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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. That's fair comment I think. Dabizas had a header that clipped the bar a few minutes before Shearer's shot came back off the inside of the post. Looking back now I've no doubt that if we had equalised Arsenal would have just been stung into life again and it would have made no difference.
  2. Pickford, seems to always bottle it against these as well as us
  3. Just realised they've put that useless cunt Hooper in charge of this. That's not going to end well.
  4. I'd be surprised if we win the cup against these, but I'll be very disappointed if we don't give them a proper game and make them sweat on it.
  5. Surprised they didn't take a closer look at that handball shout against Maguire. Not sure "pushing an opponent to the ground" would automatically be classed as a natural position for most teams defenders.
  6. Whoever is the commentator doesn't know how to tell if the officials have given a free kick for offside or handball. Which is poor really.
  7. Is it? Oh fair enough. For some reason I normally get Goodman confused with Alan Smith and his gloomy Midlands accent so thought it was the other dimwit
  8. Thought Pope was gonna decapitate Botman there. Camera angle deceptive
  9. Not sure if it's missing Bruno or that we're already focused on the final but I can't see us winning another league game until Wolves. Just lacklustre
  10. Fucking irony that the tube station he's clearly on about ("take the steps down") isn't Wembley Central ?‍♂️ Familiar though.
  11. Fatigue or Casemiro not being fit an available are your two main obstacles iro the final. I'd love to be wrong but I think Man Utd at Wembley will be a bridge too far for this team. Hope we give you a proper game this time though.
  12. Boro will class anyone from Berwick Rangers to Sheffield United as a "derby" game. They don't have the numbers of support that Newcastle or Sunderland do, so I just put it down to marketing, trying everything to get as many bums on seats as they can. Can't say I blame them really. Fuck knows what the pyro is about the night before an away game but each to their own innit.
  13. Been going on for as long as I can remember to some degree. Google Grobelaar spaghetti legs for example. All part of the penalty psychology for me. Don't see why anyone should be told where they can or can't stand while the penalty is being prepared, but if the keeper is still standing after the ref has told him to move back to his line then aye, a yellow card is clearly appropriate then. Same topic but slightly different- saw an interesting video last year about Chelsea and Liverpool countering the defending team's attempts to put the taker off by having one player grab the ball and pretend he is taking it, takes all the verbal, then someone else actually takes it. Clever. Putting my pedant hat on I think Krul was 2014 wasn't it?
  14. I'm not sure, I'm guessing Tindall. Didn't understand what was going on at the time, just thought the ref was being a fussy sod.
  15. Spectacular lack of self awareness as well
  16. I actually think pretending that the opposition had 12 players on, in order to get the ref to stop the game while he counts them is better. Like a really shit April Fools gag and completely shameless ?
  17. And was genuinely incapable of picking the ball up
  18. Is that what sent Fulhams bench off the deep end at the end? They were going ape shit about something. Not sure if it was just before or just after the "12th man" carryon.
  19. I thought Eddie has had a word about joining in the shithousery. When he announced half a substitution before the penalty I was sure he was going to suddenly shout the second bit during Mitrovic's run up!!
  20. Must be said mind, that tweet is written in the hysterical shrieky manner normally seen on the front page. Substitute "Sheffield Wednesday" for "the left" and "horror crush" for small boats. Hysteria like that doesn't really help anyone.
  21. The immediate reaction on twitter atvthe weekend was grim like. Blame the fans, was their own fault, they're only saying this because we beat them etc. If there was one fucking club that you'd think would be sensitive to it, it would be them.
  22. Remember after a couple of weeks living in Leeds I saw a lad in a Man Utd top walking through town. Literally froze, waiting for mass public disorder after everything I'd heard about how toxic and nasty their rivalry is. Was amazed that he was able to carry on shopping in peace
  23. I lived in Leeds from 2008 to 2015 and a few miles away since then so 14 years in total in and around the Leeds area. Until Bielsa you used to see more Man City tops around than Leeds. All of a sudden people who I'd known for the best part of a decade and had never mentioned football before were striding around in Leeds tops. Probably helped that having been mint for years the Rhinos suddenly turned shit around the same time.
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