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Northern Rock to be nationalised - affecting us?

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  • 1 month later...

The latest developments on this are that Virgin have been named by Northern Rock as their preferred buyers and will keep the bank based in the North East if they're successful in the bid. Branson has been in the Chronicle yesterday talking about the potential takeover and he was asked directly about NUFC...


From the Chronicle, Tuesday, part of interview with Sir Richard Branson - who is in the running to take over Northern Rock:


Q: What will happen about the sponsorship of Newcastle United?


A: We will try to contact Newcastle United and see how they feel about us carrying it on.


Hopefully, it could help bring the club some better luck because from what I hear they might need it right now.


But for the meantime, I am sitting with my Virgin Rocks Newcastle United shirt on, celebrating.



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We deserve a refund then.Its a complete waste of money.Unless I can find the new logo somewhere and paste it on the current shirt then I wont have to spend more money.


You HAVE to buy a new shirt if one is released?


There are ways around it though.Just cover up the first  R to the last letter in Northern ,and replace the first letter of Rock to a C.Urban spelling of Virgin on your shirt and not a penny spent.

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I would imagine that Branson would want the shirt logos to change as soon as possible, if he rebrands Northern Rock. Personally, I don't care who the shirt sponsor is. I won't be buying a new shirt, just because the sponsor changes, nor would I avoid getting a shirt just because it said Virgin.

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Guest Ridzuan

I love Richard Branson.He is a great guy and a great businessman,and after much thought,I think its not that bad to have the word 'Virgin' on our shirts.  :thup:

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  • 2 months later...


I wouldn't have thought it'll affect us, if (as people usually say) we've already spent all the sponsorship money.  We will need to find a new sponsor, though, as I would have thought the Government would be reluctant to release public money to be spent on the likes of Alan Smith :)





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Does this news affect us then? I'm not au fait with what nationalisation means.


End of the road for Gordon Brown, hopefully. Fucking hell...nationalising a bank. What a complete bollocks he is...and as for that human-badger-hybrid Alistair Darling, what a total jockey. Dismayed, I really am.

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