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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. i think this contingent has always been there, in the minority, among the diehards. When the decent fans sacked it off, what’s left is the dregs. They bring their kids and mates along and before you know it you have Ashley and Bruce’s B&W army. Unless we get taken over, this is how it’ll be forever.
  2. I doubt he had anything to do with identifying any of them. When you don’t rely on tactics (because you’re a dinosaur) your requirements are simple. You just tell your recruitment team to look for fast players (Robertson, Fraser, Lewis), big players (Maguire, Krafth, Choudhary) attacking players with a bit of magic (Willock, Lazaro) and strikers that can stick it away. Every now again your Luddite approach to recruitment will unearth a gem who, despite your 1980s coaching, finds a way to shine and earn himself a big move.
  3. I’d take that right now. Not good enough for Man Utd but let’s be honest with ourselves, he’s better than most of the shite we’re likely to end up with this summer. I doubt he’d be up for playing under Bruce for Ashley wages though.
  4. We’re so shit at nurturing and developing young talent. You’d think for a tight arse like Ashley, focussing on youth development so you don’t have to fork out on transfer fees would be a no-brainer
  5. Southgate bottled that. 100% bottled! never let the game go to pens - they have far less to lose than we do.
  6. Do not sit back for 15 minutes!!!!!!
  7. Why leave it so late to bring Foden on?!
  8. Watch him take Grealish off for Foden ?
  9. The quality we have on the bench will be too much for the Danes but Gareth doesn’t want to take any of his favourites off.
  10. This game has been really poorly managed by Southgate. Tactics are wrong, lineup was wrong from the start and he finally brought the right player on but took the wrong one off.
  11. I fucking knew he’d do something shit like that! Leave Saka on, take Mount off FFS!
  12. We need players on the pitch who can ply in tight spaces - Grealish and Foden ideally. Mount has been invisible the whole game!
  13. Fucking Pickford man!! How thick is he ffs!?
  14. We wasted about 15 minutes of that half needlessly passing the ball back to Pickford when there were decent options on forwards. Kalvin Philips’ worst game in an England shirt so far, constantly giving the ball away! The less said about Pickford the better! Southgate needs to sort them out at half time because that was a shambles at times!
  15. The decision to let Mbabu leave gets worse every time I see him play.
  16. I think he’s great personally. He’s got a lot more about him than the rest of the boring, production line cliche factory rejects. Seems like a top bloke too
  17. And people have the nerve to call us deluded!! Everton have been in the wilderness for years and they’d rather stay there than appoint a proven winner because of a previous job he succeeded in. Fucking weapons!
  18. He clearly thinks Bruce is a total cunt though so I’m not surprised he’s desperate to go. Helped saved his bacon last season by putting in some top performances but that’s more to do with him being a good pro than actually wanting to play for him.
  19. Still baffling they didn’t get someone with a hint of footballing ability to play the main part, not an actual footballer but an actor who actually knows how to properly kick a football. The film’s football footage was the thing that really let it down
  20. Van Anhold is comfortably better than both of our LB options even if he is past his best.
  21. According to reports, Palace will be letting Townsend, Van Anhold, Cahill among other leave on frees. I’d take all 3 for a season instead of spunking £8m on a new CB. Spend the full transfer budget on a new CM and try and get a striker in on loan.
  22. Holmesy

    Graeme Jones

    Yeah, that'll be a big draw for him as it would for any of us. But even that's going to start wearing thin after listening to Bruce's clueless patter day-in, day-out
  23. Holmesy

    Graeme Jones

    What the fuck is this guy doing working under a no mark like Cabbage head?! I can't imagine we're paying him particularly well either.
  24. Your promise can only fade if you play regularly and you play badly. Bruce convinced Matty to sign a new contract and then benched him for the whole season. Sean on the other hand showed loads of promise under Rafa, has played loads this season and looked totally shit - that's promise fading
  25. Long sleeved Totti-era Roma Kappa home shirt, circa 2000/1 I’d look like a bag full of jelly if I wore it now but back then it was pure sex.
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