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His air of positivity's long gone [emoji38]


He said he'd know where the team was after ten games to be fair [emoji38] We are doomed [emoji38]

[emoji38] Would be funny if he came out after 10 games and went "Aye fair do's, we're f***ed".


Maybe saving it for his next email :lol:

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Tbf the author of the piece has suggested losing Krul will cost us 20 points, all he's said is that Krul will earn us 20 points, that's not to suggest his understudy will win us 0 just not as many. A story has been made out of context. Not that I think he's any less cracked up than most believe.

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It's a daft thing to say regardless. It's incredibly negative in a way that indicates he's already lining his excuses up when we need some real bullish positivity heading into a run of seemingly winnable fixtures. It doesn't even touch Pardew's top 100 worst quotes but it's an ill-advised thing for a manager to say. Will hardly have Norwich quaking in their boots for a start.

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It's a daft thing to say regardless. It's incredibly negative in a way that indicates he's already lining his excuses up when we need some real bullish positivity heading into a run of seemingly winnable fixtures. It doesn't even touch Pardew's top 100 worst quotes but it's an ill-advised thing for a manager to say. Will hardly have Norwich quaking in their boots for a start.


Totally agree, just think it's been blown into something it's not. Need to batten down the hatches and shout a rallying cry, that looks like the white flag is already half mast.

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Aye we're on the same page then. When you start picking points estimations out of the air in this situation you can guarantee that'll be the headline though - you'd think he'd be smarter than that, especially given he was the England manager.


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I personally feel automatically sorry for any manager post Pardew, the amount of luck needed to get this club working is just too much. We need a manager with some extraordinary skills and it is obvious that the ones we are going to bring in is never going to have that. There's a curse on this club man, and the curse is simply up to the ones leading it from the top. We will be served eternal dross as long as we have the current regime.

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More of a disease than a curse, but I get your point. Maybe it's my advancing years, maybe it's 4 years of Pardew, I don't know but I have no sympathy for him. He knew what he was getting into, he knew what our regime were like and the legacy of mistreatment that had been left by Pardew and Carver. He was out of work and saw an opportunity to stay in the money, he was told from the start how things were going to be (no commanding cb) and he took it on and stayed here. It's his choice as to whether he remains here or not and given the circumstances I would expect him to walk very soon, I wouldn't blame him, quite the opposite, but I don't feel sorry for him.


Unless Ashley breaks off everything from the top, Charney, Carr, McClaren, nothing will change. Do I believe he will do that? I'd be shocked, but if he wants a semi-successful club he has no option, hell if he wants to stay in this league his time is running swiftly out!


The answer is clear, restructure or piss off, it's about to get ugly again.

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I have more confidence of us playing well against Man Utd and Chelsea than against Watford and Norwich as a number of our players give zero fucks about the club any more and will only turn up for the TV and Champions League scouts.


This is not McClarens fault, I think that generally as a club we are fucked.

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I have more confidence of us playing well against Man Utd and Chelsea than against Watford and Norwich as a number of our players give zero fucks about the club any more and will only turn up for the TV and Champions League scouts.


This is not McClarens fault, I think that generally as a club we are fucked.

Really annoys me that people always put  this down to players only giving a fuck against the stronger sides. For years it's been clear that we don't know what to do when the onus is on us to attack. It's really fucking basic stuff tbh. People go on like every game is the same, except some teams are stronger than others. It's no surprise we struggle to break down weaker teams if our best moments are generally around counter attacking stronger teams with pace and guile. Just seems very basic, all this.

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Exactly. It's harder to break down a team that is set up not to be broken down, when you're devoid of a patient but effective game plan that will do the trick. It's not necessarily about being more up for it against stronger sides, it's more about us never developing a style of play that doesn't revolve around feeding off scraps.


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I have more confidence of us playing well against Man Utd and Chelsea than against Watford and Norwich as a number of our players give zero fucks about the club any more and will only turn up for the TV and Champions League scouts.


This is not McClarens fault, I think that generally as a club we are fucked.

Really annoys me that people always put  this down to players only giving a fuck against the stronger sides. For years it's been clear that we don't know what to do when the onus is on us to attack. It's really fucking basic stuff tbh. People go on like every game is the same, except some teams are stronger than others. It's no surprise we struggle to break down weaker teams if our best moments are generally around counter attacking stronger teams with pace and guile. Just seems very basic, all this.

:thup: Almost all our good players are suited to playing on the counter attack, its not anything to do with only wanting to play well against good teams

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