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Steve McClaren


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"wow all of these players we've signed this january look mint, hopefully this is a sign of change!"


"oh god we're getting beat 6-0, oh god we're getting beat 3-0 off the mackems, oh god we're getting relegated"


"why aren't you sacking pardew?"




"thank god... maybe we can get remi garde!"


"why have you given the job to john carver? oh god we're going to get relegated..."


And so on. We're going to be absolutely sick of our lives within a year.

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So far we've done all of the right things since the season ended, but the things we've done so far haven't required sticking hands too deeply into pockets, so there's a long way to go.

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Gut instinct tells me this one isn't going to work out, just a hunch and I sincerely hope McClaren makes the club a success, but I've got my doubts. That said, loads of things needed to happen this summer. Binning Carver - check. Hiring a manager who at least has a bit of a track record/isn't a complete cunt - check. Letting McClaren bring some of his own guys in - check. I never wanted McClaren but it's a decent appointment, he's a good coach by all accounts and in the grand scheme of things we could have been lumbered with a shite sight worse, this doesn't mean we couldn't have done much better either (I wanted Garde who would have signed apparently).


He's got the job and I don't detest the fuck out of him. I'm not thrilled, I'm not overjoyed and I'm not enthused by McClaren but I'll wait and see how it pans out. Said earlier, I'm sick of hating every aspect of the club, I'm looking for positives and I want it to work but I've got my doubts.


I'll give it 18 months. :neutral:


:thup: Not being fooled into renewing that season ticket just yet but trying to find the positives. Genuinely think they're going to be bullied into giving the cups a go this year at least.


Will obviously be depressed as fuck come January.

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If he gives the captaincy to someone else he'll automatically go up in my book. Especially if Coloccini stays


Go out and pay £10-12m on Shawcross, make him captain. Massive statement of intent. Think he's also the type of defender that would make Coloccini look decent for another year as well.

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This is Ashley's Shepherd and Big Sam moment. A realisation that things have to change, that the past cannot continue. But unlike with FS, Ashley has no ambition for NUFC outside of how he wants the club to operate. The clash of interests if you like will meet head on at some point and there is only ever going to be one winner.


I will go on record here and now and state that McClaren will resign within the next 2 years. He has bought into this so-called new vision and new NUFC, as have lots of fans it sadly seems, but Ashley only cares about two things - SD and the huge revenues from TV that enables him to run NUFC without having to put his own money into things and the guaranteed huge exposure for SD through the millions watching.


Talk of the top 8 and cups and punching above our weight financially are soundbites penned by Kieth Bishop and aimed at the sad sacks who want to believe in that, which by the way is deeply sad given finishing 5th under Sir Bobby was once regarded as not good enough.


Support McClaren and this 'new' NUFC and all you are doing us deluding yourself further. Meet the new boss.... same as the old boss?


I won't be fooled again! Never!



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So far we've done all of the right things since the season ended, but the things we've done so far haven't required sticking hands too deeply into pockets, so there's a long way to go.


Appointing on merit would have made the bit in bold true but we haven't appointed a manager who was sacked by Derby on merit.  And for the doubters, most people class appointing on merit as appointing the best person available, if de Boer and Garde were interested then we've failed on that score.

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If he gives the captaincy to someone else he'll automatically go up in my book. Especially if Coloccini stays


Go out and pay £10-12m on Shawcross, make him captain. Massive statement of intent. Think he's also the type of defender that would make Coloccini look decent for another year as well.


Would take more than that. Kaboul I'd available apparently.

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This is Ashley's Shepherd and Big Sam moment. A realisation that things have to change, that the past cannot continue. But unlike with FS, Ashley has no ambition for NUFC outside of how he wants the club to operate. The clash of interests if you like will meet head on at some point and there is only ever going to be one winner.


I will go on record here and now and state that McClaren will resign within the next 2 years. He has bought into this so-called new vision and new NUFC, as have lots of fans it sadly seems, but Ashley only cares about two things - SD and the huge revenues from TV that enables him to run NUFC without having to put his own money into things and the guaranteed huge exposure for SD through the millions watching.


Talk of the top 8 and cups and punching above our weight financially are soundbites penned by Kieth Bishop and aimed at the sad sacks who want to believe in that, which by the way is deeply sad given finishing 5th under Sir Bobby was once regarded as not good enough.


Support McClaren and this 'new' NUFC and all you are doing us deluding yourself further. Meet the new boss.... same as the old boss?


I won't be fooled again! Never!






Totally on board with your sentiment, and we need to continue the pressure on Ashley and his cronies.


However, I'm hoping to at least enjoy watching our team under someone who's probably his best appointment in terms of managerial career. And hopefully he's a man of character and walks like Keegan and Gullit when things go pear-shaped.

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If he gives the captaincy to someone else he'll automatically go up in my book. Especially if Coloccini stays


Go out and pay £10-12m on Shawcross, make him captain. Massive statement of intent. Think he's also the type of defender that would make Coloccini look decent for another year as well.


Not sure Stoke would sell their captain who has 3 years left on his contract to a team who finished below them for £10m, but I get where you're coming from :lol:


Think people are going to end the summer disappointed whatever we do in the market, because we need so fucking much.  Could do with a RB, 2 CB's, RM, CM, and arguably 2 strikers. That's without selling anyone, too

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Completely agree, McClaren won't achieve anything and will be forced out if he wants to. I am willing to entertain the possiblity in the short term he may (being the operative word) get us playing nicer football, so there's at least that to look forward to.


I maintain that going to the games is counterproductive and we will achieve nothing, and will continue to have to suffer indignity after indignity until Ashley is gone.

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I'm happy enough with this appointment, he supposedly plays decent football, and everything he's said has been positive. Everything that has came out of the club since the end of the season has been somewhat positive, and it makes a change. Only time will tell if they stick by their words, It may not happen, as has been the case in the past. I've been as negative about the regime as anyone, but I just don't want to be pessimistic about the club any more,I want to look forward to games again, and not dread them,  I want to look at the bright side for a change, i'm willing to give them the summer and start of next season to see what the club and McClaren implement.

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'You cannot accuse Newcastle now of not having any ambition' :spit:


Imagine being that f***ing simple man.


Some people rave on about him winning the League Cup and the League in Holland as if he's the 2nd coming. 


Most people see Dalglish and Gullitt as being shite while here, I think both would have lifted trophies if they'd faced Bolton in the finals.  Didn't he take Twente from 4th to 2nd then 2nd to first?  It's not as if he'd built a team, he took over a team which were near the top of a weak league anyway.

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Not a bad interview but the top 8 target is unnecessary IMO. It's like saying we want to finish in the top 10 but hopefully just miss out on Europe. Either aim for top 6 or keep quiet about targets if they are going to be as feeble as that.

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'You cannot accuse Newcastle now of not having any ambition' :spit:


Imagine being that f***ing simple man.


Some people rave on about him winning the League Cup and the League in Holland as if he's the 2nd coming. 


Most people see Dalglish and Gullitt as being s**** while here, I think both would have lifted trophies if they'd faced Bolton in the finals.  Didn't he take Twente from 4th to 2nd then 2nd to first?  It's not as if he'd built a team, he took over a team which were near the top of a weak league anyway.


I'm guessing that's the equivalent though of taking a club like Hearts and breaking up the Old Firm (when both were there at the top), then winning it a year later. Which is a huge achievement.

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I'm still struggling to understand why De Boer under the same administration would equal game changing, fighting against the regime style change yet McClaren equals automatic Pardew clone. Any manager willing to work under the constraints of the club is surely a total stooge and therefore it would make no difference whether it was Jurgen Klopp or Steve Kean if that is your stance?


FWIW, I think it'll end in tears (or massive shrugs) but I won't condemn a man for getting into bed with this club any more than I would condemn a player for signing for us or someone who wasn't McClaren taking the position. No one has won me round with this announcement and it hasn't changed my thirst for change when it comes to our owner but I don't believe we'll see any benefit instantly writing people off just because they are willing to be associated with the club. I think people can still be here and still have a bit of professional pride and a bit of fight in them regardless of the owner.

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What does "give him a chance" mean really? I doubt many people will bring their Sack McClaren bedsheets to the first home game of the season, or cancel their season ticket exclusively on the back of this appointment. Of course he will get a chance to prove if he can make things work and he will be judged on performances and results, just like any other football manager. However, giving him a chance shouldn't mean that he is beyond valid criticism for me. I'm beyond giving Mike Ashley a chance at this stage, which makes it that much harder to be truly enthusiastic about anyone who associates himself with them and sings from the same hymn sheet, but as most people I am willing to see how things pan out before getting the proverbial knives out whilst reserving the right to call it as I see it, when I see it. That's the maximum I can muster I'm afraid for a manager who in reality shouldn't be anywhere near a club aiming for "top 8 in the Premier League" at this stage of his career.

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I admit my expectations have been well and truly lowered by this regime. I no longer really expect to challenge for silverware but after the last 5 years just seeing some coherent and decent football would be great for me. I'm actually looking forward to the new season.

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I'm guessing that's the equivalent though of taking a club like Hearts and breaking up the Old Firm (when both were there at the top), then winning it a year later. Which is a huge achievement.


Alkmaar won it the year before Twente, he didn't break anything up.

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