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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. By the way, think I just heard on TalkShite that Andy Carroll injured Eriksen on Saturday, who’ll be out until April…. … fucking legend!
  2. Given the ‘edge’ towards the end of the last game, these fuckers better watch their tackles on our lovely boys. (Just sharing latest wave of ‘What ifs’ running through my mind…. Nah, still don’t feel less worried).
  3. Just arrived at Scotch Corner (like a nearly home milepost…) starting to feel real now. Could be a phenomenal night HTL
  4. Impressive supporting ? I’m not sure how many, but don’t think it’ll be as many as that for me. Can’t say it feels like the most important, there were some which I was absolutely clamming to see and others that I wanted to win with every ounce of my being. This does though, in my lifetime reflect probably a route to the best chance of a cup win. Two matches, potentially, a winnable game/one which we are favourites and a team we can beat/aren’t ‘the best team in the country’ (like the last two semi defeats and last two final defeats) probably awaiting us at Wembley. Exciting times!
  5. Looking forward to listening to how things have unfolded on journey home tonight.
  6. Sorry, people mustn’t have all received the 90’s stylee memo, Sir Les is exempt from any (however rational and reasoned) criticism. p.s. except for ‘that’ game….
  7. Happy Semi-Final day! We might (that word should be larger, much larger…) be starting an era where every season is peppered with games of such significance. Best get used to it. Enjoy your morning coffee all! (With a tasty bit of might-be on the side…).
  8. We’ll be alright, mate. Of course we can lose. But there aren’t any signs of us being anything less than task focussed this season, and second half of last year. We’ll get it done. I’ll get home about 4 hours after the final whistle so, however it goes, plenty of time to process for me!
  9. Get Gallagher, Bruno’s role stays as is. Get Berge, Alvarez, or similar and he pushes forward into more classical 8 role (his preferred role apparently). Any preferences from us lot?
  10. Really? He has always looked like a class act to me. Why would they let him go?
  11. Surely he can’t have gone to school in Southampton though? Nowhere near the level of eloquence we would expect to see.
  12. It’s a bit niche, arguing the toss over which is the least worst league (Aus vs Scots). I’m just pleased we’ve sent him somewhere that will help him appreciate the weather in Tyneside!
  13. Think he might have missed his opportunity to reach, what always looked like huge potential, at peak now/possibly some of his best years behind him. Like a few more I can think of, would have had a more fulfilling career if he was at a ‘lesser’ club and more relied upon as the difference maker.
  14. Some signs of terminal bell-whiffery in that unSaintly post. I’m not going to criticise too much through, might need to sell my pre-purchased Wembley ticket to/through him… .
  15. Coffee_Johnny

    Sander Berge

    What about at left back?
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