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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Lazarus


    Thats great Total bromance.
  2. Yes - I thought he was sympathetic to the problems that Trump faced in trying to change things while acknowledging his flaws - at least thats how I read it.
  3. That was always blind luck as you had to be within a FUCKING MICRON of the centre of the ball based on a tiny pic. My granda used to play it all the time.
  4. I took Mearsheimer to be pro trump from here: https://lobelog.com/bacevich-and-mearsheimer-on-year-one-of-the-trump-administration/ And I took Pilger to be pro trump from his comments here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Pilger#Comments_about_Donald_Trump_and_Hillary_Clinton
  5. Cant be arsed with an argumenmt at this time of night but its interesting that those names are all pro trump, except Kennan who died in 2005. And Hitchens is a special kind of clown.
  6. Lazarus

    Dan Burn

    Has owt been said about the bandage thats been covering his upper left arm? Is it an injury or is covering up a tattoo or some thing?
  7. There not gonna say if hes got the shits or owt are they
  8. Im not sure but the running style looks like Almiron??
  9. Goal of the season contender surely? Also - I think Big Joe next to Bruno will do a lot of his donkey work for him and Bruno wont tire as easily. Shelvey doesnt have the engine to do that.
  10. Lazarus

    Epic NUFC photos

    Never realised he had such a big head.
  11. A FW, a RW, a DM and a CB for the 1st team would be the absolute minimum, and each for big bucks. But theres also a bit of deadwood elsewhere in the squad too.
  12. Lazarus

    Dan Burn

    Hes an expert reader of the game, which in addition to his composure means he never has to panic or make last ditch tackles. It makes him a complete contrast to Lascelles and Clark.
  13. Willocks usually has a quiet first half then comes to life in the 2nd.
  14. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    We could call it a Dossier....
  15. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    I think we should knock up some plans and present them to Amanda.
  16. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    Scroll your mouse around the full 360 degrees - this is what your saying should be moved brick by brick. Its a bit bigger than Captain Cooks cottage. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.9765857,-1.6206826,3a,60y,315.84h,85.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbEQC55bRp1kA0A9_oUvOQA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
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