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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Literally just welled up watching this. It’s finally starting to sink in!
  2. Of course, but I’m not paid £millions not to
  3. We didn’t have a shot for 70 minutes and he didn’t make any changes, despite having all the talent in the world on the bench. No attempt at all to stop the dry bumming we were receiving for 3/4 of the game. Bottled! Absolute gem of a human being. I have met him a couple of times and he’s just as nice and humble as he comes across, but I don’t want him anywhere near NUFC, unless it’s as DOF as mentioned above.
  4. Biggest bottle job going. Great bloke and credit for getting us to a final but I’d like someone with a track record of winning, not someone who constantly falls short, IMO through his own poor decisions.
  5. Applying his tat-shop model to a completely different market and realising you can’t just pick up PL standard players for £1m. Fucking whopper!
  6. Anyone else I’d say yes, but Rafa is a man of integrity and class and it would completely go against his principles.
  7. Of course you won’t, you whinging sympathy whore.
  8. Great shout, that. Pay whatever it takes, build our midfield around him
  9. Can’t wait to see the back of this failure. He can’t fuck off soon enough. What a fucking horrible and completely forgettable chapter in the history of this club.
  10. We’ve been here before and will continue to be here for as long as Ashley keeps picking cheap, compliant journeymen losers looking for a last big payday. Bruce was never the guy and we’re exactly where we all expected to be under his ‘leadership’. The only hope we have is that the next journeyman loser creates a new manager bounce enough to keep us up. Then rinse and repeat until Ashley finally has a heart attack.
  11. 3 points from 6 games you fat fuck! It’s not bad luck, it’s incompetence. Pack your bags and fuck off!
  12. Fucking criminal not winning that game! Watford were there for the taking. What a wasted opportunity!
  13. Bruce is renowned for his game winning half time team talks. This is as good as in the bag!
  14. Holmesy


    End product is the attribute that costs you the most money in football. We paid our record fee for a guy that has zero end product and zero influence on games of football. It’s one of the worst transfers I can remember.
  15. How is Joelinton so utterly woeful at kicking a football?! He does it every single day for hours. I don’t think there’s a worse finisher in the Premier League and you can include goalkeepers in that as well.
  16. Is it too early for a who stays when we go down thread?
  17. Shit like that used to make my blood boil but now it’s just water off a duck’s back. These people aren’t paid to be informed, they’re just paid to make noise for 120 minutes, regardless of whether it’s fact-based or not.
  18. As long as we’re top of the bottom 5 league, Ashley doesn’t care and Bruce stays.
  19. It hasn’t at all. We’ve been shite, they’ve been average but they took their chances. The penalty would’ve been our first shot on target in the whole game! You don’t win games in this league having no shots on target from open play. We’ve deserved fuck all and that’s exactly what we got.
  20. Has there ever been a manger so incapable of changing a game in the history of the PL?!
  21. Quality CMs command a premium and managers will have seen enough of him under Rafa to think he’s worth the risk. Age is on his side and he’s shown he can run games at this level with the right coaching. We’re about as far from that as you can get so let him see if he can fulfil his potential elsewhere instead of rotting under Bruce
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