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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. @HTT II was right - he is Mexican!
  2. Was really hoping Chelsea would implode under a regime of austerity and cost cutting. Ah well....
  3. Yeah but our definition of cost effective has changed with the takeover. Personally i think every single possible way of expanding the ground should be looked at exhaustively and only when they have all been ruled out, should a move be considererd.
  4. Woooo. Mackems are gonna have a field day with the 'in principle ' shite arnt day?
  5. Maybe they ran out of 8mm tape for the Technicolour camera
  6. Aye - weve got - as a minimum - the money earmarked for Ekitiki left for a forward. Plus, a couple of squad fillers. And possibly - similar Ekitiki/Bruno money for a RW
  7. Whats his job? Putting the cones out and taking the players betting slips to ladbrooks?
  8. Didnt Shearer score a grand total of 7 (ish) goals by the age of 22? Makes his overall record, with 2 seasons missing due to injury, even more impressive.
  9. Yeah but he was our embarrassment.
  10. Pepe is Brazilian isnt he?
  11. I thought he was about to review a pizza takeaway or chippy
  12. I was thinking Woodgate was around £18m fro some reason. This is what happens when you drink on a school night Laz
  13. Is that Woodgate? Memories a bit hazy but wasnt Woodgates fee partially offset against Owen's fee?
  14. Assuming Targetts £13m is this window and Botmans fee is £37m, add in £10m for Pope then our spend this window is about £60m. We should be able to double that this window I would think.
  15. Any legal challenge to these new rules that is successful will surely open the super league door again, wouldnt it?
  16. Lazarus


    Yeah - they should have had a much higher profile. Ginger is indeed a prolific songwriter. I saw Love/Hate at the mayfair in 1992 but dont remember them supporting. I saw them a few years later at the Riverside, great gig though my hips were crushed up against the barrier at the front and sweat would rain from the ceiling
  17. Thats it - wages and FFP. If its true our highest earner is Bruno on 120k per week I cant see us paying much more than that. I dont think we'll go big on any transfers until weve got some serious sponsorship deals in place.
  18. I dont think were able to spend £80m on a single player yet so yes, fake news. So hes not coming, unless Naopli sell him at a substantial loss. Pacqueta was rumoured to be £60m ish but I cant see us spending more than Bruno money on a single player this window. Happy to be proved wrong though
  19. Lazarus

    Footy trivia

    One single player has scored 2 hat-tricks at different world cups. Who?
  20. Whats Osimhen gonna cost though - £80M+ ? Looking at his vids on youtube he seems to be quite one footed and loves to sweep the ball into the net with his right foot. If we go for him, were gonna need some serious quality on the right.
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