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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Holmesy


    Not even sure there are words enough to describe how shit this guy is.
  2. Under Bruce we’re down 100%. He’s shown all season he can’t win without ASM in the team and can barely win with him in the team. Only hope now is parachute someone in who can get a tune out of the depleted squad. Someone new might be able to get an unexpected result against one of the top half teams. Bruce without question will not and then we’re down again
  3. Holmesy


    Has he ever connected well with a shot in the time he’s been here?! I’ve seen kids in the playground with better technique. Professional £40m scuffer!
  4. So far this season, Bruce’s Newcastle United has been comfortably outplayed by every team below us in the league. What a fucking embarrassment!
  5. This is Premier League football FFS! Absolutely disgraceful. Steve Bruce’s legacy!
  6. It’s absolutely staggering that Ashley hasn’t binned this useless imposter yet. He’s know for his stubbornness and his shit decisions but this is bordering on deliberate sabotage. Just sitting back watching his £300m asset sleepwalk its way to another relegation because Bruce ‘hasn’t caused him any problems’.
  7. No. His poor tactical and personnel changes to react to those injuries changed the balance of the game. Give over man. Who would you have put on to replace our two best players and keep dominance in the game?! After Wilson, ASM and Almirante we’ve got nothing.
  8. As much as I can’t stand Steve Bruce, he was genuinely unlucky tonight - injuries to key players ruined us and changed the balance of the game. Doesn’t excuse 18 months of shite though.
  9. If Jamie Reuben really is advising Ashley to protect both of their investments, surely it’s a no-brainier to say ‘sack Bruce now and hire someone decent’. If his advice is keep Bruce but bring in a decent coach, it’s a proper head scratcher.
  10. Holmesy

    Emil Krafth

    But he’s tall for a fullback though.
  11. Then it'll be the players aren't good enough. 'He just simply hasn't had the backing from the club needed'. 'We'll leave it there Gary. Coming up next on Monday Night Football, is Joelinton at a whopping £45M the biggest Premier League flop ever. Thoughts from Jamie and Gary coming up' "The manager can only do so much. Once the whistle blows it's the players who have got to go out and DO it!" Not to give the simpleton an inch here but that’s actually a valid point... We’ve so much dross in the side, we all always up against it. Standards are so low, meaning consistency is never there. Once in 20 or so games we put something together that resembles a performance. Always up against it relying on Krath, Lewis, and Shelvey, Joe to somehow get a 5/10, in the blind hope they put in a 8+ performance. Like Almiron running free, and Joe loafing nowhere near him. Clark far post header back across goal, Joe stood in the D of the box. You can’t legislate for such pure incompetence. Krath too square and being nutmegged by Rahford, then in his brain dead panick to atone gets done inside when only way he should be shown is 4 yards to by line. The players go onto the pitch having been prepared for the game by the coaches, with a game plan put together by the manager. If the manager has analysed the opposition properly, identified weaknesses and drilled the players in the run up to the game and then they don’t follow their instructions, the players are to blame. If the manager is too lazy and incompetent to do his job properly and sends the players out completely ill-prepared, you can’t blame the players.
  12. Fucking criminal mismanagement of a football club this. Absolutely fucking scandalous incompetence
  13. What does this fat pleb have to do to get sacked?!
  14. Holmesy

    Graeme Jones

    It is possible to be a good man manager and a good tactician at the same time - Brendan Rodgers, Klopp, Guardiola, Potter, even Dyche all seem to manage it. Modern football requires you to be more than a good laugh around the training ground, hence why we’ve had to bring in someone qualified to do the actual foot all side of things. Should be Embarrassing as fuck for Bruce.
  15. Holmesy

    Graeme Jones

    Of course it’s him. We had 18 months of Bruceball and it was like chalk and cheese compared to this. His only role now is motivation, he clearly has fuck all to do with coaching, tactics etc.
  16. Especially when we know how easily avoidable it is. One or two sensible decisions and we're comfortably mid table every year, without increasing our meagre budgets
  17. What the fuck is Joelinton on?! He’s not just shit, he’s thick as mince as well. Might as well have set fire to £40m
  18. Good to see Joelinton is still a bag of shit
  19. That was actually quite an entertaining half of football. Feels very strange
  20. Holmesy

    Joe Willock

    I wonder who put that together for you Steve....?
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