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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. IIRC Debuchy had a pretty decent assist record in France. Not that it matters particularly but maybe it's something we looked at prior to signing him.
  2. Isn't a five year contract what you sign the season before you're sold?
  3. Used my solitary Higuain £5 free bet to back Argentina to progress, this was the only 'money' in my paddypower account. Returned £3.68. My face when I realised I didn't get the stake back.
  4. Anyone else starting to fall in love with Sabella. The guy is hilarious. The whole time he just looks like he shouldn't be there. He has the demeanour of a nursing home patient wandering down the hard shoulder.
  5. http://www.footballaudio.com/podcasts/194/1147251669749glenn-roeder-100506.jpg Teeth like a burnt down fence.
  6. Probably. Don't care tbh, the game's soft enough. This If he thinks he's well enough to come back on, so be it. Who gives a s*** if he gets CTE later, right? I know you're being sarcastic, but pretty much
  7. Such shenanigans aren't really a part of boxing (I know you didn't say that they were), real athletes ought to be purer than such silliness.
  8. The pressure's all on the taker, not the keeper. What's the player going to be able to say to put the keeper off? Sod all. when do you ever watch a penalty shoot out and think the keeper was to blame for the outcome?
  9. By all means a centre-back who can step out of the line and play the ball a bit is a good thing. This idea that you can just charge up the pitch as a centre half is just stupid. First it will create vulnerability at the back, secondly, if you're that good going forward then don't play in a position that brings with it the most defensive responsibility.
  10. I think the World Cup has saved the forum this Summer.
  11. http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/Where+s+your+messiah+now+Flanders+_08821cf72946a5e78f2cf0b7079ad92a.jpg
  12. It's because we're not allowed stabbing jokes any more.
  13. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view7/4685020/the-claw-o.gif And that makes 7
  14. That first half reminded me of the first time I watched Hypnodisc.
  15. Good that we are getting pulled up on this crap.
  16. Again, behind the scenes Ben Arfa could have a dreadful attitude to training etc. He clearly doesn't look after himself as a professional football player does, and what example does that give to the players being left out to accommodate him? Of course he's our most talented player, by an embarrassingly long way, but talent alone shouldn't get him in the team. The fact is both Marveaux and Ben Arfa are capable of offering something to the team. For them to be marginalised in this way has to come back to the manager. A manager's primary concern must be getting the greatest number of points from the games available. It is hard to justify his actions in the light of this.
  17. Ideally Germany or Argentina to win. But since that seems like asking for too much I'd settle for Holland not winning. I just hate Arjen Robben he's a dickhead, and sadly for the Dutch he is the focal point of their game.
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