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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Have heard this too. Think a couple of parents kicked up a fuss about it, quite a long time ago now.
  2. Who? Read the last pages of this thread and you should be able to figure it out yourself Bewilderness.
  3. Shola's goal made me feel like a wife who knows her husband has been unfaithful and yet forces a smile when he gives her some flowers.
  4. Just a rumour IIRC but it makes sense.
  5. Yes he did but that says more about the lack of creativity in the squad than Marveaux himself. Yet people think buying another striker for a team which has close to zero creativity will magically fix everything. Really? Given the amount of time he spent on the pitch, that says plenty about his ability.
  6. Watching football Italia http://images-00.delcampe-static.net/img_large/auction/000/177/135/245_001.jpg?v=1
  7. No point in putting him at risk of injury. No point him training with the team if his NUFC career is over
  8. Yeah pretty much. Forgive football fans for being irrational. Hitler listened to Wagner btw duality of man, fascinating.
  9. That's legit by the way. Not an attempt to wind. He's such a nice lad too. I couldn't believe the hatred for him on here over that Rob Lee tackle. He took one for the team and prevented an almost certain goal. Anyone would do it and you all know it. Ahh the Suarez World Cup defence. Game's bigger than the prize bro.
  10. Jesus man Froggy, of all the places.
  11. I think the party line of his 'head wasn't in the right place' makes the least sense when considered alongside other explanations.
  12. It's a logical choice but Ashley has a logic all of his own. If he can't work until his court case is settled that might explain why Pards hasn't been sacked yet. JFK is the insurance policy in case he walks. This is all desperate speculation here mind, so don't pull me up on it. Yeah, its interesting, I would have thought Kinnear would have been favorite. Other than Poyet being out of work I'm not really sure what links him to us more than anyone else.
  13. Poyet is bookies favourite ahead of Kinnear. FWIW.
  14. I'm worried that the Cabaye uncertainty will be used to justify no movement from us. I can see us pricing ourselves out of a deal for him. Either that or I think he will hand in a transfer request. Sharks will walk down Northumberland Street before he does that What makes you so sure?
  15. I'm worried that the Cabaye uncertainty will be used to justify no movement from us. I can see us pricing ourselves out of a deal for him. Either that or I think he will hand in a transfer request.
  16. Don't know, but this so called game plan for the transfer window is great. More like lame plan....
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