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Everything posted by OCK

  1. In fairness to Coloccini he did break his back while playing for us.
  2. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    Because everyone loves Football Manager, looking at their details Yarney's predicted potential player ability suggest he'll be a lower end League One player. O'Connor's predicted player potential ability suggests middling League Two standard. Well that's not bad. It's a step up from Steffan Broccoli's potential of "Left untouched on the side of the plate after being mistaken for a little tree"
  3. Cracking signing for Leeds. I wish him the best of luck and hope he gets the football he deserves. Top bloke. ... how nobody has turned your internet off yet, I'll never know. I was hoping you'd have buggered off while I was away.
  4. OCK


    Yeah. My thoughts go to his parents and family who seem to have been solid as a rock. Defo has rightly had a lot of praise for how he's befriended and been there for Bradley throughout all of this, but his parents have to be given huge praise too. I can't imagine having to go through what they've went through if my own little boy had been in a similar situation. RIP Bradley.
  5. Got some wonderful tomato sauce up here in the chip shop in Palmersville. Huddlestone will love it.
  6. You watch your mouth, I'll have you know that Ojo is an NUFC Icon in the year 2020. You'll find that £2.4m was the best money Newcastle ever spent, way better than the £15m they wasted on Jack Grealish.
  7. OCK

    Emmanuel Rivière

    Well yeah, but how cool do you look?
  8. I'm honestly finding the self created dread and despair in this thread pretty funny.
  9. Steve Nickson is canny and knows his stuff. He changed the culture of scouts at Newcastle when he arrived, so his heart is in the correct place. He wants talent over numbers. Before he arrived the grassroot and regional scouts used to just bombard the office with scouting reports regardless of the quality of the player. Why? Scouts wanted that finders fee and what better way to get it than just throwing a ton of shit at the wall and hoping something would stick. It doesn't work like that now.
  10. Shelvey is class. You know if he goes into a tackle it's because he wants to wreck someone who has been winding him up all game. There is no other time.
  11. Full credit to him and his family for making that decision.
  12. Which one of you is that nutter 'Real Geordie' on Youtube?
  13. Still easier, cheaper and friendly to go to the pub/club and watch it there. Nobody made Sky or BT pay the stupid prices they paid for the rights to broadcast.
  14. OCK


    Fair play to Defoe - I gather he's left it as long as possible so not to upset his little mate Defoe has been a class act, and in a time where it sometimes feels like football has moved away from its fans Defoe has done everything he can do for Bradley and his family. I can't think of anyone in football who has done as much as Defoe has and still play. I hope he gets a great reception at every Stadium he plays at next season, especially SJP. He's been a real hero.
  15. OCK


    In fairness to sunderland they've already experienced one takeover this Summer.
  16. Those 'I'm not a homophobe but...' reactions on facebook.
  17. You'd be surprised how widespread this is, and how behind the times clubs are with knowing how to react and how to deal with it. They treat it like a short term injury. They have no clue at all, in some cases leaving it to the club Chaplin to act as a counsellor. It should be said that it's not just players that need to be looked after but the non-playing staff too. Not mentioning any clubs in particular by the way.
  18. OCK

    The Coaching Staff

    I hope this is true. I really hope it's true. He was awful. Just full of 'banter' and nowt else. I want to be on the training pitch to see Cech's reaction.
  19. Played a season with Glandular Fever. Can't knock him for that.
  20. Mental. I mean I get the idea that they can't follow up and score if they shoot and it hits the bar, as I bet there are players out there who are good enough to use that to their advantage. However, to not allow them to get the rebound off of the keeper? Come on. Next they'll be saying goalkeepers can't drop the ball onto their own foot and kick it. I now they change the rules around in other sports, but I don't know... I'm too old and too much of an arse to ever feel like I'll accept them changing the rules of football around. Why would a player purposely try and hit the bar and score a rebound rather than actually just shooting?!! Why would you stagger your run, do a panenka, feint to shoot with your right but prod with your left - cos you're a cocky t*** and you can. Aye, I said as much. I can't say I've ever seen a player do this though?!! Because they're not allowed, it's against the rules. If the penalty taker shoots and the ball hits the post/crossbar the penalty taker can't be the first person to touch the ball
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