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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. No he hasn't. Those are the players the club has gone for out of the ones you've recommended. You have no idea who Carr recommends or whether he is or isn't good at his job besides from judging its output. Stop pretending otherwise. I know Carr recommended we pay £7m for MYM when we needed a bigger, more dominant, more instantly PL suited CB. And overruled paying less than £3m for Adam Lallana. Carr's a failed lower league manager who is good at wheeling and dealing average French players through his connections there. He's a vital cog in a horrible transfer system. The sooner Ashley, Pardew, Charnley and him f*** off, the better. That's the clubs transfer policy though isn't it. Value/profit over the needs of the playing squad? You simply do not know the values spoken about for players. You can guess but come on you're not in the room and you're no more privy to deals than anyone else. Rumoured to have been a choice between HBA and Lallana. Debuchy and Cabaye are average. MYM is not average. HBA is not average. Ronsense. Is this a wind-up or what? All 4 of these players were known on here before they were signed. No it's not a wind-up. It was in response to your description of Carr as being good at 'wheeling and dealing average French players'. Obviously. He has also been good at getting some above average players to the club. Doesn't make a bit of difference if they are known beforehand or not.
  2. No he hasn't. Those are the players the club has gone for out of the ones you've recommended. You have no idea who Carr recommends or whether he is or isn't good at his job besides from judging its output. Stop pretending otherwise. I know Carr recommended we pay £7m for MYM when we needed a bigger, more dominant, more instantly PL suited CB. And overruled paying less than £3m for Adam Lallana. Carr's a failed lower league manager who is good at wheeling and dealing average French players through his connections there. He's a vital cog in a horrible transfer system. The sooner Ashley, Pardew, Charnley and him f*** off, the better. That's the clubs transfer policy though isn't it. Value/profit over the needs of the playing squad? You simply do not know the values spoken about for players. You can guess but come on you're not in the room and you're no more privy to deals than anyone else. Rumoured to have been a choice between HBA and Lallana. Debuchy and Cabaye are average. MYM is not average. HBA is not average. Ronsense.
  3. Johnson backs off Cavani big time despite the fact he has Jagielka inside him. It was a good run by Suarez don't get me wrong.
  4. The big problem is he isn't a moron, sadly.
  5. Johnson should have gotten tight to Cavani on the first goal instead of backing off him, was ridiculous defending as it was a 2 on 5. Cahill should have paid more attention to Suarez's run for the first. Also that move should have been broken down just inside the half as soon as Henderson (?) lost the ball. Gerrard should have been able to not flick a goal kick on for Suarez for the second. Both defenders should have paid more attention to what was going on and dropped deeper. Hart should have been stood further forward when the goal kick was taken. It's fucking basic stuff. I do feel sorry for Roy because I think he'd prepared the team well enough to have progressed in this tournament. He can't legislate for rubbish like this.
  6. Big problem last night was lacking any goal threat centrally. Sturridge often was to be found in a wide area with Rooney too deep. I have no problem with the Italy result and performance but to have lost that Uruguay game was unacceptable.
  7. Fuck this World Cup. Already down too much to be worth trying to recoup.
  8. Same. Been an absolute disaster, starting with Uruguay. Yeah, this feel, I know it.
  9. She's a footballer's wife, not a professional model. Unless she can cook like a goddess, she's average. This sort of thing belongs on tool academy. That academy is quite familiar to you then I guess? wew.
  10. Brazil's anthem sounds like a cross between the keeping up appearances theme and some curb your enthusiasm background music.
  11. She's a footballer's wife, not a professional model. Unless she can cook like a goddess, she's average. This sort of thing belongs on tool academy.
  12. World would be a better place if more people shouted at children.
  13. 2 months is harsh for some name calling mind.
  14. After getting my fingers burnt so far in the tournament (didn't bet at all yesterday out of fear) have gone for Belgium Brazil double today.
  15. http://cdn.soccerbible.com/images/archive/Hummel_86_side1.jpg Bought these the other day.
  16. Can easily understand why a player would go to Qatar.
  17. Fred is like another ref out there. Guest referee. He's getting ready to interfere after 85 minutes of will he won't he.
  18. Looks like a cross between http://www.slobodan-milosevic.org/images/milosevic-1.jpg and http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/305000/images/_308071_arkan300.jpg
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