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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/09/12/17/1A98145E00000578-0-image-a-29_1442073985040.jpg
  2. Bit of haggling and championship Fulham may beat our transfer record.
  3. They probably had a meeting to discuss the last week of the window and then Ashley's PR arm has run a story saying that Rafa was told to shut up and he agreed.
  4. Find it hard to beleive Gayle would be disillusioned Wearing the #9 as starting striker for Newcastle in the Premier League. Nah pass, want to go back on the right.
  5. He was good today although his diminuitive nature means he is unlikely to influence large swathes of the game from #10. I said in the match thread he is helped greatly by the presence and industry of Merino/Hayden as it gives him a bit more room and a bit more structure behind him.
  6. Think if we play Joselu upfront we could potentially go 4-3-3. Drop Perez, have Hayden holding and Merino and Shelvey in central midfield. I know i have said this before but IMO Rafa won't do that. Relies too much on the wingers, not enough mobility around the striker and will lead to the striker being isolated due to the midfielders in question not being comfortable in the final third. Fact of the matter is we need an attacking midfielder we can rely on, quite obviously none of them are good enough. Yeah, you're likely right that Rafa won't go for that. In any case a pairing of Merino and Shelvey would work if we stick with two. Merino is fantastic defensively and his work rate is great. I'd prefer we keep Merino and Hayden. It's worked well today, and Shelvey doesn't deserve to walk straight back in. Can't argue with that at all really. You're 100% right. Merino has to be undroppable in any case. He's fantastic. The industry with Merino and Hayden allows us to carry Perez which is important given how weak we are at number 10.
  7. Good shift from Hayden. Near enough everyone has played very well today really.
  8. Come on Mitro! Did think if he didn't get on today he'd definitely be getting peddled.
  9. Joselu drawing some inspiration from Shola with that touch. Get Aarons on.
  10. What an absolute Star out manager is. Look at the names of the XI out there today and imagine how shit they'd be under most managers.
  11. We certainly don't look like chronically shit relegation fodder. The issue is a lack of quality on the pitch.
  12. If only we got £2m more for Gibson we could have had a goalkeeper.
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