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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. Alan Smith was up there at the time... He couldn't even score in the championship!
  2. Just shows how one over the top transfer inflates the rest of the market. Rice for £100 million then makes a player with half his ability £ 45 million. And then a relegated team like Leicester or Southampton thinking they can sell their players for 30 to 50 million. Maybe the senior pros but not kids who have played one season. It reminds of when City chucked 45m at Kyle Walker.. all of a sudden every transfer that summer was compared to him.
  3. Seems to be the forgotten man on the forum but noticed he is closing in on Newcastle's 2nd top Premiership goal scorer (5 to beat the mighty Shola!). It amazing that only Shearer has got over 50? Would be great to see him do it this year as have a feeling it will be his last year here.
  4. Plus I think we will keep our nerve if we were 6th whereas if Liverpool or Chelsea get back into the top 4 then another one of the big six clubs will be in meltdown and self destruct
  5. I don't think anyone can defend this argument. I mean I bet PSG would have snapped their hands off for a 100 million maybe 150…, I guess they just made sure man city or Chelsea could not match them
  6. Short term that would be great news for us but long term I think it would be the next step to a super League. Or maybe SA reach out to the 12 clubs and say they are willing to join them and stuff Uefa! Similar to what they did with the Golf
  7. I think we judged Targett the first season based on Ritchie and Lewis playing at lb. He looked a worldie compared to those two.. but now in the cold light of day it's apparent that he is below the level we are at now
  8. Sure I've mentioned it a few times now but you don't surprise me Hope is looking for a negative / controversial story.
  9. Because Wilson, Gordon, Barnes, botman, burns, big Joe will make us weaker?
  10. Me too but you guys seemed to know about the goal a minute or so before me?
  11. And maybe the second goal... But then he shouldn't be playing as a CB in a back three
  12. The bizzare thing is we should have maybe had a couple of goals as well? But my God this could be a anything
  13. What's the panic? Three games this week in the heat. We are going to make mass subs so it's a mix of the first 11 each half. It's about minutes in legs at the moment
  14. Strange one with Zaha... I can only think he thought clubs would be willing to pay the salary he wanted or at least use one or two to bid against each other. Seems he has either priced himself out of the moves he wanted or maybe left it too late in his career to get a top six team
  15. A miss but maybe not as much as previous French wingers I've loved and lost... Robert HBA Ginola Maxi And.... Nzogbia Obertan
  16. Personally think it's journalistic shit stirring... He has been waiting to use it ever since SA started buying players. For a start it's not even out of the market value for this summer.
  17. Any idea of the colour of the shorts and socks?
  18. I had in my head that it looked like Wimbledon FC in their premier League days so had a quick look back. Only to find that they originally played in black and white stripes?
  19. I think Barnes will help Gordon out...as I'm not sure if the haters are allowed to focus on more then one player at a time.
  20. You know what will be weird is that in four, five years time we will be like man city selling multiple title winning players, with fantastic stats for 35 million or less and not even batting an eyelid.
  21. Must admit I prefer end product and goals.. If Maxi had this to back up the skill he would be up there with Robert and get a lot more slack for not tracking back
  22. Whoever it is, you would think they would have twigged by now that he can't keep anything secret lol ?
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