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The January Deadline Day Thread


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Guest ObaStar

When Keegan came there was talk of money and lots of exciting buys.  To end up one player down and being outspent by s*** team is disappointing.


who cares to be honest. As long as we stay up, which we will i would prefer to buy in the summer when players have time to adjust and we dont have to pay over the odds for them.

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ashley is no push over... he isnt going to throw is money around on anything, this is the way it's going to be and i think we've got to get used to it


He didnt get where is today by throwing money around on tat!

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"no more business, it's all over" according to craig

Bloody great - can't believe we haven't even bought one player in, especially when the likes of spuds are flashing the cash on seemingly decent buys..


Spurs have probably been working on those signings for a month or two. We've only had two weeks, two weeks when a whole new senior management structure has come into the club.


Be patient, we're never going to get into a European spot and once we have Beye, Faye, Martins and Emre back we'll have plenty enough to pull clear any relegation danger. We can start rebuilding in the summer.

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2 weeks of absolute bollocks!


If we loose on Sunday how f****** much of a mug will Keegan and the board look!


God watching the same s**** until may is just going to be painful

Simmer down you bellend.


Shut it prick

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Guest Erich von Manstein

2 weeks of absolute bollocks!


If we loose on Sunday how fucking much of a mug will Keegan and the board look!


Not much tbh.


Signings won't guarentee us a win on Sunday.

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Alves's record is far better in a worse side tbf. I could point you towards a Ronaldo, Ruud or Romario article too if you like.


God I really hope he's shit, or doesn't play on Sunday, I couldn't give two fucks after that. :(

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2 weeks of absolute bollocks!


If we loose on Sunday how f****** much of a mug will Keegan and the board look!


God watching the same s**** until may is just going to be painful

Simmer down you bellend.


i may be a bellend as well cos i know really all the team has played against is a really good arsenal and a really non-footballing team bolton, but i just get the feeling something is wrong with our club, and i'm really fearful for this season, i think i just wanted a class or decent  player in this transfer window, which would just have given that little bit more bite and confidence, instead we go against the unwashed and i am worried, but thats me when it comes to this club.

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