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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Dangermouse on RTG with this classic, hopefully Milky bar is banned by the time we play them again, otherwise we’ll be in for a right hiding. Milky bar and Co usually get down the boxing and martial arts clubs when there's not a game on. Can tell as well the way they are giving the older and more reputable aways a run around/pasting.
  2. Be embarrassing as fuck if the away end was sat down, be interesting at Man U with an 8k allocation to see if this is becoming an issue.
  3. Good point today taking everything into account, where nicely in the pack and have players poised to return. Think where looking the real deal and we’ll get stronger as season goes on.
  4. Sounds like the Wembley lot are starting to get their hands on away tickets now, it’s up to regulars to educate them about away days, or basically tell them to fuck off.
  5. Looking forward to seeing Anderson on the left and getting into dangerous areas around the box.
  6. Those grade 2 listed buildings on boot boy alley still look like the major obstacle to me, alongside the cost of redesigning the Gallowgate. Hope it happens for those who desperately want to stay at SJP, still think East Stand is key though and reason that’s being looked at first. You can’t have a world class stadium with the East Stand in its current guise, think ultimately if they can’t do anything with that it’s back to the drawing board and re-location will be on the table.
  7. The grey haired mackem in the beige jacket definitely ends up on his arse and a good few of their CP company and SI brigade look like they don’t want their jackets getting bloodied.
  8. I’m sure before Liverpool redeveloped Anfield the new stadium they planned to build in Stanley Park had different stands and one big Kop end similar to the Spurs one. I’d hope they’d concentrate any further corporate in the East Stand and make the Gallowgate all general admission.
  9. Entire stand similar to Spurs.
  10. Looks like the East stand will have to contain a lot of glass, so a big window similar to those in Atlanta and Minnesota’s stadiums would probably look very futuristic.
  11. Looks like they had their hands full off the pitch aswell. https://Twitter.com/Sunderland_GM/status/1710790689523667401?s=20
  12. If they’re going to rebuild the Gallowgate it does need to be same height as level 7, however it needs a very different layout such as a single tier to preserve the atmosphere.
  13. I mean can this week get any better.
  14. NUFC now cease to exist in the eyes of MLF’s since we became good, need to get your family clued up they need new rivals.
  15. Message from the big boss incoming today.
  16. It’s actually quite glorious watching them try to kid themselves, let’s be honest though this would be fucking painful to watch if it was the other way around.
  17. King Kev could commit murder and he’d still be the King.
  18. Precisely we could build something really iconic which would have people soon forgetting about SJP when they see it going up. The reason folk are having difficulty getting in the ground on the East Side of the stadium is simply due to access. The East Stand has always had lengthy queue’s that resemble a scrum, throw in digital ticketing and it’s no wonder it’s a shambles. Just another example of the poorly planned introduction of digital ticketing. SJP has had its day in its current guise much like Manchester United are realising with Old Trafford. Lets see what this feasibility study brings and I’ve got a feeling all options including a new stadium will be on the table when they announce its findings.
  19. I don’t know anyone who likes the level 7 experience you feel detached and as many have said you may as well just watch it on the box. Which begs the question why are so many opposed to leaving SJP ? I get the tradition and history, but the reality is the atmosphere and supporter experience is sub-standard, especially for the prices being charged this season.
  20. Right age and profile would be my top choice.
  21. Seems to be the best loan we’ve had since Anderson to Bristol Rovers, would prefer it wasn’t Feyernoord that aside he’s under a highly rated coach who knocked back the Spurs job.
  22. To be honest not a big fan of Burn at left back, he always seems to get burned early on in games but somehow manages to the stem the tide as match goes on.
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