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Everything posted by Heake

  1. It really is laughable to assume that anyone who`s so intrinsically linked to the club in the way that Lowes is can be capable of providing objective opinions. Another Pardue apologist till he gets peddled & re-invents himself as a trailblazing irreverent club critic.
  2. Might not be a bad idea to get the micey radge a seat next to the dugout next game yeah?
  3. As much as I've never rated fat heed, I have mates who are Bham city fans who say they played the. Best football in years under him. I would bet on them taking 4 points min from us this year without the king being peddled.
  4. I watched Blyth win the weekend. A cracking day out that reignited the passion I thought had been drained out of me by this club over the recent years. It was only when I got back in the car, switched on the radio & listened to the inevitable outcome of the king & his unique form of anti-coaching did my shoulders drop & that feeling of helpless resignation hit home again. He must die
  5. Got more than enough of them on the books already
  6. I was told he was in really good shape till a few weeks ago till apparently a trip "back home" sparked this latest relapse. It would seem the temptation to get minging is just too much back up north
  7. I Its really loose fitting (The punters ones) . I haven't seen the match authentic ones on sale anywhere. Are they selling them?
  8. It's as if he can't be arsed to even think.
  9. Looks fitted almost to rugby standards Not one for the fat boys eh
  10. Heake

    Ravel Morrison

    I would imagine that it wont be long before he`ll be involved in a bumming competition with the Poweranger in a prison near you. fuck him
  11. Absolutely. If there were a change of manager & sponsor I would be river dancing up barrack road every other Saturday.
  12. Another soulless Murdoch bitch.
  13. I would be amazed if Sissoko`s still here come September. If theres a better illustration of being Pardued than the fall from & subsequent return to form (Playing under a different manager) of this lad then I`d like to see it. If this lad hasn't got his agent by the throat screaming for a move then Fenwicks here I come
  14. Looks to me like a reference to an impending fisting
  15. I hope those spineless millionaires that counted for the England team watched that tonight and hung their fucking heads in shame at the sight of real guts and performance. It was like watching the boxer winning on points being howked in the last rounds and hanging on for the win. Well played USA The polar opposite to England /NUFC
  16. Heake


    Is that Jessica Ennis`s brother?
  17. based on the last two games, we are one of the worst teams in the tournament. That Italian team was a shadow of the former sides weve seen in past world / European cups & it was a walk in the park for them. As for the two goals we conceded last night, I mean FFS, even we`ve defended better than that last season (at times). No, someone once said that in life, you get what you deserve, on both occasions this tournament, weve deserved fuck all
  18. On a more positive note...We`re shaping up quite well for a tilt at the Championship play off`s next year
  19. If the club aren't (Which they probably aren't) going all out to sign a proven top quality centre forward then they can tinker around with all the young up and coming hopefuls & lower league gambles till the cows come home....we will be relegated. Still, a couple of Leon Bests / Luque gambles will almost certainly be the order of the day come the end of August.
  20. one of them clowns under the Monument going to slash him with a pan pipe or something? I bet he never slept a wink last night
  21. This Sissoko looked a world beater when he started his first game at Villa. Then, as he became more and more Pardued, he became the sullen shadow of a player he was this season. I have no appetite to get excited about potential new signings with this fraud in charge. The longer he clings to power, the more regressed the squad will become meaning that even with the boost of a few good additions to the squad we will, ultimately be subjected to turgid long ball rubbish with benign, predictable, up imaginative set Pieces. Like changing your kegs after you've shat yourself without wiping your arse first.
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