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Steve McClaren


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I agree with the jist of the comments above, the 4231 is not working and jack and anita are both playing far too deep most of the time. i like the look of the 433 above or a proper 4411. Means one of jack or anita wouldn't play which would improve us 10 fold attack wise.


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I agree but I think no matter who he picks, there's a long battle at the bottom ahead. I don't see him changing the habit of a lifetime and suddenly trying to attack. Crippling negativity was his trademark at Boro and he's been exactly the same here so far.


Early indications are that none of the sides who have been promoted are going to be whipping boys whilst the other clubs who were down there last year have all improved. Alarm bells should already be going off within NUFC imo.

I think he's going to have to change his approach or he'll not see out the season, unless we start scoring goals we're down.


Pardew had the knack of getting 1 goal wins at the right time, SMC doesn't appear to have that.

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A serious question, how long do people think he should be given, in terms of the number of games before we fairly judge him?


I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't have been given the job period, but seeing as he's here we owe him at least a season to see what he can do unless we're in serious danger of going down later in the season, which I don't really expect despite the rocky start to our season. That said, this won't stop me from criticising decisions I see as errors of judgement as and when I see them. I just think any pressure on him to get the sack before the end of the season is unwarranted unless we are in deep brown stuff.

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Midfield is a problem, hopefully he'll spot that. I think the rest will come good if he does.


Wijnaldum looks lost in the hole. Anita is OK coming deep to link play but Colback isn't a good partner for him. He's hiding or out of position too often and can't cover ground either.


Obvious solution seems to be drop Wijnaldum deeper into CM and put De Jong in. TBF to McClaren he might have done it already if De Jong was fit. I would also consider Perez starting while Mitrovic is out.


I believe we have enough good players to have a decent season still, but last night was weirdly bad.

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Please stop this four CMs bullshit. Get rid of Colback and Sissoko for De Jong and Perez, and we'd look twice the team.

Assume he wanted us to be counter attacking West Ham with the pace of Sissoko, Wijnaldum and Thauvin yesterday, but that fell to pieces when they got an early lead. He really needed to change things up at half time, but as we've seen, he's been very late with his subs, and they haven't been the best. At least yesterday the right players came on, which is one of the only positives I can take from yesterday.

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A serious question, how long do people think he should be given, in terms of the number of games before we fairly judge him?


I'm of the opinion that he shouldn't have been given the job period, but seeing as he's here we owe him at least a season to see what he can do unless we're in serious danger of going down later in the season, which I don't really expect despite the rocky start to our season. That said, this won't stop me from criticising decisions I see as errors of judgement as and when I see them. I just think any pressure on him to get the sack before the end of the season is unwarranted unless we are in deep brown stuff.


You and Wullie are both right in that he shouldn't have been given the job in the first place, but while Ashley's the owner this is probably as good as we are going to get. Unless he's a complete craven coward he'll have to change something, and at least the changes he made after an hour gave us something of a glimpse that we can be a lot better than his starting line up. It's just a shame just about 90% of the people on here could have called it 3 games ago.

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Going to give him some time, obviously two points from five games is very poor but it must be said that the fixture list has been a difficult one for a manager who's trying to completely change the way we play.


However, there have been some incredibly worrying signs from him.


Perez not playing is a joke. Obertan starting games ahead of him was nonsense and when Ayoze did get the start against Man U he looked good only to be dropped again for the Arsenal game. I'm excited about Thauvin but it really does seem that McClaren is playing favourites and Ayoze isn't on his list. First Obertan, now Thauvin. We'd also have been far better off starting Perez up top than persisting with Cisse, who is an absolutely atrocious lone striker. Guy needs to play against Watford.


Extending Colo's contract still pisses me off too. We've basically handcuffed ourselves into an Mbemba-Colo partnership for the next two years, two players who are desperately ill-suited to playing together in this league. Should have let him go to Palace, he's done and is going to just linger around declining further over the next year or two.


However Colback and Anita starting together in CM every game so far is by far the most alarming thing we've seen from him. Individually they're absolutely average footballers, very limited players who have glaring holes in their game. But as a partnership... fucking hell they're awful. Been completely bossed in every game we've played so far and I have no hope that they'll get better. What's worrying is that many people said that they should never play together, it seemed obvious that they'd be shite together. Yet he's picked them, and is now sticking with them. It's not like he has no other options either. Wijnaldum looks better suited to playing deeper, we could also put Sissoko back in CM. Both of these options would allow us to get a player like De Jong or Perez on the field. I really don't think he's going to change it any time soon either, which means I can't see us being much use as a team even when the supposedly easier fixtures come around.


Needs to make some big decisions in the coming weeks.

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They're actually keeping him out of the side though, Perez could easily slot in anywhere across the front 4 and we'd not jeopardise our balance too much by taking out one of Colback or Anita.


People can say what they like about needing 2 conservative midfielders in the team (I disagree anyway) but it's not even making us look much more solid and it's most certainly contributing to us having f***-all going forward.  Just slot Perez in anywhere - left, right, central - doesn't matter.  Kid needs to be on the pitch, no excuses.


If McClaren doesn't appear to understand that over the next few games I'll actually start getting a bit concerned.


Even if he plays Gini in midfield I could see valid reasons for a front four of say Thauvin, De Jong, Sissoko & Mitrovic when they're all fit.


Agreed it's wank though if it still means Colita in midfield.


Perez is easy to leave out because he a) came in as a backup for a low fee, b) won't kick up a big fuss, c) won't be on big wages.

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Needs to learn quickly the Anita/Colback partnership doesn't work. As much as I want Perez in the team, there's at least reasons for him not being in, but no excuse now for these two.


Can't think what they would be personally, he's always by far our best player. Should start all of the time.

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The best comparison is Hearts who were a joke for years under the last owner. A new lot has come in, they haven't spent a single penny on transfer fees, yet the club has been completely transformed, just from a different attitude at the top.


Another comparison, remaining in Scotland - and more pertinently under Ashley - would be Rangers. A club that's doing well, very frustratingly, under the manager that we should have appointed. A manager probably hired with the recommendation of McClaren himself after he got his arse handed to him by Warburton in the Championship. While we opted for the steady and safe hands of Steve...

A bit too fatalistic your point of view; we'll get better, but ultimately it was just a poor appointment.

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Going to give him some time, obviously two points from five games is very poor but it must be said that the fixture list has been a difficult one for a manager who's trying to completely change the way we play.


However, there have been some incredibly worrying signs from him.


Perez not playing is a joke. Obertan starting games ahead of him was nonsense and when Ayoze did get the start against Man U he looked good only to be dropped again for the Arsenal game. I'm excited about Thauvin but it really does seem that McClaren is playing favourites and Ayoze isn't on his list. First Obertan, now Thauvin. We'd also have been far better off starting Perez up top than persisting with Cisse, who is an absolutely atrocious lone striker. Guy needs to play against Watford.


Extending Colo's contract still pisses me off too. We've basically handcuffed ourselves into an Mbemba-Colo partnership for the next two years, two players who are desperately ill-suited to playing together in this league. Should have let him go to Palace, he's done and is going to just linger around declining further over the next year or two.


However Colback and Anita starting together in CM every game so far is by far the most alarming thing we've seen from him. Individually they're absolutely average footballers, very limited players who have glaring holes in their game. But as a partnership... fucking hell they're awful. Been completely bossed in every game we've played so far and I have no hope that they'll get better. What's worrying is that many people said that they should never play together, it seemed obvious that they'd be shite together. Yet he's picked them, and is now sticking with them. It's not like he has no other options either. Wijnaldum looks better suited to playing deeper, we could also put Sissoko back in CM. Both of these options would allow us to get a player like De Jong or Perez on the field. I really don't think he's going to change it any time soon either, which means I can't see us being much use as a team even when the supposedly easier fixtures come around.


Needs to make some big decisions in the coming weeks.



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Happy we were so bad last night.


Will be fascinating to see his team selection for the next game now, as there will have to be a complete re-think on things.


We will have a very clear indication of just how much trouble we are going to be in this season then.

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Midfield is a problem, hopefully he'll spot that. I think the rest will come good if he does.


Wijnaldum looks lost in the hole. Anita is OK coming deep to link play but Colback isn't a good partner for him. He's hiding or out of position too often and can't cover ground either.


Obvious solution seems to be drop Wijnaldum deeper into CM and put De Jong in. TBF to McClaren he might have done it already if De Jong was fit. I would also consider Perez starting while Mitrovic is out.


I believe we have enough good players to have a decent season still, but last night was weirdly bad.


I was expecting a draw but wouldn't have been surprised by a defeat. It was the manner of the performance though, completely abstract and inept.

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Which other team has a midfielder dropping back behind the central defenders to bring the ball forward? Such a pointless role. Colo and Mbemba are more than capable to pass forward to our midfield or fullbacks. Just dont get Anita role (still like Anita though).


Also - just dont get Sissoko playing on the right - I get that he can run fast, but when we signed him, i was so excited for him to play in the middle, breaking forward.

Also - dont get Gini playing in the hole. Would be a really good midfielder in my opinion.


Sick of players playing out of position. Would rather they learned the trade in their natural positions. Sissoko and Gini may be terrible for a few games, but think they have the tools to mature into decent midfielders


Same cant be said for gingerman - getting 100 games in the midfield and will just never get better.

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Which other team has a midfielder dropping back behind the central defenders to bring the ball forward? Such a pointless role. Colo and Mbemba are more than capable to pass forward to our midfield or fullbacks. Just dont get Anita role (still like Anita though).


Makes things tick. got to pass it to Colo and Mbemba. Do you not know how important that is to do?
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TBF to McClaren, I'm more and more convinced that the problems on the pitch can never be put right under the current administration.


The poisonous anti-competitive culture that has been deliberately developed since the day Hughton was sacked can't be swept away by a few new players or even new staff. The manager's another one who wouldn't get a job anywhere else in the top flight and the players know it.


The best comparison is Hearts who were a joke for years under the last owner. A new lot has come in, they haven't spent a single penny on transfer fees, yet the club has been completely transformed, just from a different attitude at the top. This lot seem to think everything can be put right by playing Coloccini in the cups but they're finding out quickly that it can't.


Here. Here. Said it when we spent the money, very little has changed.

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Needs to learn quickly the Anita/Colback partnership doesn't work. As much as I want Perez in the team, there's at least reasons for him not being in, but no excuse now for these two.


Can't think what they would be personally, he's always by far our best player. Should start all of the time.

So obvious. He looks the most like a footballer. The most likely to beat a player. The most likely to play a dangerous pass. If he knew how to I would play him at CM. Just get the lad on the ball, facing goal.


In 30 minutes he completed all 3 of his take-ons. Thauvin in an hour completed 0 of his 3 attempts.

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TBF to McClaren, I'm more and more convinced that the problems on the pitch can never be put right under the current administration.


The poisonous anti-competitive culture that has been deliberately developed since the day Hughton was sacked can't be swept away by a few new players or even new staff. The manager's another one who wouldn't get a job anywhere else in the top flight and the players know it.


The best comparison is Hearts who were a joke for years under the last owner. A new lot has come in, they haven't spent a single penny on transfer fees, yet the club has been completely transformed, just from a different attitude at the top. This lot seem to think everything can be put right by playing Coloccini in the cups but they're finding out quickly that it can't.


Totally agree. The poison from the very top seeps all the way through the club. They can say what they like, Charnley can email the fans as many times as he wants but the anti competitive attitude the current regime have installed in the club is plain for all to see. We know the end game is at least a 17th place finish and the cups are a distraction to that and so do the players. Whoever we buy, for whatever money, that's what will be instilled into them. The good ones will get fed up and leave and we get stuck with the rest. And repeat.

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Which other team has a midfielder dropping back behind the central defenders to bring the ball forward? Such a pointless role. Colo and Mbemba are more than capable to pass forward to our midfield or fullbacks. Just dont get Anita role (still like Anita though).


Also - just dont get Sissoko playing on the right - I get that he can run fast, but when we signed him, i was so excited for him to play in the middle, breaking forward.

Also - dont get Gini playing in the hole. Would be a really good midfielder in my opinion.


Sick of players playing out of position. Would rather they learned the trade in their natural positions. Sissoko and Gini may be terrible for a few games, but think they have the tools to mature into decent midfielders


Same cant be said for gingerman - getting 100 games in the midfield and will just never get better.


1. Lots of team have anchorman dropping between centerbacks, this allows fullbacks to push up and center halves to move to wing. Usually opponent is pressing with 2 men so there is an extra man. Now West Ham let us have the ball after the goal and just prevented the passes to midfield. Mbemba was wawing players to move many times when he had the ball and had time to move with it.


2. Sissoko can't defend, at all. He forgets his man all the time leaves huge gaps and gets caught ball watching. He needs room to burst into and would be useful in a right side of midfield three. He is not playing as a winger and nor should he.


Our movement without the ball is awful, and without Mitro all the long balls are like giving the ball away. We need better movement and dropping of Mr. Hiding aka Colback.

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Which other team has a midfielder dropping back behind the central defenders to bring the ball forward? Such a pointless role. Colo and Mbemba are more than capable to pass forward to our midfield or fullbacks. Just dont get Anita role (still like Anita though).


Also - just dont get Sissoko playing on the right - I get that he can run fast, but when we signed him, i was so excited for him to play in the middle, breaking forward.

Also - dont get Gini playing in the hole. Would be a really good midfielder in my opinion.


Sick of players playing out of position. Would rather they learned the trade in their natural positions. Sissoko and Gini may be terrible for a few games, but think they have the tools to mature into decent midfielders


Same cant be said for gingerman - getting 100 games in the midfield and will just never get better.


Errr.  In modern football.  Lots of teams have a midfielder coming deep, with the centre backs splitting and the full backs pushing on.  I actually quite like it.  The problem is, we don't really have any movement further up the pitch, or players that are confident enough to actually try and work the ball, or pass and move.


Too often last night.  You would see Mbemba asking players to come short and looking for the pass.  Only to have to hoof it long, as there was nothing on.  Or we just pass it sideways for ages, then give it to Krul, who invariably boots it straight off the pitch.


Played off the park by West Ham and raped by a chubby looking Payet.  Embarrassing.


EDIT - TL:DR.  See AY's post above.

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