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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Tough game this one, they're one of the best teams in the league imo and will have their best player Forestieri back. Guaranteed the pisshead up front will be right up for this one too. Shelveys availability- or otherwise- could be crucial.
  2. Yeah, most people thought yesterday was going to be difficult and so it turned out. Therefore another very good 3 points. Definitely. Burton might only have a 6k capacity stadium, but on the pitch they've been good especially at home where they'd only conceded 7 all season before yesterday. Was always going to be tough, it certainly was, and we didn't help ourselves with a series of basic errors handing them the initiative at times. Luckily Gayle and Diame kept their bottle, took their chances and it was a good 3 points to come away with. Nigel Clough has bleated on about a penalty they should have had in the 94th minute but I don't recall any incident or any big shouts from their players, anyone else recall this?!?
  3. Think it's negotiated between the clubs to an extent (although the police will obviously have a say) hence Hull giving man utd more than they gave us presumably so that they get a decent allocation for the old trafford leg. The mackems got a massive allocation at old Trafford when they were in the semis presumably because they gave paying man utd away fans a shedload of tickets for the SoL game ahead of their own freeloaders.
  4. Oh well, hopefully they get dumped out and the manure fans are more interested in leaning over giving the hull fans wanker signs than applauding their own team off at the end.
  5. It is the sort of thing you'd tell a player if you were trying to sign him mind. Story checks out for me. Unfortunately for Quinn, Baines obviously had two or more brain cells to rub together and saw through the cunning scam.
  6. Don't worry mate I'm sure their fans will all be along soon to explain how it's not their fault and actually the opposition is cheating not them.
  7. Dear Me... you'd expect that sort of stuff from a fans website or something, but thats the local rag??!!! The bitterness being shown, you'd think we'd cheated 2 of their players being sent off, and won the game??!!! The internet doesn't half turn people into tits like. Every Forest fan we saw in the chippy afterwards said that the refereeing was scandalous, they'd got away with one but they were very happy with the points thank you very much. We just said fair enough, hopefully it'll probably even itself out over the season. Thing is, that sort of stuff doesn't get as much attention as semi-literate drivel which is just published for the reaction. This journalist was on twitter peddling his shite yesterday and when he saw the reaction probably thought "I've got a canny piece of clickbait here like" and saw advertising revenue £-signs in his eyes. As for the Forest fans, fuck knows why they're so put out about the whole thing, probably due to the current state of their club. If I'd seen my club win two European Cups then fall into a state where they haven't been in the top flight for nearly 20 years, play in a shitty small stadium with thousands of empty seats for one of the biggest games of the season despite the presence of shitloads of Norwegian tourists (who seem to be the only people that bother to support Forest these days) then I'd probably be damaged in some way too.
  8. Even weirder given that they just got three points handed to them on a plate against us too!!!
  9. Forest fans are on twitter in meltdown about it. You'd think they'd be happy with their cheated three points.
  10. Can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to change a winning team/formation. Probably because we change the team every single game and it rarely, if ever fails. Can't for the life of me understand why anyone would keep posting 4-4-2 formations despite the fact that Rafa has always and will always play 4-2-3-1 Yet he said 2 weeks ago that he is willing to play them both together but doesn't know when. Blackburn are an awful team in relatively awful form compared to us so today wouldn't be the worst time to try. It'll be when we need a goal with 20 minutes left. Think Norwich at home. I know what people are saying, but I just think for the time being if it's not broke don't fix it. Having said that, if we go up I think we'll struggle to get goals with this formation next season as I don't see either Mitro or Gayle as a 20 goal PL striker and I don't see any of the "3" as being capable of chipping in regularly enough to compensate in that league. 4-4-2 could definitely be worth experimenting with later in the season.
  11. as if that was up for 15 hours before anyone pulled me up on it! People probably reading it thinking "a'reet weirdo, I'm steering clear of you, fucking racist." For the benefit of any doubt, it was a shit autocorrect folks.
  12. shints- damed if he does, damned if he doesn't!!
  13. I can't see why any action should be taken against wolves players. If a player thinks he hears his team-mate being racially abusrd he should report it. I don't think it's been made up from nothing, more likely he misheard something shelvey said?? But even if it is the completely unfounded malicious accusation some seem to think it is, if the only "evidence" is one person's word against another then punishing the wolves player based on that would make about as much sense as punishing shelvey on it.
  14. There's definitely something a bit off about this. Iirc personal hearings are normally convened within a few days and organised/announced pretty much as soon as the accused requests one aren't they? It's like the FA didn't expect him to deny the charge and have a witness to back his story up so they're either thinking "shit we should be backing down now" or they're scrambling around trying to find some additional more concrete evidence.
  15. They've got someone called Ronaldo Vieira I the team. With a name like that I'll be disappointed if he's not a bit special.
  16. aye we f***ing owe them like Yep. The main thing that pisses me off about their "6 in a row" gloating is that when we were good and hammering them every derby the reason it wasn't more than 5 is that they were hiding in the lower leagues for part of that time. It was similar when we were good under Keegan and Robson. IF we come up and do well under Rafa I'd be a bit pissed off if they weren't there to take some beatings off us.
  17. How the f*** was that Brighton player not brought back for a yellow?!?
  18. The absolute state of their fans complaining that Rafa won manager of the month is ludicrous. Are they? A couple of days ago you couldn't go on twitter and type nufc into the search without coming across a mass tantrum from all leeds fans that monk didn't win manager of the month, funny as fuck!! The crack of "you spent lots of money and have a cl-winning manager you were always going to be top" doesn't seem to be aimed at 14th placed aston villa, who actually did spend a lot of money with their cl-winning manager for some reason
  19. The cock.and lion just off bond st generally has quite a few london mags in for sky games
  20. Well yes, it will be impossible for someone with no loyalty points to get a ticket for Leeds, that's because demand will massively outstrip supply. And that's why we have a loyalty points system. As has been pointed out above, there have been many chances over the past few years (and even this season) to earn loyalty points and "start somewhere" as you put it. Thing is, by their very nature the games that are more likely to go to zero are games against not-particularly-glamourous clubs who can give larger allocations due to having a small fanbase or games that are a bit of a trek to get to where less fans will want to travel to. And to be honest, if people have built up loyalty points going to the likes of wigan, reading, portsmouth etc or going regularly when we've been shit the last few years it's absolutely right that when the likes of leeds or sunderland come around and everyone wants to go they get first dibs. I might miss out on Forest and probably will miss out on Burton- it'll be disappointing but at least I know that everyone that was able to buy a ticket ahead of me deserved to (of course what they then do with that ticket is a different story but the loyalty system can't fix that!) I do get your frustration like, but there's a reason the system is in place and if you're starting from scratch, why not buy a ticket the next time an away game goes to zero wherever it is, you'll enjoy the experience as much regardless. To answer the OP, I do have sympathy with the view that the system could be adapted to say a rolling 5 or 10 year period -in fact it would probably benefit me in honesty- but I like the simplicity of the current system. I don't think people's support should simply be struck from the record if they've been going donkeys years ago but can't go away so regularly now but still have their s/t (thinking more along the lines of if we got to Wembley than the more popular aways on this one mind.) It'll always be a topic for discussion this one, like, especially if Rafas regime goes the way we want it to, but as long as there are always some games going to 0pts / members sales every season I think the current system works. One thing I'd change though would be to give members a point for away games, (I don't think that currently happens?) even if they can't benefit from these points until they buy a season ticket. Sorry for the long post all.
  21. Brings to mind the incident in the San Siro where Vieri was accused of calling LuaLua a monkey. Uefa came to the conclusion that it was one player's word against another and although they had no reason to doubt what LuaLua said there was no evidence to convict Vieri of either. Probably helped that he played for a glamourous club too mind. This is the FA and this is Newcastle so it'll be 5 matches at least. If he has done it he needs to own up and face his punishment like a man, if he hasn't he should come out and deny it strongly. If he denies it I hope he isn't just banned without any conclusive evidence.
  22. I was there. First half was shocking. We basically took our chances. We battled hard and showed we can win ugly, which is great. At game:sat with Preston fans: as above Same as every other away game I've seen this season (I wasn't at qpr). Safety first, gamble that they'll make a mistake before we do. 9 times out of 10 he'll be right. First half in particular we struggled to adapt to not having Gayles pace up front and couldn't get out of our half at times. Second half we controlled the tempo a bit better, but it was tight at the end. PNE will be pushing for the playoffs I reckon. The ref was basically out of his depth throughout. Gave them everything throughout most of the match bit apparently has then denied them a blatant pen in the 10th minute of the 6 minutes injury time he played. Ritchies booking was the result of an absolute swan-dive from their centre back, yet again making a mockery of the idea this league would be "too physical" for us!!
  23. It has been mentioned once or twice recently!!!
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