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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Aren't they massive Tories? They must have some pull. Yeah think Jamie is pals with Boris. Whilst I’m always cynical of rich people I think the Reubens are certainly friends of Newcastle, and it would be great if they were involved with club.
  2. The best angle here is undoubtedly the loss of investment in the region, if the govt can be pressurised they may lean on PL to reconsider this. They have prided themselves on Britain being open for business and this is investment in one of the poorest areas of the country. This is so much more than a football takeover and warrants govt intervention due to geopolitical and economic impact.
  3. This. If 60k had signed a petition to block the takeover the pressure from media on PL now would be massive. We need to keep up the pressure, we might not get anywhere but as Jimmy Nail sang. 'cause this is a mighty town, It's built upon solid ground And everything they tried so hard to kill, We will rebuild
  4. Sensible post but one key flaw to your reasoning, they don’t have the confidence to stand by their determination, because if they did they would have rejected it.
  5. This is what I’m clinging to they’re certainly not giving the impression they’ve completely walked away. The more I read about Masters, Bush and Hoffman the less faith I have in the process, and can see why they’ve maybe felt this was there only option. Another avenue I think NUST need to explore is how to create pressure on govt, they’ve received north east votes and this decision is stopping investment in the region. Certainly the petition is an avenue to do this, but it would be something maybe the trust could explore further. If we could get local MP’s on board this would be a start, also where the f*** is newcastle city council in all this, where led to believe Staveley discussed investment with them. How in the current climate they can stand by idly and say nothing beggars belief. Ultimately we have buyers and seller in agreement, we need to find a way to help facilitate this deal and get PL to sanction this sale. They believe doing nothing was the easiest route out of this, let’s make them realise this was a huge mistake and they have underestimated this club, city and fan base massively.
  6. Yeah tremendous just think it needs some more traction in media now ie sky, bbc, talkshite etc.
  7. I think you’ve more or less answered your own question, the unreasonable demand of wanting govt named as buyers, previous indications it would pass, outside influences and their refusal to make a decision.
  8. They could but clearly don’t want the responsibility or full burden of being majority shareholders. Whatever people think of Staveley she is well respected in Middle East circles. I wonder if there would be any mileage in her getting BZG or even Maktoum’s involved. She must have had many dealings with Dubai royal family considering the length of time her business has been based there.
  9. https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/what-the-failed-newcastle-takeover-says-about-boris-johnson-s-britain-1.1057495
  10. Feel absolutely nothing reading this, and got to say I remain unconvinced by any of it. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/ashley-sets-deadline-newcastle-takeover-22455611
  11. He certainly did and this is a good read by Michael Martin on relationship between PL board and bein. I think this is looking murkier the more you read, though when it comes to Qatar we shouldn’t be surprised. At the very least would the consortium have grounds that the PL leaked confidential information, or do they get away with just saying it’s part of their investigations ?
  12. I also think this is getting overlooked, remember Keys and co seemed to have info that deal had stalled in previous week. Could it be that previous indications of approval changed when this cnut was appointed as Chairman on 1st June.
  13. Premier league twitter is being bombarded, they’ll certainly not be liking it Masters getting pelters. Keep it up lads.
  14. :whatdidido:It’s alright the likes of Matt Slater now saying this was never gonna pass, however that isn’t what he was saying previously. He always maintained he thought a deal would be struck so hindsight is a great thing. I honestly thought once they started introducing anti piracy measures they would find a way to get it through, and at the time we appeared to have momentum with it being agreed. Then the bombshell where they banned bein, was it some great master plan to get their own tv rights, or an example of the Saudis badly misreading the situation. It sadly appears it was the latter, though I still maintain they should have the right to allow who they want to broadcast in their own country. However, whilst you can argue this wasn’t part of o & d test it clearly hasn’t gone down to well, and certainly didn’t help facilitate any good will. Now to the PL I have no reason to disbelieve the consortium that on 2 separate occasions it was indicated to them that the test would be passed. That’s where the problem lies at with me, who give this indication and what influenced their change in stance. In my opinion they and Masters in particular lost his bottle completely and bowed to external pressure, most notably from bein and other clubs. This is where the anger and mistrust come into it for me, if this takeover had been carried out without the glare of publicity it attracted, I believe it would have been passed. Yes the Saudis aren’t blameless but the PL have serious questions to answer, in particular the allegation that they refused to either accept or reject the deal. At best it comes across as unbelievably arrogant and that they are making the rules up as the go, and at worst they have manipulated the situation where they knew the deal was about to expire and played for time. Why would they not reject the deal, were they concerned that they didn’t have justifiable reasons that would stand up ? Also if Masters thinks he has played a blinder here I think he is greatly mistaken. Bein will low ball the PL for next rights package, they have already indicated they will bid less next time. He has also probably now lost the regions richest nation for good, and there is no way now to get a foot in the potentially rich Saudi market. Finally if other club owners are feeling pleased with themselves, they might get a shock when they want to sell their club, this has set a precedent where the PL can in effect scupper any sale without ever having to provide a reason. It will not be lost on potential buyers that you can lose a massive deposit, have no timescale for a decision and be subjected to public scrutiny as clearly they have breached confidentiality agreements in this process.
  15. She had Chinese money behind one of bids, not sure if that was original failed bid, or attempt last May. It was only November when Saudis came on board. I know there was sovereign wealth involved in her 1st bid, but always presumed this may have been Dubai royal family ie Maktoum’s.
  16. I’ve posted this previously but it will give you a pretty big clue. https://offthepitch.com/a/manchester-united-and-liverpool-given-special-access-vet-chief-executive-candidates
  17. I think PCP are hoping Ashley unleashes his lawyers now, I definitely think he’s our only hope of some movement at this point. Unless PCP can provide some evidence to suggest they’ve been misled by PL, and want to sue them for the 17 million they’ve all lost.
  18. Yeah I still keep imagining what it would be like had this been given go ahead, the excitement levels across Tyneside would be crazy. I still keep hoping this is final throw of dice, and behind the scenes intermediary’s are working to come to an agreement. Unfortunately I think this is just wishful thinking and the PL are sitting there very content with how this has worked out. They probably even knew the deadline the deal expired and they have completely manufactured this outcome. It’ll always be my club, however I also don’t think I’ll ever get over this or want anything to do with PL again.
  19. I really hope the Saudis now become a constant thorn in Premier Leagues side, at the very worst they won’t be broadcasting bein there for 2 years, and at the very best BeoutQ will make a welcome return bigger and more wide spread than ever.
  20. The govt should definitely be taking an interest in a deal that would have seen millions of foreign investment into the local economy. In a post Covid era where job losses in the north East will be increasing, this investment would have provided a significant boost. On so many levels we’ve been fucked over, our only long shot is now legal action from Ashley. If he is desperate to sell and let’s face it he’ll never get 300 million in the current climate, he might just pull the trigger and unleash the lawyers.
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