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Everything posted by Joelinton7

  1. If Wilson was only Ill then he should be able to start. Four four fucking two with Miggy and Barnes on the wings. Isak and Wilson (who caused Brentford problems as pair last season) up top. Start Big Joe and fuck em up.
  2. Never believed any of that. Eddie and Wilson go way back. This club seems to possess the largest amount of Twitter bellends out there. If it was true the mainstream press would have been all over it trying to destabilise the club.
  3. 18’s lost 8-0 to Everton today.
  4. Tbh I haven’t paid attention, just thought Bolton as they finished higher. Murph def not an L1 player by the look of this.
  5. Murph 2 again, kinda shocked at this, thought Bolton would win.
  6. Massive headed deflection to take it over the keeper. Big moments for both Murph’s now this season.
  7. I think Bruno is loyal. He will give us one more season at least. If we don’t quali for UCL next season then he prob has a right to leave. He’s said a couple of times that he was born to play UCL, he feels he has to be there. Just hope he wouldn’t sign for another English team. The club should have in mind who they’d want to replace every key player at the club so that they are calm and ready for the situation. If he fetches us £100m which allows us to go and get a couple of world class players to evolve our style then it’s all we can ask for. He’s fully bought into the club and the area. He’s given us everything, playing through pain, he puts all his emotion into bringing success to this club. I would always be a Bruno fan should he leave. Like I say though I don’t think he’s going this summer. Nor is Isak.
  8. Eddie has said he will “fight to keep him”. Meaning that we’ll either have to rebuff bids or that he might have some convincing to do with the board.
  9. Think Ramsdale is a smokescreen for the marmalade guy, who is much better.
  10. With a pic of a plane flying out of Newcastle International imprinted into the shirt
  11. I temember about 20 years ago it being on the news how kits were getting too expensive. That’s when they were about £30. Fml
  12. You’re a wealth of information Mr Comesock, thank you.
  13. Yes it is but how much longer will we have to keep playing with them. I genuinely dont know where this club stands now with regards to being able to build. PSR bollocks has confused the hell out of me. What can we even spend this summer. If we have to sell a star every summer then that’s not the life for me. Plays right into the cartel’s hands. Eddie already speaks of managing expectations which wouldn’t be out of place in an Ashley press release. I honest to god do not know the carriage in which we sit right now, or where the train is going.
  14. Cheers for not making any subs Eddie or doing anything proactive whatsoever at HT
  15. I’m sure it happened v Burnley but that must have been a fever dream
  16. Really sick of watching us play ourselves into tight areas, have no options for an out ball and then just losing over and over again, and it’s usually somewhere in the vicinity of our own box.
  17. Just sort this tf out. Get Joe on for invisistaff, Barnes or Miggy on for Murphy. Get Isak coming short for it, drag them about and exploit the space in behind. My god having Wilson and Isak starting this would have made such a difference. Trippier, sorry mate but you’ve just handed your spot to Tino, one too many goal costing mistakes now. Added to this his set pieces are naff, Gordon should be on them. Having said this we know if the pen shout is the other end they gladly point to the spot and don’t even bother checking. One of ours should have been throwing themselves at the ball when Casemiro cleared off the line.
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