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Steve McClaren


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He said himself, he knew what this regime was all about and he still accepted. He was quite happy for the mediocrity and the exploitation of fan's hopes and dreams to continue whilst he just put on a stupid smirk that wasn't pardew's.


I don't loathe him as much as pardew or Ashley but he's on the colo level of disdain.

Didn't have the decency to resign. Fuck him.
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He said himself, he knew what this regime was all about and he still accepted. He was quite happy for the mediocrity and the exploitation of fan's hopes and dreams to continue whilst he just put on a stupid smirk that wasn't pardew's.


I don't loathe him as much as pardew or Ashley but he's on the colo level of disdain.

<b>Didn't have the decency to resign.</b> f*** him.


:lol: Always funny!


I know. As if anyone would walk away from a massive payout.

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He said himself, he knew what this regime was all about and he still accepted. He was quite happy for the mediocrity and the exploitation of fan's hopes and dreams to continue whilst he just put on a stupid smirk that wasn't pardew's.


I don't loathe him as much as pardew or Ashley but he's on the colo level of disdain.

<b>Didn't have the decency to resign.</b> f*** him.


:lol: Always funny!


I know. As if anyone would walk away from a massive payout.



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To be fair I would probably relegate NUFC intentionally for a few million quid


Aye but you'd probably be accepting that NUFC fans would be within their rights to call you a bellend for doing it.


We know he's a bellend, he knows he's a bellend, we're all in agreement. There's nothing to see here.

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Also true.


When has anyone EVER walked away from a massive payout, ever (in any line of work)? Especially if, in your opinion, the problems you were facing were not solely of your own doing?


Ruud Gullit, NUFC.

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Hence 'f*** him'. Like we're meant to be understanding of a bloke who relegated us for personal gain, man.


i wasn't talking about that bit to be fair, i was on about the part in bold.


I agree, fuck him, he was total shit, but i don't blame him for not resigning. I wouldn't have walked either.



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He said himself, he knew what this regime was all about and he still accepted. He was quite happy for the mediocrity and the exploitation of fan's hopes and dreams to continue whilst he just put on a stupid smirk that wasn't pardew's.


I don't loathe him as much as pardew or Ashley but he's on the colo level of disdain.

<b>Didn't have the decency to resign.</b> f*** him.


:lol: Always funny!


I know. As if anyone would walk away from a massive payout.




fair point, but those that do are in the massive minority. Hence I never get how anyone expects a manager to do it.


I've many things to hold a grudge with mcclaren over, 'not having the decency to resign' isnt one of them.

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Not as big a payout but he resigned from Forest because he knew he wasn't up to it, Keegan did the same with England.


Aye. Gullit did it. Keegan nearly always did it. Roeder did it.


Original comment is "I don't loathe" him or something. It's rare but put your hands up and admit you aren't up for it - I won't dislike you as a man. But string it out... relegating us in the process. Fuck him. All this "decent" bloke stuff. Bollocks.

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