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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. What can you expect, it's the FA Cup third round. Hope more than expectation. It's just sad.
  2. Can we fuck off with this he isn't a clueless twat shit now. Jonas again
  3. Aye, it's the players fault Ian. He's a right little bugger. Fancy forcing his Manager to discuss his availability all f***ing summer. Nasty, nasty man. I think all the relevant parties have known about this for months btw.
  4. Can't believe that... we've openly mocked and rejected their bid. Would be massively strange. Anyway, we'll see I guess. I agree it makes no sense at all. Unless Cabaye is the one who's pulled out. Wouldn't be the first time either Getting tips from Remy. SORRY Remy gives the tip but doesnt pull out. Thats his problem. My Sofa pulls out. Remy doesn't.
  5. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqUOKpwE25gr1mCfBN6njeelRw~~_35.JPG North East Top Pogs
  6. Just a playful dig. You'd probably be a hell of a lot happier not being on here tbh I appreciate your concern, Jack. It's genuinely unexpected, but heartwarming. But, I'm comfortable in my happiness, for the time being. Bit stressed out over whether the new carpet will 'go' with the new sofa, without seeing them together first, like. I'm sure that's only natural, though, and it'll work out. This was nice. Does the carpet match the drapes?
  7. Which is never. Speaking of Marveaux, I don't think it's possible to be handsome when you're a dwarf. Tom Cruise is a giant.
  8. Coloccini is a good technical defender. Arguably MYM has all three of the attributes you have listed.
  9. This is what I don't understand. Arsenal will consider Man City a direct rival, so why unsettle one of our key players just before we play them? Mugs. Race for 4th. I would consider 5m and Walcott.
  10. Money to buy a decent winger and more game to Marveaux wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I like Cabaye but this could turn out ok.
  11. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljeozj3c931qa1id2o1_500.gif
  12. s*** analogy, dude was de facto second in command of the Empire. Kinnear is defacto second in command at NUFC. does that mean flunkies can order Kinnear around like they did Vader? Say what you want but Kinnear is overseeing NUFC for Ashley. Flunkies ordering him around? He found and invaded Hoth.
  13. s*** analogy, dude was de facto second in command of the Empire. Kinnear is defacto second in command at NUFC. Exactly.
  14. Shit analogy, dude was de facto second in command of the Empire.
  15. Or does he know that he won't be sold to anyone in Ligue 1 and this is a clever way of getting us to put a premium on his wages?
  16. playing for a draw is fine if you get a draw. If you lose after setting out for a point it makes for an incredibly frustrating watch.
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