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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Took all the lightbulbs with him apparently.
  2. Man United having to pay over the odds to persuade players to make the step down.
  3. One thing is for sure if you were buying from Ashley you wouldn’t want to look like you had loads of money.
  4. There's been good references on here of late.
  5. I mean we could also not stalk a person, as it feels like something that is generally frowned upon. :lol: Nice try but you're still getting shot first.
  6. Spam definitely would float. The hair might be significant.
  7. If Ashley were to retain any of NUFC's IP post sale, then the hope would be such deals would be leaked and that IP would lose all its worth.
  8. Scottish journalist who violently masturbates over José Mourinho. Oh tell me why, does Duncan Castles work for Sky?
  9. Jesus wept. Some fucking people. Can we put the anguish emoji back in the forum banner please?
  10. A buyer is in a better negotiating position without Benitez there.
  11. I’m sorry but if the club were desperate to keep him this would have been sorted an age ago.
  12. Watched considerably less games last season and felt better for it.
  13. Thread is becoming comedy gold, there's fuck all else going on. Lighten up Comedy gold. I wouldn't even give it the wooden spoon. The cringe is off the charts. It's like when Stewart Lee spends 20 minutes doing deliberately unfunny material.
  14. Chocolate Hobnobs M and S Extremely Chocolatey Milk Chocolate Rounds Fruit Shortcakes Chocolate Digestives Chocolate Malted Milks Best Tea Dunkers EDIT: Also ginger nuts if you're willing to sacrifice some of the taste of the tea.
  15. The one exception to this is Biscotti. Belongs nowhere near tea but complements coffee.
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