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Steve McClaren


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Difficult to see how the club can get out of this mess.  Even if he is sacked , these idiots would just simpson in charge for the rest of the season.  For me Carr has to be sacked along with McClaren.

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One thing that has been distinctly different to how the club is handling this mess is the lack of any statements backing McClaren. Previously, when there were news regarding the manager being pushed out coming out in the press, especially during Pardew's time, it was swiftly countered by a strong denial from the club and backing of the manager until the end of the season.


Forget that crap from the supposed 'players' statement yesterday. You would have thought after the Chealsea mauling and the tame Stoke defeat, something would have been said by the club to dismiss the reports of him getting the sack if we lost to Bournemouth before the game to ease the pressure on him from the fans and media.


Until the club says anything, there's a chance he will be pushed out as he's clearly not walking out by himself. Cue a Sunday morning statement by the club backing the c***.

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There's literally not a hope in hell that this twat is likely to get any results to pull us out of this. That's blindingly obvious. If he's still here by this evening then, frankly, we need to go down. We need a good few years of lower league football to clear out the shit, drive out the cunts at the top, and reinvigorate support for the club.


I would be gobsmacked if the board thought there was a chance this could be turned around. It's obvious to all in the same way it's obvious that Villa are fucked.

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Guest neesy111

Douglas thinks there is a board meeting today. If there is we might find out if we have a slender chance of staying up or not.


If there's a board meeting then McClaren will be in that meeting. What a shambles.

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It isn't all McClaren's fault, he's just the fall guy,( he was appointed  by the board as a cheapish option). It's those idiots that run the club who think they know what they are doing and believe they are invincible, the players can see what they can get away as it appears that the "board" have allowed this situation to arise.

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Talking about bringing in Moyes, another total failure

Moyes is a higher class of manager than McLaren like. Whether he can keep us up is another matter and would need to be given time but I would be all for it. Moyes can build a club if given time. Pardew and McLaren destroy clubs because they are born losers

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He'll go man :lol: People saying he's obviously not as it hasnt happened yet.. it's 9am ffs


It happens today or not at all IMO. Can't believe they're still reeling from the fat Sam payoff yet think the cabella/thauvin situation is acceptable business.


Thick as fuck the lot of them.

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He'll go man [emoji38] People saying he's obviously not as it hasnt happened yet.. it's 9am ffs

Tbf they shouldn't need a board meeting. Charnley should have text him at half time and sacked him. This club has to become ruthless as we are so wet across the club. There is no resolve. Look at them nonces down the road, one of them caught fiddling and they still crack on winning points, we would have crumbled under the pressure

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Some of his selection choices have been very, very poor, recently. He also didn't need to change the home formula from the last game, and it was imperative we had a good start yesterday - we did try to start quick but the likes of Riviere stunted it. Far too panicky with some of those choices.


He should go. I do think he's made some progress on the footballing front in his time here but that's ultimately nowhere near enough. This squad's doomed, though, so much shite running through it and still a huge lack of mental strength.


Craig Hope can fuck off too. His article about that press conference is an absolute disgrace, reads like a fucking awful Sun exclusive. Calls himself a fan, man.

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Guest Roger Kint

The fans bleeding the club dry when it's relegated is the only way to get him out. As long as he has wilful sheep handing over their cash, he isn't budging.


Already paid nearly £100 so far for next seasons time away from the wife. No point in throwing that away. Excuses are all there for them

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Talking about bringing in Moyes, another total failure

Moyes is a higher class of manager than McLaren like. Whether he can keep us up is another matter and would need to be given time but I would be all for it. Moyes can build a club if given time. Pardew and McLaren destroy clubs because they are born losers

Agree with this - Moyes is NOT a failure, he built a decent club at Everton and as for Man U, look at how LVG is getting plastered by their fans/media and he is one of the most successful European managers...the problem is that Moyes needs time, he is not a quick fix figure as KK was and even KK had another month to keep us up in 1992...Moyes would do OK in a year or so, but we can't really expect any new manager to work miracles in the time left to him. Even the Tinker Man would be hard-pushed to keep this lot up.

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