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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Fair enough, so who is your man to replace him? None of the anti Rafa lot ever answer that question. Odd. Either people back up their argument with names, or just shut the fuck up. So let's hear those names folks.
  2. Fair enough, so who is your man to replace him?
  3. Question for the Rafa haters.......given our spend in the Summer, and the 'quality' of our squad, where did you expect us to finish in the league this season?
  4. Was thinking that myself, there's a few duds but there's lots and lots class signings in there, some of them absolutely outstanding. Nice work dean lad.
  5. You use commas for ellipses, think Lejeune cost 7mil and spell Daryl with a double R. Do you have a Sunderland post code? How much did Lejeune cost then?. No I don't have a Sunderland postcode heaven forbid anyone that even challenges or questions anything that happens with our club is branded a Mackem by some kid who cant see through the black and white glasses Looka the bigger picture here love Rafa all you like, praise him all you like the cold hard truth is hes taking us down and will be deemed a failure when he does so You telling people to look at the bigger picture? Have a word with yourself you fucking clown.
  6. Was Joselu his first choice? Or a last resort due to financial restrictions from Ashley? It doesn't f***ing matter he decided to sign him, he wasn't forced at gunpoint to say yes. He sold a guy in Darryl Murphy who would have been far more effective than this plank He was essentially forced to sign dross like Joselu and Manq due to having no other option, you monumental toss pot I'm sure he would of loved Cenk Tosun and Luke Shaw, but guess what? NEWSFLASH. MIKE ASHELY OWNS US. Youre the tosspot for thinking Mike Ashley decides who we sign. A manager can say no you know. Do a bit of f***ing research and look at some of the absolute s**** that he signed for Liverpool too Oh I suppose Hicks and Gillet forced him to sign that s**** too Wow, just fucking wow.
  7. If you sign s*** you get s*** doesn’t matter how you mask it that’s what happens. But as I said not even giving Mitrovich a look in is criminal. Joselu is woeful and yet gets more game time than just about anyone. Joselu was one of our better players today mind.
  8. Maybe West Ham was his chance but couldn't run past someone without throwing his elbow in his face, got caught, got banned and thus f***ed it up completely by himself? Just a theory. Probably. It hasn't stopped the gormless twat Shelvey getting picked mind.
  9. I'm not a fan of his in any shape or form, but I definitely think he should have been given more of a go this season.
  10. Given the difference in resources/quality, last night was nothing more than a damage limitation exercise. We avoided a hammering/any injuries and hopefully morale is still good for Saturday......could have actually knicked a draw too! Absolutely no complaints from me.
  11. Get to fuck you absolute thundercunt.
  12. Pulis record at WBA was shocking yes and he rightly deserved the sack, anyone no matter who you are if you have that kind of record you deserve the sack...Mourinho,Van Gaal,Ancelotti have all been sacked too for s*** records Rafa takes 1 point from f***ing 27 though and hes absolved of all blame on all counts Yes we are a championship team and f***ed up majorly in the summer because of such tight restraints but the players we did buy are absolute garbage and a complete waste of 30m quid and this lad Kenedy will be no different. Tart it up all you like but 1 point from 27 is a sackable offence imo You’ve just said yourself that we’re a Championship team and yet you expect Rafa to be winning games in the PL with it. You’ve just contradicted yourself enormously! We are a championship team simply because we failed in the summer to move on from a championship team to a lower half premier league team. We bought players who have failed at premier league clubs and championship players. We failed to get rid of the s**** that contributed to us getting relegated in the first instance and yet these players still get gametime for us 2 years after that relegation. Im not contradicting myself at all. You mean to tell me that Benitez plays absolutely no part in us failing to get better players than what we bought and its all the fault of the team behind him. I really don't buy that at all after all this is the same Benitez that went to war with Gillet & Hicks over them not letting him sign Gareth Barry to replace Xabi Alonso He has signed these players or do people on here think he was just given them on a plate. Surely to god there were better options out there for the money we spent Murphy 12m.....Lejeune 8m......Joselu. 5m.....Atsu 6m....Manquillo 5m....All f***ing rubbish Money wasted on s**** Were they his first choice players, the players he had lined up for months? It doesn't matter, if you wanted a Maserati but couldn't afford it would you just settle for a clapped out Nova that couldn't move just for the sake of having a car...no The players he bought are no better than the s**** that was already here,,,is Joselu any better than Darryl Murphy..no, It is ok to criticise Benitez you know you aren't going to hell for blasphemy for it Ten years of Ashley mismanagement, and the penny still hasn't dropped for you yet?
  13. Pulis record at WBA was shocking yes and he rightly deserved the sack, anyone no matter who you are if you have that kind of record you deserve the sack...Mourinho,Van Gaal,Ancelotti have all been sacked too for s*** records Rafa takes 1 point from f***ing 27 though and hes absolved of all blame on all counts Yes we are a championship team and f***ed up majorly in the summer because of such tight restraints but the players we did buy are absolute garbage and a complete waste of 30m quid and this lad Kenedy will be no different. Tart it up all you like but 1 point from 27 is a sackable offence imo You’ve just said yourself that we’re a Championship team and yet you expect Rafa to be winning games in the PL with it. You’ve just contradicted yourself enormously! We are a championship team simply because we failed in the summer to move on from a championship team to a lower half premier league team. We bought players who have failed at premier league clubs and championship players. We failed to get rid of the s**** that contributed to us getting relegated in the first instance and yet these players still get gametime for us 2 years after that relegation. Im not contradicting myself at all. You mean to tell me that Benitez plays absolutely no part in us failing to get better players than what we bought and its all the fault of the team behind him. I really don't buy that at all after all this is the same Benitez that went to war with Gillet & Hicks over them not letting him sign Gareth Barry to replace Xabi Alonso He has signed these players or do people on here think he was just given them on a plate. Surely to god there were better options out there for the money we spent Murphy 12m.....Lejeune 8m......Joselu. 5m.....Atsu 6m....Manquillo 5m....All f***ing rubbish Money wasted on s**** Were they his first choice players, the players he had lined up for months?
  14. Pulis record at WBA was shocking yes and he rightly deserved the sack, anyone no matter who you are if you have that kind of record you deserve the sack...Mourinho,Van Gaal,Ancelotti have all been sacked too for s*** records Rafa takes 1 point from f***ing 27 though and hes absolved of all blame on all counts Yes we are a championship team and f***ed up majorly in the summer because of such tight restraints but the players we did buy are absolute garbage and a complete waste of 30m quid and this lad Kenedy will be no different. Tart it up all you like but 1 point from 27 is a sackable offence imo You’ve just said yourself that we’re a Championship team and yet you expect Rafa to be winning games in the PL with it. You’ve just contradicted yourself enormously! Was thinking that myself.
  15. Agreed. Bizarro signing.
  16. Used to quite often see Big Sol filling his face in Arlo' s in Jesmond, it's fair to say he could put his bait away.
  17. Personally, I don't think it'll happen now. I think PCP will sit back til the end of the season, and maybe pick us up for half the price. Would be very surprised if they bought us in our current precarious situation.
  18. Great post earlier HTT, pretty much sums up how I feel.
  19. It would be nice to have had a similar Allardyce sit back and defend a goal lead masterclass in recent weeks tbf. Here man, fuck off you arsehole.
  20. The lad in the Gulf has just said that the deal is not done yet. An increased bid has been made which looks promising but nothing has been agreed thus far.
  21. For me he kind of is to be honest. Partly because any criticism directed at him is diverted from where it truly belongs, but also because he's by a considerable margin the best manager we'll ever get under this regime. If we get taken over, he spends 50 million+ on new players and still isn't getting results then I might have a few words to say, but until then for me he's bulletproof. Ditto.
  22. I think Lascelles and even Dummett coming back should see us looking more solid at the back. A new keeper and a striker and I think we should just have enough to survive.
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