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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. I’d suggest you do this at the PL headquarters, that way at least it’ll get cleaned up. St Jame’s is currently scruffy without your s**** all over it.
  2. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print. *You're Also, there's a big difference between writing a post on an internet forum and writing a letter to the Prime Minister as representatives of an entire fan base. I support what they're doing, but that doesn't make them beyond reproach. This isn't some binary "with or against" situation where we must be entirely partisan in our thoughts. Their letter could've been a lot better and there's nothing wrong in pointing that out. Well if the letter could have been a lot better, why don’t you write one to Boris and stick it up on here ? That would be a constructive way of making a contribution, instead of nit picking over a letter that certainly doesn’t need to be polished. It’s very easy to ‘point out’ as you put it, but the stick these lads have been getting from elements of the fan base is disgusting. Good job they seem to have broad shoulders, as currently they’re a great source of information and are keeping this in the media spotlight.
  3. And now I think they’ve done it on purpose and in fact it is backed by the legal team and nick the baker is a genius. Boris is now sitting there thinking ‘these people speak my language, I must help my people’ Oh Joey if your going to be churlish and criticise other people for being incoherent, you need to make sure your spot on yourself. I would have thought some of the other highly intelligent posters on here who have criticised NCSL would have picked you up. That "that that" repetition is an infelicity that that author might have avoided with a bit of rewording so that that "that that" juxtaposition never found its way into print.
  4. Some would say your post is a bit cringeworthy, after all they are amateurs, just 2 fans like any of us. Yet again what are you doing to support the takeover ?
  5. Sorry to disappoint some on here, but the letter has the full support of buyers. Not bad for a couple of rambling, illiterate and embarrassing individuals.
  6. Nah if it was me it would have a few expletives in it, and be even more of a ramble I’m afraid. Sorry to disappoint you, but I will keep championing these lads whether posters like it or not.
  7. I’m perfectly cool but despair when 2 lads who are putting their own time and money into this are being criticised. There action is perfectly summed up by this tweet, they don’t need to be polished and word perfect for the purpose of what they are trying to achieve.
  8. It’s 2 fans for fucks sake, there not a professional organisation. So what if the letter is passionate and a bit of a ramble in places. There’s some excellent and relevant points in the letter, yeah it could have been more concise but who gives a fuck. I’d like to seem some on here criticising compose a letter, to be pulling them apart for certain phrases and wording sums up a few smug arseholes on here.
  9. More unsubstantiated nonsense from you Sean, you claim Wraith wrote this on their behalf. Where’s your proof of this, also are you still claiming they lied in regard to self funding ? Easy to criticise while you sit on your arse.
  10. Yeah I would imagine this is a major sticking point and smacks of further corruption due to old boys network.
  11. This part of the NCSL letter yesterday is quite interesting in regards to this gentleman Peter McCormick. They allege that in his role as lawyer he played a key role in PIF bid being blocked. I’ve never previously heard his name mentioned, but what makes this very interesting is that he’s now interim head of the FA. After reading the whole of NCSL’s letter what is clear is that they are not confident in this review of football governance, and it would appear the cross over of power between the PL and FA is very blurred. The main issue in regards to arbitration though would be that if both parties can’t agree on the 3rd member of panel, it goes to the FA to choose the member. Now surely if MCCormick has played such a key role in blocking the takeover this can’t be right, and would certainly make it evident why NCSL are being used by buyer and seller to try and get this into public domain.
  12. I think Qatar and Bein’s influence will be highlighted in legal action, the long letter sent by NCSL to Boris yesterday references their interference as well.
  13. Let’s finish the year on a positive note, PIF are ready and waiting to complete the deal. Here’s hoping for 2021 !!
  14. Really going for it would perhaps be issuing the legal proceedings in the Competition Appeals Tribunal - which they said they would - not write a load of letters. It's a load of illogical, disorganised emotive crap, pulling fans along for a ride with no logical destination. Atleast they're trying something? Better then doing nothing, or bitching about them online. As far as I can see from their Twitter account they've spent more time slagging off other Newcastle fans than trying to achieve anything meaningful. It's all a scam - strings being pulled primarily by Steve Wraith. Nothing to do with Steve Wraith and what are you doing to assist the takeover ? I haven’t seen anywhere where they’ve slagged off other fans, they’ve merely pointed out that t***s like you are happy to criticise but done f*** all yourself. As for it being a scam, these blokes have used their own hard earned cash you f***ing cretin. Fans like you fella deserve another 13 years of Ashley. All new members trying to convince others the Takeover is dead. Hmmm very suspicious. I wont change my view until Nick De Marco says what the outcome is I can usually smirk at most stuff on here, but when people are lying and making up shit about 2 genuine lads it’s a bit fucking much.
  15. Really going for it would perhaps be issuing the legal proceedings in the Competition Appeals Tribunal - which they said they would - not write a load of letters. It's a load of illogical, disorganised emotive crap, pulling fans along for a ride with no logical destination. Atleast they're trying something? Better then doing nothing, or bitching about them online. As far as I can see from their Twitter account they've spent more time slagging off other Newcastle fans than trying to achieve anything meaningful. It's all a scam - strings being pulled primarily by Steve Wraith. Nothing to do with Steve Wraith and what are you doing to assist the takeover ? I haven’t seen anywhere where they’ve slagged off other fans, they’ve merely pointed out that t***s like you are happy to criticise but done f*** all yourself. As for it being a scam, these blokes have used their own hard earned cash you f***ing cretin. Fans like you fella deserve another 13 years of Ashley.
  16. More evidence that NCSL are working with Ashley to push takeover through - The group have sent a host of questions to Mr Johnson that they would like answers to or have given him either the option of a Zoom meeting or face to face meeting after lockdown. Significantly, their quest for answers appears to have the backing of Mike Ashley and NCSL say that they can "facilitate" a meeting between the Sports Direct magnate's legal team in order to get to the heart of the issue. Mr Patterson states in his letter: "We have the support to host a meeting with the intent of demonstrating the anti-competitive behaviour and the deliberate procrastination in resolving this dispute, along with the refusal to accept information at the EPL in a deliberate attempt to run the clock down. "I am happy to facilitate a meeting between Nick de Marco, Shaheed Fatima both QC’s from Blackstone Chambers alongside competition support from Robert O’Donoghue and Daniel Jowell both QCs from Brickcourt Chambers." After that the plan would be to organise a fan-driven movement - which NCSL insist will comply with Covid restrictions. The letter to Mr Johnson reads: "I’m told the fans will campaign at every opportunity, in a Covid compliant manner, but are looking to repeat the Jarrow March of 1936 - the last time the people of the north felt sufficiently wronged by Government, they undertook a collective action with their feet." The nine questions sent to Mr Johnson include questions on the why the prospect of post-Brexit trade has potentially been blocked in the North-East, how long the takeover process will drag on for and why the matter is now very much in the public interest. The Premier League have been approached by the Chronicle for comment on the fans' legal challenge but have maintained a "no comment status" on previous reports throughout Newcastle's takeover story in 2020. Top-flight chiefs again did not comment on the latest move from Newcastle fans in their takeover dispute.
  17. Couldn’t agree more with this, for the people who don’t believe there’s a chance just get on with your life. We don’t need your negativity, and if you truly believe it’s game over practice what you preach and forget about it. For the rest of the believers Happy New Year and hopefully 2021 is the year Ashley fucks off.
  18. We’ve got 2 of the best QC’s in their speciality fields working on this takeover, and by all accounts a huge legal team behind them working on this, so yes there are people working behind the scenes to make this happen. In addition numerous journalist including Kennedy, Caulkin, Burt Douglass and the guy from the Observer who’s name escapes me, all confirming the aim is to get the takeover pushed through and PIF are just waiting for the wheels to be greased to enable this. On top of this you have massive hints from Staveley’s husband, Jamie Reuben and the NCSL that everyone is aiming to get this done. Remember the takeover 2.0 as Caulkin named it after political pressure, confirmed that PIF money was actually in a bank account in this country to complete the deal. I’ve learned on this site you can’t change people’s minds by presenting glaring information, those who claimed the takeover was dead soon backtracked, now certain people are claiming this is all about compen for Ashley. In short believe what you want, but this is 100% in play with a view to getting the takeover completed. Thats quite a significant step isnt it? If it can be that close and still blown out of the water then it doesn't bode well for pretending any minor steps that seem to be going in the right direction at the moment is some unstoppable snowball which will end in a takeover, if anything people hearing that will probably give up on it ever happening at all. Some would say in the world of football law De Marco is an unstoppable force.
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