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NUFC want YOU to 'Have Your Say'!


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What?s this all about?


Since Mike Ashley took full control of Newcastle United in June, some people here at Newcastle-Online have gone about forging a mutually beneficial relationship with the football club, something which was sadly lacking during the previous regime. Ourselves, NUFC.com and other fanzines like True Faith and The Mag have recognised the importance of good relations with the club for a long while now and finally, under the new owner, the people that matter have begun to respond.


What does this mean?


Basically, we now have the means to get our member?s opinions across to Newcastle United Football Club, through the proper channels, meaning that your opinion becomes more than just words on a fans? website. To their enormous credit, the club have given us all a unique and unprecedented chance to get our personal opinions to the upper echelons of the St. James? Park hierarchy.


Obviously, this is too good an opportunity for us to miss out on and so in the coming days, weeks, months and (hopefully) years we will be doing our utmost to utilise this new tool at our disposal and we need YOUR help to do so. With everything ?under review? at Gallowgate, there has never been a better time to have an opinion.


What do you need from me?


The first step on this previously-untrodden path is simply to find out some of your likes and dislikes about the current ? and previous - Newcastle United. We want to know about every issue that concerns you and that you want to be heard about, no matter how big or small, whether it?s to do with away games, home games, the Box Office, club merchandise, the atmosphere inside St. James?, food and drink prices inside the ground, the new season tickets, the players, the manager, the staff, the pre-game and half-time entertainment, scoreboards, big-screens, potential transfers, the local media, the club website, the new kits, the club shops, Shearer?s Bar, the internal and external appearance of the stadium...


Literally, anything that comes to mind, whether good or bad, whether you?re from the NE1 postcode or you?re in Outer Mongolia, we want to know ? but, far more importantly than that, the club now want to know. No opinion will go to waste, nothing will be overlooked if we don?t agree with it ourselves, we?ve often said before that Newcastle-Online is run for the fans, by the fans, and this our chance to prove it - together.


What does the future hold?


Well, hopefully more of the same. We feel that sites like this one have an awful lot to offer Newcastle United Football Club. We have over 2,500 members on the forum alone and a great deal more who simply read the website, that?s a lot of potential feedback and opinion ? from all corners of the globe and from all ages, races, genders and creeds ? from people who all have the same agenda and the same interest at heart: to see Newcastle United prosper.


We cannot encourage you enough to take part and have your say, because you never know who might be listening/reading and you never know what it might lead to.


The more replies the better, so get posting!



Just to follow on from Mr Janitor's excellent communication, I am delighted to confirm that the new management at the club are very proactive and are looking to make a new and positive space for its relationship with us.


Furthermore I see N.O. and everyone involved with her as the vanguard of the new project that is Newcastle United.


Keep up the excellent work Richie baby.  :thup: :thup: :thup:

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I thought Rich was fibbing.


Well seeing as his meeting was from a direct exchange of e mails with Mr Mort and MY GOOD SELF....I thought it proper to confirm the high standing Mr Mort is held in as a FACT.



Carry on. bluerazz.gif

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I thought Rich was fibbing.


Well seeing as his meeting was from a direct exchange of e mails with Mr Mort and MY GOOD SELF....I thought it proper to confirm the high standing Mr Mort is held in as a FACT.



Carry on. bluerazz.gif



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Guest Joe Harvey

More information on away tickets ie size of the allocation and a fairer/ not so secretive system on how away tickets are allocated when games are oversubscribed.

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I thought Rich was fibbing.


Well seeing as his meeting was from a direct exchange of e mails with Mr Mort and MY GOOD SELF....I thought it proper to confirm the high standing Mr Mort is held in as a FACT.



Carry on. bluerazz.gif





Just saying I like Mort basically and that people should get their ideas in.

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A season ticket card that money can be credited onto, to be used to buy food and drink on the concourse. Get the opportunity to put money onto it at the start of the season, and get a reduction in your season ticket price in return.


Incorporate the card technology into a football shirt, so you just walk through the gate.


A lot more screens are needed on the concourse, and make them bigger than what people have in their living rooms.

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I can't really add much to what has already been mentioned - though I absolutely agree with getting rid of Alan Oliver!


I'll be happy if Our new owners can keep the momentum going. There's nothing but good news coming out of Newcastle United at the moment and I love it! :)

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A season ticket card that money can be credited onto, to be used to buy food and drink on the concourse. Get the opportunity to put money onto it at the start of the season, and get a reduction in your season ticket price in return.


Incorporate the card technology into a football shirt, so you just walk through the gate.


Be a bit expensive to replace if you lost/destroyed/damaged/got relieved of your shirt though. And what about washing it? Interesting idea like.

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A season ticket card that money can be credited onto, to be used to buy food and drink on the concourse. Get the opportunity to put money onto it at the start of the season, and get a reduction in your season ticket price in return.


Incorporate the card technology into a football shirt, so you just walk through the gate.


Be a bit expensive to replace if you lost/destroyed/damaged/got relieved of your shirt though. And what about washing it? Interesting idea like.


Good idea and the kind of loyalty building thing PR types love.

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I think Ashley is doing fine. The last thing we want is an overweight rentagob, mouthing off to the papers every two minutes with a soundbite- thats what we got rid of Shepherd for!


I didn't mean him to do a Freddie or be a plastic Geordie. He can ditch the Toon top & needn't attend every game or go clubbing. Just make sure he doesn't go completely back in his shell. The rumour mill will start all over & we need stability.





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Make NUFC World free so that NUFC fans no matter what age and no matter where they are in the world can listen to the game and watch their favourite clips, lets reward the fans.


Also put more away tickets available for general sale so not just season ticket holders get the away day experience.


Make general sale tickets for home games be available all over the ground instead of just up at level 7, let people who might only go to SJP once or twice a year have a good view of the game and a better experience.

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a tv channel would be absoloutely awesome, but im sure nufc world was a sort of trial in the past, i.e if enough signed up to it they could warrant getting a channel? could be wrong.



the p.s system is shocking, especially in the south east corner.


bring back alan robson.


get rid of alan oliver.


never, ever, ever stoop to music after goals.

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another thing, clean the outside of the stadium, its scruffy as f***!


Could we do a bit more than clean it?  It's a bit drab and would look much better if it was lit up or something, you can see the ground for miles so it should really be the focal point of the city.

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Great thread Lads. Well done.


Delighted that the Club are building bridges with the Supporters. About time.


1. Oliver is the obvious 'please get sorted' request that stands out for me.


2. I'd like to see a reduction in cup game ticket prices.


3. It'd be nice for the club to put on coaches to some away games too. Charlton have done that for years and it's a really nice touch.


4. In the longer term, I'd like to see the club extend the stadium in the corner between the leazes and east stand. I'm sure there's been good reason for this not to happen in the past (planning permission or whatever) but perhaps Mike's Billions could sway a decision in our favour.


That would really make the ground stand out as one of the best in Europe.

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Some good suggestions here. Some of my views.


1. Music after goals - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!! - When the team scores and everyone erupts as one in a primal roar of ecstacy, that's the greatest sound you can ever possibly hear at a football match. That sound, that feeling, is what gets us irrevocably hooked on football. There is no need for music at that point. It adds nothing that isn't already communicated by the crowd, it serves no purpose. I want to hear that fucking roar and nothing else!


2. On the subject of music; Local Hero/Going Home. I don't think it's up there with, say, we'll never walk alone as a pre-match music fix, but there's something about it, perhaps familiarity, but as soon as I hear the first few notes I think, 'YES, it's football time!'. I want it back.


3. Stewarding. When I go to a pub/bar/club/whatever, I find you can nearly always tell the quality and attitude of the venue from the bouncers. Nice bouncers who you can have a chat and a laugh with will usually indicate a nice venue. Similarly, at a football match, arsehole stewards can really spoil a game, and if you've got up in the early am to get to the match you deserve better. I've heard a lot of criticism from away fans towards the over-zealous stewarding at Newcastle. There needs to be a drive towards nice stewarding- Geordies are supposed to be reknowned for their hospitality. Too many power-tripping arseholes getting kicks from bossing people about and taking the fun out of the day can ruin an atmosphere. Away fans have made a big effort to come, and even if it's bloody Sunderland playing they deserve to be treated with respect.  Well perhaps not Sunderland fans, but Middlesbrough fans. Maybe. Gateshead fans at least.


4. Open training sessions (HTT mentioned this earlier). This is clearly something that should play some role.  It lets the fans get closer to the club, and the kids especially. I realise that you don't want to give too much away to opposition scouts etc. but a public session or two a week surely isn't pushing things too much.


5. 5-a-side games at half time - good thing. A bit of footy to entertain the crowds. Maybe have a youth match against the opponents' youths - get the youngsters familiar with playing at St. James', or even school kids matches. Imagine what an experience that would be for a kid, and that's what football's all about; providing an unforgettable experience.


6. Programmes - For fuck's sake make them worth owning.

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Following on from the TV internet debate, if you read the Newcastle World prizes for subscribers article on the official site, it seems that Newcastle World will cease to exist soon, to be replaced by new internet service NUFC TV.


Whether that is just a rebranding of World, or we've decided to breakaway is unknown, but hopefully it means that it can expand the possibilities of live and on demand streaming.


Dont think existing subscribers will be affected though.

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I would like to see a different pricing scheme. I know it has been changed this season where the prices have been put into different catogarys depending on the opposition. The club need to think about the younger fans more though. I've already experienced this once, and its became a problem for me again this summer. For years now the club has had 3 different catogarys for season tickets (Juvenile, Adult, Senior Citizen). What they have never considered though is how a young 16 year old who has just left school should suddenly be classed as adults. I remember when i was at school my mam used to buy my season ticket for me. I think the price was somewhere around the £220-£250 range. As soon as i left school though the price rocketed up to over £400. How can they justify classing a school leaver as an adult? Its almost impossible to get a job as soon as you leave school and many go on to further education. There needs to be a bit of middle ground here. I was lucky my mam helped me once i left school, but for many they will not be able to renew their season tickets once they are classed as adults. I think the club should consider two catogarys which will benefit both young supporters and loyal older supporters.


1.Student Price - As i said earlier many school leavers go onto further education and can't afford to stump up the sudden £200+ increase in price. It is a big enough struggle trying to get together the kids price when you first leave school. There is also older students to consider as well. Students aren't just people who have just left school


2.Unemployed Price - Now i know many will ask why should the unemployed be rewarded when a lot of people are happy to stay on the dole and shouldn't be rewarded for being lazy. You have to take into consideration though that a lot of fans have been loyal for years and they might have just lost their job therefore will struggle to renew their season ticket. If a supporter has had a season ticket for 5-10 years and looses their job then wouldn't it not be a good thing to help them about a bit and reward their loyalty with a bit of help? Even if the club had small print on this price where it would only be offered to a supporter for one season so the system can't be abused.


As i said at the start of this thread i have had a problem this summer where for the first time since 2000 i haven't been able to get my season ticket. I just couldn't afford it and today i started college. I'm 21 and i am going to have to wait until around christmas in the hope that i can get the money together for a half season ticket if they are available. Obviously the club don't know my situation and to them i just haven't bothered renewing my season ticket, but its absolutely killing me not going to the matches. Its painful. I am 21 so i'm obviously not a school leaver but i would have liked my loyalty to have been rewarded a bit more (obviously the club didn't know my situation so i'm not blaming them). Bringing in two catogarys like above would really help a lot of people out and would see more bums on seats at SJP. It would make sense, it would reward loyalty, and it would be more beneficial to the club long term and short term. I want to be at SJP now, i want to be at SJP next season, and i want to be at SJP every other week for as long as my eyes can watch Newcastle play. A bit of help like what i mentioned above will go a long way to seeing me back.


I would love you to get this to Chris Mort. I'm sure he would be interested and would take it into consideration.

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1) Players to wear club tracksuit to training.

2) All club players & senior officials to wear club suit with crest at all home games & major away games.

3) Club owner never to wear the club suit, it  wouldn't seem right now.

4) Once a player plays a first team game all his training kit get his initials on it rather than a number. Glasgow Rangers do this & I think it small touch of class.

5) Club to get rid of premiumtv.co.uk running website & run it in house.

6) Bring in Gabriele Marcotti as spokesperson & head of media output. He is  fluent in Italian, English, German and Japanese. Marcotti obtained a bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania and master's degree in journalism from Columbia University, New York.

8) It is a global game, yet our website is only in English, most major clubs have other language choices. Any chance of Geordie!!

7) Proper talk ins, not staged managed talk ins.

8) Players from ethnic backgrounds to reach out to parts of Newcastle Community that they would socially attach themselves to if they were not footballers & then convert these people into fans & then paying customers at games because the number of black people has increased in the streets & team at Newcastle but not in the stands. Example: Emre to Turkish & Muslim, Oba,Shola & Baba to Nigerian & African etc.

9) A decent selection of DVD's to buy. Topics could be: Great games, great seasons, great players, legendary managers.

10) Joe Joyce to do the job Mike Forde was going to do.

11) Youth team; the perception is Boro are a long way ahead of us, we need to show a culture & personnel change. Get Dario Gradi in as Head of Academy & Reserve team manager. Get Simon Clifford in as Head of Pre-Academy.

12) Dont be scared to be seen poaching other clubs youngsters, Man Utd & Chelsea do it all the time.

13) Club shop; was meant to double as an Adidas superstore as well, I was expecting limited edition or hard to find Adidas gear in there, it is the stuff I could buy elsewhere or on the net.

14) Box Office to be more vocal in letting people know how easy & that's its free for people to move seats & sit next to there mates.

15) Dump the mascot thing on the pitch. Bring back young kids playing 5-A-Side at half time, they don't damage the pitch & only need one half of it. Also would work well with the job Adam Sadler is doing forging links with the local boys clubs.

16) Tickets for all home games to be on sale  after the first home game.

17) Able to buy match tickets from any club shop, bar maybe the ground. Club shop staff to proactively sell tickets during the week.

18) Club to have a TV channel partnering SKY or Setanta

19) Sack the corporate sales team,  they are seem incapable of selling out there areas.

20) Instead of  all the food kiosks selling the same stuff, mini KFC's or McDonalds would be nice.

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