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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. UncleBingo


    Shameful behaviour, there should be an FA investigation IMHO. The Morally Bankrupt of England Club.
  2. UncleBingo


    They almost certainly knew he was guilty, this is from a legal fella I know......"SAFC would have had copies of the advice from Counsel (Orlando Pownall QC is a big, big cheese in crime) and copies of the prosecution evidence once he was charged. They will have known the content of the whatsapp messages straightaway." They knew and played him to save themselves, which is utterly despicable in my opinion, and you're right, the FA should investigate it. The classy c***s. Would they have all that though? Strictly speaking they're nothing to do with this case, it's a matter between the crown and Johnson. Basically if an employee is charged with a child sexual offence, then there is procedure to follow for the employers. As a football club would have children of all ages on it's premises, they have a duty to consider there being any further risk of him reoffending while on bail. That is why in most cases like this, the employee would be suspended pending the outcome, simply to be on the safe side. Most SAFC fans seem to think that the club would simply ask him if he was guilty, he denies it, and they carry on, innocent until proven guilty and all that. However there's more to it than that. The club need to investigate further to see if they aren't putting children at risk, their legal people must have spoken to him, social services and the police. They would also have had to look into the CPS case itself and as my legal friend has said, they would have known the details of the case and the evidence against him. If they didn't do this, they were negligent themselves.
  3. UncleBingo


    They almost certainly knew he was guilty, this is from a legal fella I know......"SAFC would have had copies of the advice from Counsel (Orlando Pownall QC is a big, big cheese in crime) and copies of the prosecution evidence once he was charged. They will have known the content of the whatsapp messages straightaway." They knew and played him to save themselves, which is utterly despicable in my opinion, and you're right, the FA should investigate it. The classy cunts.
  4. The same lad has said that they're going for Berahino. Can't see it myself.
  5. A current England international has agreed to sign, according to a usually reliable poster on another site.
  6. Said this back in August. We would have been comfortably in midtable by now if we'd had Austin instead of this fat pudding.
  7. Keeps on missing very presentable chances and looks incredibly slow. It might upset a few on here but I think he's a pudding. Should have bought Austin.
  8. Our 'captain' has been a liability for a couple of seasons now, really sad to see as he was an excellent defender in his day. Giving him a new contract was one of the worst pieces of transfer business this club as ever done imho, and that's saying something. Was a penalty for me, but never a red. On the plus side, he'll get to spend a couple of extra days playing with his rabbit.
  9. He looks like an alcoholic bus driver and simply reeks of failure and piss. As much as I'd love to sack him, it's not going to happen and even if it did, imagine the clip of the next useless cunt on Ashley's list. Utterly depressing on every level.
  10. Krul Mbambu Colo Mbemba Janmatt Gouffran Wijnaldum Anita Sissoko Perez Mitrovic .....apparently!
  11. If only the false 9 brigaders hadn't hounded him out ey? I see that one still stings. It's alright TCD football out hipstered the lot of you. Stings more to see what I thought were good lads like you bringing up that c*** Pardew as some sort of saviour figure. f*** no. Not my intention. Pardew is and always will be a c***, doesn't mean I can't say I honestly think he'd be doing better than this. It might be hard to take, but doesn't make it less true. Pardew isn't the answer, neither is this guy. This. As much as I hate the slimey c***, I just can't see him doing as badly as Carver & McClown have. As bad as it was under Pardew, it's unbelievably got a whole lot worse. Well done Ashley, well done.
  12. At what point do you lot admit you were wrong?
  13. What's your stance on pig f***ing? To be fair, I fucked a few pigs when I was a student, don't see what all the fuss is about.
  14. Players taken off due to the amount of missiles being thrown onto the pitch at Marseilles. Fucking arseholes. Can only imagine UEFA's reaction if this was England.
  15. The first of a few I suspect, pretty brutal this mind.
  16. That's best case scenario, it was a generic pet straw so it's possible he might even have a guinea pig. A guinea pig ffs. They are a delicacy in South America Maybe he's fattening it up on the supermarket grade meat? A lot more respect for the fella if he is.
  17. That's best case scenario, it was a generic pet straw so it's possible he might even have a guinea pig. A guinea pig ffs.
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