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Joey Barton is a very naughty boy. Discuss.


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An exclusive from Sir Harold of Norway?


(@ matta)


Exclusive from TV-2.no, and they basically just copy/paste from other medias.



however, they might have tried theire luck on the barton one, but i hope they're right for once:D

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Cause it's the victims fault?  :lol:


There's a difference between an innocent victim and someone who is looking for trouble. This wasn't just some random bloke who happened to be passing.


Barton’s solicitor, Gwyn Lewis, said the 11-minute long incident was the result of a “great deal of provocation”.

He said: “Mr Barton was involved in an incident of which he is in no way proud.

“He was goaded. They recognised his face and he was an easy target for them.

“It is fair to say there was an enormous amount of provocation, although that is not a defence.”

Mr Lewis said the player was goaded because he did not sign for Everton FC this summer, over his playing abilities, and over the conviction of his half-brother Michael for the racist murder of Anthony Walker in 2005.

Mr Lewis said the final straw came when a girl in Barton’s group was assaulted in the street by a man.

He said: “That was the spark that lit the tinderbox and, there is no secret about it, he lost his temper.”


Of course we don't see the whole 11 minutes of CCTV or the bit where this bloke allegedly assaulted the girl.


Of course, noone is condoning his reaction, but some of you must have lived very sheltered lives if this footage has made you think worse of Barton after knowing he was sentenced to 6 months in prison for the incident. What were you expecting? I expected it to be much worse than that tbh, Barton got a couple of decent hits in and the rest was nothing. If we locked everyone up who got involved in a bit of a scrap like this, we'd have to build up Hadrian's wall and use Scotland as one big open prison. Dozens of incidents worse than this happen in every city in the country every weekend.


I really can't believe the girl got a suspended sentence for throwing a few chips at the bloke.


I'd love to give that girl a kicking too, hate women like that.




Of course Barton doesn't have a history of violence. The bloke is totally at fault for being anywhere near him at 5 in the morning after he'd had a million drinks. I stand corrected.

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Sack this piece of physco scum he will never change,


the more i think about it the more i think the alleged 'offer' the club have made for him to cut his wages might be very astute


He'll be sacked and we'll save £4m ish a year in wages.


Personally the club should look if there is a possibility to sue Barton for bringing the club into disrepute.  :razz:

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Sack this piece of physco scum he will never change,


the more i think about it the more i think the alleged 'offer' the club have made for him to cut his wages might be very astute


He'll be sacked and we'll save £4m ish a year in wages.


Personally the club should look if there is a possibility to sue Barton for bringing the club into disrepute.  :razz:


think you're right, they'll sack him once this verdict comes in assuming they're confident about the legal side of things re his registration, i reckon if there's ANY doubt we might not recoup transfer money for him they'd not sack him, hence the offer to cut his wages while they maybe waited out the chelski verdict appeal

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Sack this piece of physco scum he will never change,


the more i think about it the more i think the alleged 'offer' the club have made for him to cut his wages might be very astute


He'll be sacked and we'll save £4m ish a year in wages.


Personally the club should look if there is a possibility to sue Barton for bringing the club into disrepute.  :razz:


think you're right, they'll sack him once this verdict comes in assuming they're confident about the legal side of things re his registration, i reckon if there's ANY doubt we might not recoup transfer money for him they'd not sack him, hence the offer to cut his wages while they maybe waited out the chelski verdict appeal


Mort has been looking at the legal side for a while. I'm confident Barton won't get the better of us.

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Just seen the footage of Bartons assault. What a worthless character and it saddens and angers me to see him wearing my beloved black and white. As in life decent people need to stand up for what's right and principled even if, as in this case, there is a financial hit. Barton will never change for he doesn't possess the self-awareness to reform himself so it's up to Newcastle itself to change. No more buying shiesters, wankers, thugs, egotists, idiots, lard arses or anyone with dubious history or background. As he emerges through that prison gate there should be a representative from NUFC waiting for him with a letter from the Chairman telling him his contract has been terminated immediately and not to set foot within a light year of St James Park...


Now, I'm all for strong sanctions against Barton, but such a policy would impact seriously on our competitiveness. Are there 11 "gentlemen" footballers - dispersed over a reasonable tactical formation, who would be both willing and worthy to wear the black and white? Eleven choirboys compete in the Church League, not the Premier League. Clearly, lines have to be drawn somewhere, which I guess it was this debate is about - the club has to decide where that line between expediency and a moral stand is, did Barton's behaviour cross that line and if so how should he be punished...


Liberals might say the answer is education, maybe taking teenager players aside at their clubs as part of their schooling/football training, and educating them re alcohol & drugs, the media, women etc...


I'm sure they already do something similar - but consider this: A 15-year-old Academy player has already been idolised by family, friends and schoolmates for ten years because they're damned good players. Does anyone think there is a 15-year-old trainee in the Premier League who is still a virgin or never had a drink? Even at this early age, regardless of whether they've grown up in wealth or poverty, their personality has been moulded simply because people treat them differently based on no more than their football ability.


Society is always going to hold footballers up as role models, whether the players like it or not. They're watched and admired by millions. Tough break that such a gift comes with such a burden. But it comes with the territory...


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For such a song and dance to be made of it is a joke, and I still stand by the comments I made earlier on this year that as we signed him knowing full well what had happened with Dabo, and played him after that tarts slapping match in Liverpool, we aren't really in a position to take the moral high ground over this one.


If we really did want to sack him we shouldn't have put him back in the team when he got out of jail after Christmas.



what you're missing is the fact that he hadn't been found guilty yet and that the finer details of the case hadn't yet came to light. the time to make a decision is after the court case, to do so before would've been foolish.


What moral high ground did the club take after he was found guilty? Did they show concern that this thug who they signed knowing full well his well known reputations and prior history had been found guilty of this assault or did they see an opportunity to cut there wage bill and save some money. The dabo incident was well known before before he signed for us and to be honest sounds a hell of a lot worse than the assault Barton was found guilty of so how can we take a moral high ground about it now.



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Guest johnson293

The Sun reckons he's been sacked....




SOCCER yob Joey Barton dodged a second jail term for thuggery yesterday – as Newcastle United finally gave him the boot.


The brute – currently serving six months for beating up two strangers – escaped with a suspended sentence for punching a former teammate senseless.


Berserk Barton, 25, who at the time was a Man City player, kept raining blows on Ousmane Dabo, 31, as he lay UNCONSCIOUS on the training pitch, a court heard.


But because Barton pleaded guilty to ABH a judge promised to spare him further jail when he is formally sentenced today.


It means the lout will go free in days – with a tag.


Barton, who was capped once by England gave a defiant thumbs-up to relatives as he was led away at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court.


But last night’s sacking by Newcastle – following calls by The Sun to ban him from football – means the £5.8million midfielder’s career IS effectively over.


Barton – serving six months for drunkenly attacking a man and a boy of 16 outside a Liverpool McDonald’s – became eligible for early release on Sunday.


A condition of release is likely to be that he attends a booze clinic.


Barton, who has a shameful history of violence, decked Frenchman Dabo after branding him “s***”. The ferocity of the attack stunned the team, the judge heard.


Greece striker Georgios Samaras, 23, told cops he was so shocked by the violence he “could never forget it”.


Meanwhile, Newcastle owner Mike Ashley and his board have decided there is no way they will tolerate £45,000-a-week Barton remaining at the club.


Barton, from Huyton, Merseyside, was bought by former Toon boss Sam Allardyce from Man City.


But it was agreed by the board as part of his signing that Barton’s contract would be terminated if he was convicted of assaulting Dabo.



Any confirmation of ths yet, or just The Sun jumping the gun???


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Sack this piece of physco scum he will never change,





Can any of the people defending him, put their hand on their hearts and say he will never do anything like this again?



I can't see anyone defending him on here.  Defending the club perhaps, but certainly not defending Barton.

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I dont think anyone is defending him just trying to put it a little into perspective, we knew what he was when we bought him and i am sure that he will do similar again and again and again unless prison has given him his road to Damascus moment.


Mick has said in previous posts its not so easy to sack him as a footballer he is due the same employment rights as a minimum wage roofer and  we all take as our right. When we signed him we knew about the Dabo case the picture of his injuries was published a long time ago and i dont for one minute believe anybody at the club believed it was self defence.  If we where going to sack him we should have started disciplinary procedures after he was found guilty of the city center assault. The club in my opinion made a big mistake when they took the opportunity to try and reduce his wages and pretty much gave up the moral high ground when we did this. The noises coming from his agent would suggest this will make it even harder to take the action many advocate.

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Guest want_nufc_to_be_big_club

Just watched the CCTV video of Barton  punching and kicking this poor guy.

Yes,maybe he was provoked in some way but...

Oh my God...

There is so much aggression and madness in Barton that its not real.

this scum must be sacked immediately before he do something like this to some of our players because i think he is capable of doing this again.

He embarrassed Newcastle United Football Club enough...


i hope that he'll never play for nufc again


same as bowyer tbh.

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The fact he won't take a pay cut or was "Unwilling" is beggers belief.


Why should he? Has he broken one of the terms of his contract? If I hadn't broken my contract and my employer tried to halve my wages, I'd not agree to it either.


If he has then I think he'd have been sacked by now already. I think you need to apportion a bit of blame to whoever was thick enough not to put some type of clause into his contract when we signed him. This was hanging over him when we signed him and should have had the foresight to anticipate this very event happening.


[devil's advocate]

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Think it was clever tactics by the club to offer a pay cut.  It was obvious that the player would refuse the offer but, it goes on record that we have tried to compromise based on the circumstances of the player.  Now that he has entered a guilty plea and will receive a suspended prison sentence we have by default offered the olive branch which was pushed away leaving us with no other alternative but, to sever ties and terminate the contract.


Plus he would never get a shin pad over the top of his electronic tag!!

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Guest Heneage

The fact he won't take a pay cut or was "Unwilling" is beggers belief.


Why should he?


[devil's advocate]

Because when he was signed, he was signed to play football. His poor decision making has put him in Prison, subsequently meaning he cannot play, its not like an injury these actions were avoidable.

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The fact he won't take a pay cut or was "Unwilling" is beggers belief.


Why should he?


[devil's advocate]

Because when he was signed, he was signed to play football. His poor decision making has put him in Prison, subsequently meaning he cannot play, its not like an injury these actions were avoidable.


See my edit.  :thup:

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