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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. I'm no bread cutting expert but De Marco ALWAYS cuts his into 80/10/10. I mean that can't be a coincidence,especially when he knows full well what reaction it gets
  2. I agree. People like Ben Jacobs say things but are clearly sided to anti takeover. Accounts like this and that Harry I don't think give a shit what happens. So they are either troll/wum accounts or they are just saying what they've been told. Looking through their twitter accounts, they seem like normal people with their own opinions. It would be very very strange for them to just be saying this just for lols or followers.
  3. I listened to all of what Jordan had to say, he was so full of shit. Said Darlow was awful after what he saw last night, completely forgetting how good he has been this season. Also pretty much said none of it is Bruce's fault.
  4. Tbf why not? There's just as much chance of it being bollocks as there is him knowing something. People believe MMA after all No harm in being open minded about it imo.
  5. I think he means it's definitely underway, but they're looking at the best way to finalise it.
  6. Remember that Harry bloke that said it's definitely happening. This is his update "if" it is true, then the consortium are doing everything they possibly can to get it done.
  7. 1) If it can be proven the O&D Test was not applied in line with their own rules and regulations it's a very easy argument to make that Ashley has suffered a loss at their hands. 2) If it can be proven that loss was incurred because of the PL's failure then he will be entitled to compensation. 3) The amount of compensation would be directly in line with the impacts of the breach and Ashleys side would argue the PL's failure put him in a financially worse position and that, had the rules been correctly applied, he'd have been long gone and could not therefore have incurred said losses. I don't think it's beyond the realms of possiblity that this impending doom plays into Ashleys hands from a strictly legal perspective. I understand the argument but don't agree, the failed takeover doesn't stop him running the club. If I was trying to sell a car and someone wrongly prevented that sale you could try and claim compensation. If you then stopped servicing the car and it subsequently broke down you can't go back and blame that person. Unless the person preventing you selling that car is, in effect, a regulator I'm not sure the analogy works but it was just a thought anyway. It does touch upon the larger question, what is Ashley trying to get out of the current legal channels and what are the possible outcomes. Kennedy and the like say it's to clear the way for a takeover but would anyone be surprised if he was just trying to get compensation... Doesn't tie in with reports that PIF are the only option he'll consider I suppose. If he was just trying to get compensation I don't think he would have hired the specialist QC's that he has. Also there is a possibility he would have done this from himself not through the club. He wants the PL to be proven that the test wasn't applied correctly, because he knows that if it was, then there would be no way they can stop the takeover. Most likely outcome is either settled before arbitration, or we win the arbitration and pass the ODT. But unfortunately that is no way set in stone.
  8. There's no way you can sue the PL for our current league position. The club is still financially sound during a transfer window. It has absolutely nothing to do with the PL and would be laughed out of court.
  9. I found out a couple of days ago that a few months ago Ashley's jet left UAE with the Reubens jet leaving almost at the same time. Thought that was interesting.
  10. Honestly I think the only news that matters now is either the bein/SA agreement or leaks from the PL that it's going to happen. As much as I love to hear the buyer/seller are confident it really doesn't matter imo. It can be spun so many different ways but unfortunately it has no control over the outcome.
  11. I think it's more likely to be news coming from Saudi tbh. About the agreement with Bein and SA? The 20th of this month was mentioned, along with something happening when Biden takes over but no idea what that's about. I'm sure it was Ben Jacobs that mentioned it.
  12. Surely the next big news we hear is the result of the arbitration? If we win that I think it'll be a few more weeks until the takeover is confirmed.
  13. So Jacobs saying Bein will eventually broadcast in SA. I can't see SA allowing this to happen if Bein are still against the takeover. It just doesn't add up. Something is happening, and it's things like this which mean it's definitely not dead in the water.
  14. >>>>>IGNORE THE BELOW POST IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ A NON-OPTIMISTIC APPRAISAL OF THE TAKEOVER OF NUFC<<<<< Neither of those things are illegal (obviously). Here's what has actually happened, and what will come to light when this sorry saga finally peters out for good: this Keith Patterson bloke and his pal have spunked some money up the wall to pay for a letter from a very expensive QC. The letter had no impact on anything because its argument (that the Premier League not approving a takeover of a club by the biggest pirates of Premier League IP was a violation of competition law) was nonsense. That's where Robert O'Donoghue's involvement began and ended - he knew it was nonsense but someone paid his fees so he had little choice but to put together a nonsense argument (note that the talk of 'letters before action' and legal action being imminent disappeared into the ether...). The idea that Patterson is part of a co-ordinated legal attack concocted by some mixture of Ashley, Staveley, the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia and the Reuben brothers is genuinely insane. Recruiting local gobshites to pen appallingly-written letters to MPs is not how billionaires pursue legal strategies. Patterson, like Wraith, is a know-nothing gobshite using the desperation of fans to raise his profile for reasons we can only speculate on. The Saudi takeover of NUFC no longer exists as a going concern. Ashley is pursuing damages on the grounds of restraint of trade. No-one should give a shit whether he gets what he wants on that front. He actually addressed the first bit last week. The bit about Bein letter is totally seperate to what you say. Interesting though the only person that seemed to be angry about this was Luke Edwards when he fed a load of bullshit to Liam Kennedy to try and scare him off. The second bit, he's never said he's part of a Co-ordinated legal attack. He literally says he wants to annoy the PL and he's doing this because he wants the takeover. I've never heard him say he's doing it along side the consortium, merely doing it as well as their legal action.
  15. Cheers, so what’s he put his money into mate? And why The QC he has hired. Robert O'donoghue i think he is called. He is an expert in competition law which is the angle NCSL have attacked the PL on, anti-competition. Yep, this. NCSL received a BEIN headed letter asking what the difference is between him lobbying for the takeover and BEIN lobbing PL clubs to reject it. NCSL didn't know what to make of it, showed it to the lawyer he'd hired and was told one was illegal and one wasn't. That was the passed on to the club to aid them in their case. It's little things like this that could really help us win arbitration and lead to the takeover.
  16. His main aim is to piss off the PL. He described it as a like an annoying fly buzzing around and not going away. He's managed to get some important info and used it as evidence in the clubs case which, I don't think anyone can deny, is a big help. He wants the takeover and is using his knowledge, experience, and contacts to help it along. He may not be everyone's cup of tea but it's harsh to say he's not doing anything.
  17. Hoping (preying) teams below us lose and we're in January. What a fucking season
  18. Arsenal are beatable. Just not as beatable as us. 2-0 defeat.
  19. If you believe the F365 ITK, its all intentional. The tweet about meeting with us then watching the game is the most interesting imo.
  20. Yawn. Here comes the rain again. Why do you bother man? Every single time. So he isnt allowed to make completely valid observations about NCSL? Why they need to get into petty tiffs on twitter I'll never know. From what I can take after listening to him is that he's very "inexperienced" when it comes to twitter and social media engagement. It's like he 10 years behind and instead of ignoring the trolls, he engages with them and fuels the fire. He's a very passionate man and some of the things he says shouldn't really be said, but it's up to him like he says. I think he's realising though as he's now saying it will go back to an info only twitter account, like it was when it first started.
  21. I don't think that was Caulkin, it was Kennedy that NCSL spoke about tonight imo. Some very very interesting stuff again, a Newcastle reporting journo definitely has a motive to put a spanner in the works (think we all know who that is), and also the Bein letter about getting other PL clubs to oppose the takeover is being used as evidence. He thinks it will be done before spring. Nearly there now lads!
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