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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Has he actually put on more weight?
  2. I used to love watching Walter Samuel and Paulo Montero. Great defenders.
  3. Whens he getting here for his medical - January?
  4. Looks like something @Rocker would draw...
  5. We dont have a squad capable of top 4, despite our 2nd half of the season form. I dont think weve even got a squad capable of 7th yet tbh. We also had a squad that had been fine tuned for PL survival ONLY. The cups were binned off asap. So if we are competing in 3 competitions next season AND pushing for a european place, then we need a MUCH stronger squad.
  6. Lazarus

    Nick Pope

    Been watching some of his compilation vids on youtube. He seems to make just as many saves with his body as with his hands. He also doesnt seem to be particularly agile or have quick reflexes but hes actually deceptively good with both.
  7. Lazarus

    Nick Pope

    Wonder if he can spray holy venom up to 25 ft?
  8. Lazarus

    Nick Pope

    Loves them. Wary of defenders that are hard as nails though.
  9. https://www.whoisthesecretfootballer.co.uk/dave-kitson/
  10. Whatever happenned to the Secret Footballer ? Was it ever revealed who it was?
  11. Lazarus


    I know, i know but the poor bloke is about to pay 35p for gas. FOR GAS ! Aah well
  12. Lazarus


    Not sure Les Paul in peace would have been any better
  13. Lazarus


    Strange bunch over on RTG. Tried to register an account in order to help a poster who complaining about his businesses energy bills. Been waiting on admin approval on the account and now my username no longer exists. Do they geo check IP addresses or something?
  14. Dan the Clerical Officer?
  15. Alreet Cilla calm down.
  16. On @Rocker's river. Only watched the 1st half as it was poor. The ref LOVED stopping the game for every foul and dished out 5 or 6 yellow cards. Didnt see Obertan on the team sheet. One lad called Cole Frame reminded me of Bellamy somewhat. I think the other side had a lad called Tallboys
  17. Picked a random match to watch tonight - North Carolina vs Charlotte Independence. Match not that great so far but some strong tackles going in. Crowd seems quiet but half of them seem to be wandering around. Corner routines seem to involve everyone standing on the penalty spot. Matthew McConaghey seems to be the commentator. Someones started banging a drum.
  18. Whats the plan for the Mexican gangs and hundreds of thousands of football fans being in close proximity?
  19. Aye - a proper pre season fitness program should work wonders with him. Then theres the better players, the better facilities, the better staff..... Be like a new signing
  20. Came over for his medical and has accidently been shipped to Rwanda is what I heard
  21. I was gonna say Kevin Phillips but then i remembered he won the European Golden Boot one PL season.
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