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Everything posted by Ben

  1. I think Ten Hag gets sacked the day after the season ends
  2. 6th with 6 games to go is an amazing effort
  3. Ben

    Elliot Anderson

    Proper grafter
  4. They may aswell just have Steve Bruce in charge
  5. Big Ange throwing a game, wey aye.
  6. My pre-season bet might be cut a bit short by Coventry
  7. But when you look at the balance sheets of all clubs they are obviously spending to much on wages, ffp is supposed to protect the clubs from themselves IMO a salary cap would be a better way to do that, I'm not saying we pay them minimum wage but a cap would allow for better control.
  8. Ben

    Harvey Barnes

    Better choice than Maddison
  9. Does nobody want to win the championship this season
  10. If the clubs were really bothered by it they could self impose a cap (obviously they never will)
  11. I still think there should be a worldwide cap on player salaries, by the look of everyone's accounts wages have spiralled out of control, if the target is financial fair play then its obvious club owners can't run their clubs properly, put real measures in place so they can't overspend, everyone would be better off.
  12. Why do we have two full backs on the bench and not in the team ?
  13. The one on Northumberland Street is a disgrace, mining and covered in dust
  14. I thought Leicester were the greatest team the championship has ever seen ?
  15. Once this is all sorted and Asworth speaks for the first time, I think I'll hate him as much as Owen.
  16. Fucking Australia that's miles away, who won MAFS ?
  17. The Original factory shop sell them
  18. I have no idea what this means, does this get us out of a FFP hole ?
  19. Let's just sell Miggy for £100 million
  20. This cunt fucked off yet ?
  21. If he wins this case he will sell these shirts at a loss to piss us off, worra cunt.
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