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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. How is this thread so busy? Everytime I step away and come back to it theres pages and pages to read........of nothing but shite
  2. As far as Im aware it means nothing more than giving the rights to your loyalty bonus should you actually leave. Seems to be quite a rare thing nowadays.
  3. We all know that Howe and his methods can improve players and Ive no doubt the same will be true of ASM. Who knows, he may even improve Wood.
  4. What about Harvey Yorke?
  5. Or to pay the gas bill for the canteen after Bruces bacchanalia's.
  6. Possibly. but youre right its been deleted. It was 2 lads standing either side of AP and the one on the left had his party sausage poking over the top of his shorts
  7. WTF is going on in that photo in the replies?
  8. Possibly. When he started pre season he was slightly chubby i thought.
  9. Lazarus

    Emil Krafth

    Does Krafu not have a highlights vid on youtube? Cant find one.
  10. Lazarus

    Emil Krafth

    Steve Bruce has really let himself go...
  11. Havnt we got a twitter thread AND a youtube thread? Got as far as him using the force to open his blinds and srarted questioning my life choices. If i wanted to watch a naff superhero If watch a Marvel film.
  12. Both as bad as each other in my book. Bruce and his excuses - Pardoo with his arrogance. That squad that got to 5th though . Current squad needs maybe 3 more quality additions to match it.
  13. Lazarus

    Joe Willock

    Willock is almost like a forward who likes to play in the vertical channels except he's doing it in midfield. Cant remember which one it is - Mezzala or Carriello ?? Cant be arsed to fire up FM to check.
  14. Lazarus


  15. I used to work with a lass a few years back who when she parked up it would look like the car had been abandoned after being stolen. Didnt matter how much the arse end or front stuck out, how sideways the car was or even if it was in a parking bay. Not a single shit was given. Was really annoying like.
  16. It is amazing like. The playing staff have gone from part time to full time (as has the manager) and whole departments are being staffed and probably being created too. How on earth do you run a premier league club on skeleton staff?
  17. Anyone else read that from top to bottom at first?
  18. Does he snap at defenders heels?
  19. https://twitter.com/JustWorldies/status/1545354757988040704?s=20&t=6ozuxM4Di4kFGF-5IILF8Q
  20. Were clearly concentrating on outgoings at the moment - not sure what the problem is
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