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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. Pleased he wasn’t and glad he score his pelanty.
  2. That was equivalent to his 25m swimming certificate prior to his channel swim.
  3. Both teams have games the next day, assuming as there’s a cup (sigh) involved on Saturday that our Saturday side will be stronger. No idea though.
  4. Only one way we for going for him, see muck spreading re Wor Anthony, and I’m not into it.
  5. Probably depends on the likely right back.Would guess that Almiron covers far more ground without (and with) the ball. A Chiesa type on the right might be ok if Tino is covering more ground than Tripps.
  6. Load of bollocks, me thinks.
  7. Rough translation: “Milan's transfer market has a slow trend, at least in this very first phase. The management is evaluating several 360-degree situations both inbound and outbound. One of them certainly concerns the situation of Malick Thiaw: the German defender has a large market abroad. NEWCASTLE BUT NOT ONLY - In recent days Milan have had a direct confrontation with Newcastle for Thiaw that manager Howe likes so much. The Magpies probed the Rossoneri club's readiness for the sale of the strong German defender who is attracted to the Premier League: his agent Stipic already in January had started probing several tracks in that league. Contacts are expected in the coming days with other English companies that have shown some interest. THE SITUATION - Milan's idea would be to hold Thiaw back because the defensive department needs reinforcements and not outgoing revolutions. Clearly, in the face of really important offers, in the order of EUR 35/40 million, he would be in a position to at least have to evaluate them. Malick is waiting for news about the future and would like to improve the current salary of 800 thousand euros per season. And the Premier League temptation gets stronger and stronger.”
  8. Glad you’re becoming diffused with our United’s expectations. We all would have loved a cup. Thought you’d be raging over your lowest ever PL finish. Well done that man. Welcome to the real world of football mediocrity.
  9. Font nonces abound… (😉)
  10. About as likely as St Peter’s Marina!
  11. He was born in Stalybridge (I used to work there, has a kind of Consett of the North West vibe…), played for Wigan for a bit, retired early, did some other stuff, still only 42, et voila welcome to the toon!
  12. Not suggesting people—panickers on the pages of NO—have gone have half-cocked, Shirley?
  13. I love it when arrivals just appear like this. Welcome to the toon Phil!
  14. If nigh in a quarter of the workforce has been deemed surplus to requirements, best hope the decision making was correct. Might be the case that a cull like that leads to all sorts of gaps and, paradoxically, inefficiency. The responsible managers, closer to the actual work, might be the ones who face the ‘karma’ for the human cost.
  15. Garthe Shagoutte is his nom de porn.
  16. Paraguay’s (waning) golden boy would/should never settle for being that far down the pecking order; anywhere. He deserves to be relied upon and loved somewhere as first choice. Preferably somewhere that’ll pay a good wedge for his services.
  17. Spain 2-2 Germany Portugal 1-1 France England 2-0 Switzerland Netherlands 1-2 Turkey
  18. Is it pronounced like Thor/Thaw?
  19. Do you mean the free pissing terrace? Or/and the toe dampening urinals and ‘deluxe’ Izal style bottom damaging toilet paper?
  20. Does sound like someone we’d pursue. Fits the profile we tend to go for.
  21. You can take the boy out of Gateshead… . Good on him anyway, it was most likely a justified smacking.
  22. Joining together @bobbydazzla’s Ceefax flashback and @Jonas’s view of the negative impact of a (otherwise top quality) new player, I remain one of the few with the view that buying Batty contributed to our downfall ‘that’ season. Changed the way we played, slowed down our devastating speed of attack. Regardless of it being an unpopular (and possibly dubious) opinion along with Anelka handling the ball in the build up to an Arsenal FA Cup final goal I’ll take it to my grave—like psychological big fat keloid trauma scar!
  23. Coffee_Johnny


    This evening’s inspiring factoid is that of the teams who played four games, only Italy (10), Slovenia (9) and Georgia (8) have had fewer than our 12 shots on target. Spain have had 29 and Germany 28. Switzerland have had 18. You’re welcome. https://www.uefa.com/euro2024/statistics/teams/attempts/
  24. Thought I’d add a BBC news reader to give your purportedly accurate historical summary more authenticity.
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