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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Remember an away game in the 80's when somebody got thrown in the Trent.it was handily placed next to Notts county's ground. The day was filled with comic book violence,unbelievably some grounds back then had freedom of movement for fans inside and this was one of them. There was this big ginger lump in a sheepskin and he was lamping Toon fans left, right and centre.One of the lads in our crowd got his head dunked in the hamburger vans containers, with brine and onions. He was fucking reeking on the bus back.....and we got beat as usual,great times
  2. It's obvious Rafa has sorted his swede out. With his talent and the right application , he already had the best tutor, he can become a great if he puts the work in. I truly hope it is with us.
  3. Needs a pace doctor, though
  4. The bloke who did the Tarzan yell in the 80s, didn't matter what end you were in you could hear it from anywhere
  5. Would love dirty Leeds at home if we progress
  6. Want him to start but the choice between him and Gayle is healthy competition. Suspect his next start will be in the cup and wouldn't bet against him scoring. It's great to hear those Rafa quotes about his application in training.
  7. Pirlo - like at finding space, hope he can keep it up against prem opposition when we romp this division, the glorious baldy bastard
  8. How much do you hate the Romans? A lot. Pardew is a greasy cunt forever
  9. David Platt been relieved of duties from FC Pune, been spending too much time up at the Ashram in them communal showers allegedly
  10. He won't be falling out of the pubs at 11 in Aston every night, there isn't any
  11. Holloway


    I hope Wiggsy gets a job soon, his punditry is making me ears bleed
  12. Numptie is a Scottish word isn't it? That's what I am for taking them for a point
  13. Holloway


    Seems it doesn't matter who the manager is, all over the shop!
  14. Holloway


    It says something when it's a relief to see cockney parody Ray fackin Winstone's ridiculous posturing
  15. Humped up the arse also by Wales, very uncomfortable
  16. One of my favourite crowd reactions from the days of the terraces was when there had been a change of ends at the warm up and the opposing keeper would jog towards the Leazes end, the whole end would start applauding him. You could see that this had made a good impression on him and he would start to clap back at the Leazes enders. This would be met with the biggest collective roar of fuck off and flicking the v's. I nearly pissed meself that first time and used to look forward to it every home game for years to come, it was fucking marvellous
  17. Holloway

    Isaac Hayden

    How much rest does a young man need then, play on the Saturday then a week on Wednesday, is that enough?
  18. Our fans? We know all about them ...
  19. Haha it was definitely the occasion getting the better of them, like. They rushed the front twice and spilled onto pitch side, for the disallowed one and the equaliser. We thought it was bother but it was just them being nuggets. Truly dreadful away trip it is, a desolate landscape populated by muggy fucking idiots
  20. Cautious, ruthless fucker heh heh
  21. Just expecting him to be binned after the McClarver months tbh, he's still here annoying every cunt with every breath he takes
  22. Anyone who rates him is thick as fuck apparently, Championship level is about where he is at imo. Yet Rafa continues his involvement, such a puzzle.
  23. The bung merchants have the fattest messed up heeds right the way up to Platini pork chops
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