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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. In a strange way the current owners are now in same boat, redeveloping SJP would be a compromise option which may get us to 60k with compromised facilities. The alternative future proofing the club for generations and building something that would be the envy of most. What really sways me is that I think the East Stand at the very best would end up as some half baked glass construction that would do nothing for atmosphere or character, and we’d still be stuck with thousands of seats in level 7 which feel detached from the rest of ground when it comes to atmosphere and sight lines.
  2. Some snippets from the Chronicle- At least 10 possible locations around Newcastle were considered, but it quickly became clear that Castle Leazes on the Town Moor was the only viable option and one which the club, the city council and the Freemen of the City all agreed on. The new 55,000 all-seater venue (with capacity eventually rising to 70,000) would be a rival to Milan’s San Siro and Barcelona’s Nou Camp, while the £90m project would provide the region with a major economic boost and raise the city’s international profile. On a site that was used for cattle grazing, the new state-of the-art stadium, set off with steel and glass, would be sunk eight metres into Castle Leazes at Spital Tongues. It would be a three-tiered bowl, boasting unimpaired views for all fans. The structure of the roof would also echo the city’s most famous landmark, the Tyne Bridge, by having two huge arches. In the event, as we know, there was a furious reaction from local pressure groups, local residents, and environmentalists to the plans - and the new stadium was not be. After a sustained campaign of marches, protests, letters and petitions against the stadium, and the possibility of a long drawn-out and costly public enquiry, the club reluctantly withdrew its proposals in late 1997.
  3. My memory fails me but did Castle Leazes even get rejected, wasn’t it just going to be a long drawn out application that would have been called in, and basically Hall was to impatient and decided expanding would be quicker ?
  4. Trying not to give this to much thought until the week before, absolutely hate the build up to this fixture. For anyone thinking it’ll be a walk in the park though I’d brace yourself. Roll back the years to Luton under Keegan, Robson against Wolves and for those with short memories Sheff Wed last season. Championship clubs away in the FA Cup 3rd round are notoriously difficult. Pray we win but it’s far from a certainty.
  5. The arena site could really expand the City Centre and drive investment into that area. With river nearby they could certainly build something that is spectacular on that site. If I had to choose I would probably go down the Castle Leazes route, with a land swap and new park leading to City Centre. The city centre does lack green spaces and it could really add something if done well.
  6. I’d add the Tottenham Hotspur stadium that new end behind the goal creates a much bigger noise than anything they produced at WHL.
  7. Atmosphere is fine if you’re at the Gallowgate End of stadium, unfortunately half the ground hears fuck all due to uneven build of ground. Even the corporate areas apart from that new one built in the summer look more suited to Beamish. History’s great but the future is more important and this would be an unprecedented opportunity to build something for the ages in the City Centre.
  8. New stadium in the City Centre every day, St James has seen it’s day unfortunately. Concourses are cramped and dated, acoustics shite, facilities years behind the best stadiums and level 7 is fucking terrible. Most importantly we can go bigger and get future generations in, and at the same time massively increase revenue streams.
  9. Needs to improve his FA Cup 3rd round record that’s all I’m saying.
  10. Play the reserves until January to ensure where full strength for this. Despise these cunts into them.
  11. Did a bit of YouTubing of this 17 year argie kid all the top clubs seem to be after Echeverri. What a talent the kid looks and exactly the type of player who could make a difference for us, a cross between Silva and Messi would break the bank now.
  12. Lot riding on how Dubravka performs in December now, or our priorities might massively change in this window. Not sure how much the Valencia keeper would set us back, but can’t under estimate the importance of a top keeper in this league.
  13. Reminds me of the Roma left back Spinazzola who was fucking tremendous during the Euro’s. He was a right footed left back, so there’s definitely cases where some players can prosper on the other flank despite their strong foot. Contrast to Trippier at left back who looks very awkward in his body positioning when playing left back. Tino can actually use his left foot which I think is the reason he looks so comfortable.
  14. Not afraid to use his left foot when getting in good positions either what a talent.
  15. Could feasibly field a midfield 3 of Miley, Longstaff and Anderson at some point, quite staggering when the academy has been shit and underfunded.
  16. Whitley mag

    Nick Pope

    Think there’s a big drop off to Dubravka and will be noticeable if absence is for more than a few games.
  17. Plays with his head up and always seems to have time on the ball, at 17 that’s quite something we should absolutely be getting carried away about this lad.
  18. He’s nee Matty Longstaff like.
  19. Will benefit even more now with Tino overlapping, what a left side we have now.
  20. Great point this was an issue in both games against Dortmund where we we’re found out.
  21. Feels like this is the start of a season defining month, if where still in touch with top 4 and still in at least one of league cup/CL come January, we’ll be in for some 2nd half of the season.
  22. Not sure what Phillips would cost to make permanent but he’s 27 now, apart from Wood and Trippier who we’re at the start of the project we’ve tended to sign younger players. Think it’s been stated in the media that we only like loaning players that we can make permanent, would imagine Phillips would cost 30 plus, doesn’t ring true to me unless Longstaff and Willock are out long term in January. My guess is if we sign a midfielder in January it’ll be someone much younger than Phillips.
  23. Not even contemplating the Europa League, it might be out of our hands but think it’s a real 50/50 with the cheating French cunts, a lot in our favour going into the last game.
  24. Seems a bit short sighted to the haul the lad back when he’s getting a lot of game time.
  25. What’s the demand like for corporate hospitality at the minute, I’m presuming it’s grown massively over last couple of seasons ?
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