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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I like.com decent summary of matches. Don't necessarily agree with everything they say (though why I'm not sure why people only want to agree with what they read) but it's a thorough site with it's heart in the right place.
  2. Its refreshing to see someone with his talent looking to challenge himself.
  3. Taylor dropped a bollock at Tottenham. Left Colo (with his lack of pace) high and dry with his non challenge on Adebayor IMO. Can't really be bothered to argue the toss as it was discussed thoroughly at the time. Yep, you're absolutely right. I see no other alternative than to issue you with a . It's yours to keep. Congratulations! Thanks . Though your approval may be seen as the kiss of death by some in these parts.
  4. Taylor dropped a bollock at Tottenham. Left Colo (with his lack of pace) high and dry with his non challenge on Adebayor IMO. Can't really be bothered to argue the toss as it was discussed thoroughly at the time.
  5. everyone ought to be happy with this.
  6. it really doesn't require a huge leap of faith to say he did a poor job in the circumstances.
  7. My Dad is there. He said its like watching Stoke play a team that has sold £100m worth of footballers.
  8. Hopefully he wouldn't be another Carl Cort(ina)
  9. I would have thought it would be treated in much the same way as racial abuse. A troublesome, idiotic attitude not shared by the majority but capable of getting a frequent airing. I think the vast majority of supporters would speak out against it and clubs would be vigilant in dealing with it on the stands. I honestly think that an openly gay footballer would be capable of having a decent career. Attitudes to homosexuality have changed a huge amount since Justin Fashanu. I think the public's reception of an openly gay footballer would do wonders for gay footballers in the game.
  10. Until someone comes out then I think this sort of thing is about as far as it will go.
  11. If you're on about players who played for both then Sol Campbell. He went back to Arsenal then came to us.
  12. Didn't catch the game but having seen his footage on youtube it looked like he was releasing the ball at the right times. Is this a fair assessment?
  13. because its his job on the line if things go wrong and things are far more likely to go wrong without the transfers he was banging the drum for all summer? Like last season? Talk is cheap and he talks s****, consistently. shock horror manager talks s*** what a novel concept, this is the one thing above all else I'll never understand every manager talks s***. They're short term pragmatists looking out for their best interests and will all look for easy excuses to blame instead of taking it themselves. So you agreeing with me then yes but not taking issue with it since they're all the exact same Well you did say he was banging the drum about it all Summer. He may well have said things in the press but that could just have easily been to appease fans or any other reason. No one knows the pressure he is exerting behind the scenes. I speculate that it is next to no pressure. Like I say he has a conflict of interest.
  14. His overdraft comment pretty much exorcised any doubts I personally ever had about him being complicit and in bed with the regime. Want him gone, out, don't sully the door with your dirty arseprint, fuckface. He wants what is best for himself which is more players of quality to help him achieve better results (exactly the same as us). Pardew can’t vent his feeling about lack of transfer activity the same as we can because he would lose his job, simple as that. He wanted players, he never got them and so he comes out with bullshit to why it never happened to appease his boss but knowing full well his boss has s*** on him again and will continue to do so, but he’s not going to be getting a better post anywhere else. AKA a conflict of interests. Its in his best interests to not kick up too much of a fuss.
  15. because its his job on the line if things go wrong and things are far more likely to go wrong without the transfers he was banging the drum for all summer? Like last season? Talk is cheap and he talks s****, consistently. shock horror manager talks s*** what a novel concept, this is the one thing above all else I'll never understand every manager talks s***. They're short term pragmatists looking out for their best interests and will all look for easy excuses to blame instead of taking it themselves. So you agreeing with me then
  16. because its his job on the line if things go wrong and things are far more likely to go wrong without the transfers he was banging the drum for all summer? Like last season? Talk is cheap and he talks shite, consistently.
  17. Whose to say Pardew isn't complicit in all of this? At the very least he has a big conflict of interest.
  18. And that is how good Gerrard was. Drove Liverpool on that night with a phenomenal second half display. Dived to win a pen.
  19. Remy will make more space for him. His pace will stretch defences in marked contrast to Cisse/Ba.
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