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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. It's probably an observation,about pirrouetting.
  2. Been going since the year after we last won silverware so aye I' ll take a cup win
  3. Feels like I' ve overrated his potential the more I see him, not showing enough improvement at this stage and it's a bit of a let down
  4. De-Pardewed and Re-Benitezed have a certain glow about them
  5. The sublime skill masks the push with the left arm, but howay let it go
  6. I'm getting greedy and warming up to the prospect of a half decent cup run
  7. One of those push on moments in a season, where we have failed so miserably in the past. Steely 2-0
  8. Ah yeah, I see how I' ve misread it. Thought it was the persecution complex running riot
  9. I'm on about the whimpering that surrounds this chap on here, see the 2 posts above you. Pathetic, comical, call it what you want
  10. To get this man here at the absolute mess this club finds itself in is a fucking godsend man, I wouldn't swap him for any manager in the world.
  11. Isn't he fucking off as soon as we win something, like on the Monday? Ashley, that is.
  12. Holloway


    Ah, Supermac. First ever hero in the black and white, everyone I knew adored him, fucking cockney hehe.Home debut hatrick against the mighty Liverpool then stretchered off after a collision with Ray Clemence knocked his front teeth out. Caveman appearance enhanced thereafter, with big fuck off sideburns.Although Shearer easily surpassed his exploits years later, I' ve never since seen a number 9 quite like Macdonald. Lethal on both feet, strong in the air, barrell chested and bandy legged, and ran like the fucking wind.Fine supporting cast in Hibbitt, Tudor, Jinky Jim and Stewie Barraclough, never amounted to.more than mid table though. His book is a decent read, a botched knee operation caused him years of pain where he sought relief in whisky which lead to his reliance. Has always been a massive gob though, and one game where he was co commentator I had to turn the sound off haha! Loves the club through and through and that's good enough for me.
  13. 22 minutes to spend the 30 mill
  14. Have they got one of his agents posted on the door of the medical centre going ' erm had on Moussa, the Spuds want you for an extra grand a week, get your jockeys back on and Let's get out of dodge'
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