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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. When the referee waves play on as an advantage for a foul does this get counted as a foul in match statistics.
  2. Too much Coleman gets up your nose.
  3. Karmic justice for the Johnson debacle tbh.
  4. Dummett can’t control his knife Thought that was Colo?
  5. Garth in Court just waxing lyrical about Mo Diame.
  6. Shelvey is good at playing balls from deep, he tends to play as a deep lying midfielder for us. I'm not sure that automatically should translate into high assist numbers and obviously doesn't lend itself to being a prolific scorer of goals. Would be a useful plan b for England to have.
  7. He is, along with Jim Beglin. Anyone, including Clive Tyldsley would be better. Peter Brackley and Trevor Brooking dream ticket.
  8. He’s been more successful than Bob Bradley to be fair.
  9. Went to watch Dortmund v Hannover a fortnight ago and the standard was pretty good.
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