strong enough to yield a decent return this season. I reckon if they can get a bargain (or two) "over the line", then fine, if not the only addition before the next transfer window will be a new manager (mid September IMO if we carry on last seasons form).
  20. Heake

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    As I see it, it's a win win situation: We get Gomis & begin to feel more optimistic about the impending season or we don't & find solace in feeling vindicated abut despising JFK / Ashley. Yes, it's wrong, but somehow, in my nappa, it's right
  21. Heake


    Presumably, he funded the shirt buy from his mams compensation
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