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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. A prequisite for our starting midfielders no? I'd put Hayden in instead of Shelvey. Almiron instead of Joelinton.
  2. Its not so much the points for me (though 3 points would be great) it's the confidence a win provides. If we can't beat Norwich at home what other winnable fixtures are there. I do think we are capable of going on a run.
  3. But we’ll always have that assist against Arsenal
  4. Its not looking that slick at the moment is it? Like, I think it's ok to say that. They've made one appointment so far which seemed to take a while and patently wasn't the first choice. I don't know it just feels a little bit like they are still caught on the hop from the takeover getting announced and that perhaps the corportate structure doesn't lend itself to quick decision making. Now there may well be good reasons for all of the delays and I have no doubt they are trying their best it just doesn't scream well executed plan.
  5. I swear we did a short corner once when we had sent Krul up with the ball not ending up in the box.
  6. The trouble is he’s so immobile. He needs to play deep which means he ends up as cover for the defence and he just provides 0 protection. We actually have enough going forward (if fit) to not really need him to open teams up and I honestly think he will do more harm than good if he’s an ever present.
  7. We'll be fine (just about). I'd put us 50/50 right now.
  8. Wellllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well it’s a big joe!!!!!
  9. I hope his CV says how about an egg in this trying time.
  10. 24 matches 1 goal 1 assist v 93 Matches 18 Goals 14 Assists I liked Merino but come on.
  11. They should have adagio for strings as goal music
  12. I is plural in Italian so they might accept it.
  13. Four goals Harry, four! That’s insane.
  14. Princess Diana’s favourite ice cream.
  15. The movement in that video compared to our team
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