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Liverpool (h) pre match thread


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Guest Tiger Tony

Fuckin hell lads how pessimistic can you be?!


That is not to say I am not confident Liverpool will win if they put the right side out, but most of you don't seem to have any belief whatsoever of getting anything from the game. Besides Pompey you have been alright at home haven't you?

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Fuckin hell lads how pessimistic can you be?!


That is not to say I am not confident Liverpool will win if they put the right side out, but most of you don't seem to have any belief whatsoever of getting anything from the game. Besides Pompey you have been alright at home haven't you?


we had been winning but never played good football yet, even when we win it looks like we are playing for a draw

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Fuckin hell lads how pessimistic can you be?!


That is not to say I am not confident Liverpool will win if they put the right side out, but most of you don't seem to have any belief whatsoever of getting anything from the game. Besides Pompey you have been alright at home haven't you?


Yes. We're still going to get relegated though, apparently.

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CACAPA (if fit)





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CACAPA (if fit)





Would pick the same except Emre for Butt

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Apart from that Pompey game we've been unbeatable. :)


Anyhow - if Viduka plays at the head of the 4-3-3 (with the typically disjointed midfield) then we'll lose. Cos we'll play high balls and win nowt from an attacking point of view. YES we need to stick to a team and stick to various partnerships, but people have been saying that this should be in the 4-3-3. I don't reckon so; we've still got players that slip comfortably into the 4-4-2 and that's the way to go i reckon.




Beye  Taylor  Rozehnal  Enrique


Geremi  Butt  Barton  N'Zogbia


Martins  Viduka


Subs: Harper, Taylor, Emre, Milner, Smith


No nonsense, play it properly. Proper defense with proper wing-backs that will get forward and offer a threat. They'll also accumulate some sort of defensive organisation and positioning - more so than Taylor and Zoggy anyhow. We can get Rozehnal in there to combat Torres' pace; i'm not sure how Roz'll do physically cos i reckon he's a bit of an ox - Torres - but either way, if Caçapa can't handle Benjani, he won't be able to handle Torres.


Drop Emre, he's offering nowt. Impact sub. Milner's still fucked and we need Geremi back in the side. Stunned that he didn't start at Sunderland after the thoroughly messy debacle against Pompey. He isn't a prominent figure but he keeps us tidy. And besides, Butt/Geremi worked in every other home match this season, didn't it?


Martins and Viduka cos, well - Martins has to play and Viduka has to play.


We'd win with that team i reckon. Nevertheless...




Taylor  Rozehnal  Caçapa  Enrique


Milner  Barton  Butt  N'Zogbia


Smith  Viduka


... is probably something more along the lines of what we'll see. That defense, anyhow. :undecided:


Either way, i can see us getting beat anyhow.



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Really can't see him not starting Obafemi.


surely he has to. he will murder carragher for pace and i also hope agger is not yet match fit so he puts him on the bench because these days hypia is a total donkey

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Really can't see him not starting Obafemi.


Is it wrong for me to be slightly glad Owen is out?


No  ;D Owen would do fuck all against their defence because hes not fast enough

Martins will get marked by agger and viduka by carragher imo

because agger has a little bit pace


a 2-2 draw

martins (x2) , torres kuyt

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Fuckin hell lads how pessimistic can you be?!


That is not to say I am not confident Liverpool will win if they put the right side out, but most of you don't seem to have any belief whatsoever of getting anything from the game. Besides Pompey you have been alright at home haven't you?


Our home form has been pretty good, we've played a handful of decent/good teams here. (Villa-draw, West Ham-win, Everton-win, Spurs-win, Portsmouth-loss). You're our first big test of the season though and on the back of our worst run of form, so confidence in this camp isn't high. We escaped from Reading/Pompey/Mackems with one undeserved point, our goals coming courtesy of two OG's and and a cross, so it's not the best time to be playing you lot, but it could be a real morale-booster as well if we take something from this game.


If Sam picks a positive team, maybe it'll give everyone a lift to see the team actually trying to win a game and believing in themselves. But I think he'll be terrified of another hammering and when the manager has no faith in the players, it obviously affects the mood of both the players and fans. He seems to be trying to lower expectations at the club, but it's created an air of negativity. Look at the number of fans on here who believe we have a squad of rubbish players and that Portsmouth are miles ahead of us. Sam has more or less said that players will be dropped on the back of one iffy performance and he dragged Cacapa off after just 15 minutes. He has changed the spine of his team all season, and last week he dropped our only full backs and played people out of position instead. Basically he has made a pigs ear of it and what you see now is a squad of players who don't seem to have the confidence of their manager nor the confidence in themselves, and a bunch of fans who aren't even sure if the team is setting itself up to try and win the game any more.


Liverpool have dropped points to some poor teams this year when Rafa has dropped Torres and fannied about, and I'll be hoping for the same here. I just really hope we give Liverpool something to think about because if we just play a game of containment, we will lose by a respectable scoreline but we will lose. We have to go for the 3 points and I hope Sam agrees.

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I believe a few of you have seen this before, but I am a member on www.redandwhitekop.com and we run an article every game called spyin kop. I have the task of doing the article for this game. So if anyone fancies a crack at all or some of the questions then that would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.


Im the same username on RAWK, know there are a few people from this site on there. If you run a similar feature either on here or in a fanzine then I would be happy to help as would members of that site.


Anyway, here are the questions:


How has the season been shaping up so far under the new ownership and management?

The season so far has been as I expected.  Much tinkering from BSA to find his best selection and formation, but so far is disappointing the majority of our fans, me included.  I believe he will get it right and is the correct man for the job, but I'm ultimately unsure whether he will get the time from our fans and our new chairman/owner.  Speaking of which, I expect the Ashley/Mort partnership to turn us into a big club (some say we are a big club, but I believe we are only in the fact we have the support).  Both Ashley/Mort seem to have their heads screwed on for running a business and I hope they support the manager’s long term plans.




What are your expectations for this season? Have they changed from day one?


To be honest, I thought top 6 during pre season, but it seems our new lads are taking more time to Gel.  Also the constant bizarre formations seem to be costing us results against games we should be looking to win.  I'm still expecting this to improve but it’s going to be tough.  Top 10 finish. 


There have been rumors of discontent with Allardyce already, what were your initial impressions of his appointment, and have they changed at all? He has recently said he would need 4-5 years to make Newcastle into what he wants, will he get that patience from the Geordie faithful, and the new owner for that matter?



A minority of our more fickle fans seem to be a bit discontent and tend to forget the position we have been since the SBR era.  I was happy with his appointment, and as mentioned earlier, believe he is the right man for the job.  Time is what is needed right now, people have to learn to be patient.  Short term appointments have not worked in the past and I believe Chris Mort has reiterated as such.  The only problem I can see is Mike Ashley wanting instant success and BSA not delivering.



On the subject of your new owner, are you happy with him? Although I kind of know this answer…..are you also glad to see the back of Freddie?


I'm happy with both in truth.  A lot has already been said about Freddie and to be honest, I'm very glad he has gone.  It has uncovered a lingering feeling I had regarding club debt and a business that would be in major trouble if it hadn’t been taken over.  On that note, Mike Ashley seems to have settled in and has done some very positive PR work by insisting on sitting with the lads against the makems...I know he's the owner, but he may have cost me my ticket! Then again, I can forgive him for the money he's put into the club. 


I suppose this is linked to the above question, but what do you think of all the money coming into the premiership with new owners all over the place? Will it increase competition or ruin the game?


Personally, it is like any other big business these days...if they can make money out of something, people will invest to turnover a profit.  I don’t mind it, but one thing all Premiership clubs need to do right now is too lower ticket prices...the working man is being phased out of the spectator side of things.  Dwindling attendances will get even worse if they do not look at ticket pricing. 


Who do you think is your most important player(s)?


For me it’s either of our 'keepers.  The way we are playing at the moment, we need a solid leader from the back.  As the defence is being chopped and changed and no one player standing out, it’s up to our 'keepers.  Oh, and Harper should be called up for England in my opinion.

Any player who has performed below your expectations?


We seem to be misfiring on all cylinders at the moment, so no one stands out.


Do you miss Titus Bramble? We will most certainly miss cheering his name!


In a word, no.  As for cheering his name...surely you can still do that when you play Wigan?


DRUM ROLL……what for I hear you ask? The obligatory Michael Owen question! Of course we have fond memories of his time here, but the way he departed has marked him down in many Liverpool fans bad books for life. In hindsight has he been a waste of money? A brilliant goal scorer, undoubtedly. But is he now a crocked ‘past his best’ liability?

I honestly feel sorry for England’s Michael Owen (I use this term due to the media constantly barraging the poor lad with tosh).  He has had some horrid luck, and his latest setback is just typical of what seems to be a curse at our club.  Yes, we paid a lot of money for him, but he is still England’s Number One goal scorer so it’s not surprising we had to pay that much when you think of what Spurs paid for Bent.  As for our fans showing discontent towards him, I for one put this down to the media. 



Following on from the above question, will anyone ever be able to replace Alan Shearer?

Strange that you mention this, I was watching the Shearer Legend DVD the other week.  ..At the moment, no.  No one is even close to being that good, he was immense.  But I'd imagine in a few years someone will come through the ranks and become another Shearer...it’s just a matter of time. 


Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about who you feel have the potential to establish themselves in the first team? I attended the youth cup game at your place last season and a few of your lads looked pretty decent, any of those lads developed further? Have they got the potential to go one further in the youth cup this season and make the final, possibly even take the crown off Liverpool?


Tim Kruul is looking good.  I have seen him play for Falkirk and although still learning is looking quality.  James Troisi has been decent for the past two seasons in the youths/reserves but whether he will be given a chance in the senior squad is up for debate.




The expectation levels in the Toon are massive, and I know that as well as anyone, having lived in Newcastle for the last 3 years. Do you feel the expectation levels are realistic, and do you feel you will have what it takes to compete with the ‘big 4’ within the

next few years?

I don’t think expectation levels are that massive.  If the lads turn up on a Saturday (or Sunday/Monday...what’s happening with Saturday kick offs this season) and give it 100% for the club, that’s all I expect at the moment.  This is the start of more stable, structured times.  If we can get to where Liverpool are now within 3 years I'd be more than ecstatic.


With Liverpool’s proposed new stadium and other clubs planning new grounds or redevelopment, does St James Park need to expand to keep up so to speak?


If we improve results and performances over the next few years there will be more demand to watch us.  If not, we don’t need to expand. 

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? That can be either on or off the pitch, or both. Preferably no 4-3 talk please! It also seems to be mentioned every year, hence why I have banned talk of it!


I for one hate that match so certainly won’t mention anymore.  I remember last season and the shock result at home.  I fully expected us to take a hiding but ended up winning.  I think I was more shocked at that than I had been for a while.


There is a general opinion that Geordies and Scousers get on very well. I have found this to generally be the case and got on well with the locals while I have lived in the Toon. Do you agree with this viewpoint or do you not get on with Scousers? Why do you feel that way, any particular experience that makes you feel the way you do?

I think Geordies and Scousers get on well mostly because we A.  Both love our football B. Love our booze.  That aside, I have very little contact (bar a few lads at work) with the Scouse population so can’t really pinpoint any personal experiences. 


‘Best fans in the World’. A statement used by fans of many clubs when describing themselves, including both our respective clubs. State your case to back up that statement.


Someone else has mentioned this, but 52,000 (and a shed load more in most pubs) turn up week in week out for a team that A. Are not playing very well and B. Have won naff all for too long to mention.


In terms of atmosphere, it seems to be getting worse at most grounds year after year. We started a campaign to ‘reclaim the kop’ last year. I hear you have a ‘toon ultras’ group with similar motives. What do you think are the reasons behind declining atmosphere? Do you think such groups can make a difference, or have already made a difference?


Our Level 7 guys (and the Gallogate this season) have been in decent voice for a fair few seasons now but ultimately the problem is with fans sitting down.  Away from home, the noise is immense as we stand the whole game!  The FA need to bring in Safe Standing areas (like in Germany) which will solve a lot of the issues in our leagues.  Oh, that and cheaper tickets!!!


What sort of line-up will be put out against us?


No idea...most likely Milner on the Left and NZogbia on the right!!!???!!!


Which Liverpool player would you most like to see fall ‘victim’ to the infamous rotation policy for this match? Only one.


As Alonso is out, Benayoun is out, it has to be Steven Gerrard.  Many people believe he is overrated, but I doubt our midfield would get a look in based on current performances is he was playing. 


Any player you really want to see in our starting eleven who you think has been weak for us so far this season?

I don’t think you have anyone in your team who normally has a nightmare against us.  If anyone Sami Hypia has been playing very inconsistently for you, so I'd chuck him in.


Where do you expect yourselves and Liverpool to finish in the Premier League? Also who do you think will win the 4 major honours?


I said before the season started I fancied you lot for the League this season, but seems Benitez has other priorities.  I'm going to say 2nd for you lot in the League, 7th for us, FA Cup to Arsenal, League Cup to Chelski and fancy Manure for the Champions League/Premier league. 


Care to predict the score?

Depends on if we show up and don’t play obscure tactics.  2-2 if we do, 0-3 if we don’t.



If a member of admin could make this into its own thread that would be much appreciated, obviously I cant start a topic due to the 100 post rule


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I always fancy us to beat the Scousers at home.


I think we'll need to score first to win, I'm not sure how the players would react to going a goal down although we came back well against the Mackems.

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Drop Emre, he's offering nowt.


And Barton is?


Barton's played three games whilst being unfit. It's been the same story with Emre for going on three years.


Oh and you should have read my next sentence. ;)

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Guest Harry-Norway

Emre must play,he was the best player in Oslo against Norway yesterday,he was King of the midfield,leave Barton on the bench,he is just not fit yet.


Emre in-Barton out

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Emre must play,he was the best player in Oslo against Norway yesterday,he was King of the midfield,leave Barton on the bench,he is just not fit yet.


Emre in-Barton out


aye thats what happens when you dont hoof balls over his head all day

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(Don't take me too seriously. I 'spect a draw. But recent performances....JEEEEBERS WEPT !!!!!)

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