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Obafemi Martins


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Guest Goalfather

The criticism of Martins borders on the ridiculous.  It is very difficult as a striker to have 1 in two goal ratio when you are played out of position or half your appearances is as an impact substitution. If martins were playing for Arsenal he would score 15-20 goals easily because he is a pretty good finisher...has a wonderful shot and is a prety good dribbler.


Martins is overworked at our club and if I was him ..I would have put in a transfer request since the Allardyce debacle. He will never be fully appreciated by this club or the fans

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The criticism of Martins borders on the ridiculous.  It is very difficult as a striker to have 1 in two goal ratio when you are played out of position or half your appearances is as an impact substitution. If martins were playing for Arsenal he would score 15-20 goals easily because he is a pretty good finisher...has a wonderful shot and is a prety good dribbler.


Martins is overworked at our club and if I was him ..I would have put in a transfer request since the Allardyce debacle. He will never be fully appreciated by this club or the fans


Pipe down fanboy.

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The criticism of Martins borders on the ridiculous.  It is very difficult as a striker to have 1 in two goal ratio when you are played out of position or half your appearances is as an impact substitution. If martins were playing for Arsenal he would score 15-20 goals easily because he is a pretty good finisher...has a wonderful shot and is a prety good dribbler.


Martins is overworked at our club and if I was him ..I would have put in a transfer request since the Allardyce debacle. He will never be fully appreciated by this club or the fans


Half of his games out of position?! Give over man. 3 or 4 at the most when Allardyce was in charge.

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The criticism of Martins borders on the ridiculous.  It is very difficult as a striker to have 1 in two goal ratio when you are played out of position or half your appearances is as an impact substitution. If martins were playing for Arsenal he would score 15-20 goals easily because he is a pretty good finisher...has a wonderful shot and is a prety good dribbler.


Martins is overworked at our club and if I was him ..I would have put in a transfer request since the Allardyce debacle. He will never be fully appreciated by this club or the fans


Where did that come from?

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

I think Martins is actually insane. I'd love to know what goes on in his head, probably "shootshootshootshoot"

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Everyone who has an agent is getting pimped tbh. I honestly don't really take much notice of it. I have a fair idea who is leaving, most others are on longer contracts and will only go if we want to sell them.

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I've made my views about Martins plain in the past, as have most posters, so I'm not going over it all again.


Will simply point out his plus/minus points;-


Pluses - Pace, powerful shot, enthusiasm and good jumping ability for a small forward.

Minuses - Erratic distribution, plays without awareness, erratic shooting, lack of intelligent movement.


Will he score enough goals to be classed a really top Prem forward ? NO - 15 p.a. average, if that.

Will he improve on his weaknesses? No sign of that, and he is at least 24 now, maybe much older.


Would I swap him for Berbatov ? Only if Owen was staying, because I think Berbatov would be a great foil for Owen, but if Owen is going, we need Martins' pace - we have little enough is the whole side without losing any more - but Berbatov is by far the better player technically.


Martins is not by any means the worst forward in the Prem but he is far from the best, and we need better; unfortunately, NUFC are not likely to GET any better ones for the foreseeable future.





This post pretty much highlights my post perfectly. This massive misconception about Martins and his lack of technical ability not making him a great striker. If Martins scrapes to 15 goals as you say, i can almost guarantee you he'd contribute another 5 goals in assist. At the end of the day, team goals a the only goals that count and if Martins has directly contributed to 20 goals in a season. in automatically puts him into the group of top strikers.


He'll of effectively of contributed exactly the same amount of goals as Michael Owen will have. The only difference is becasue Owen has such a good record and seems technically sound he can get away with it more than some likes Martins who infuritaing game play often overshadows his overall contribution.


He may be one of the worst of the bunch, but he'd definitely be up there.


For me, when it comes to those 90 minutes over the course of a season, Martins is equal to Owen in terms of contibutions to the team.


I could name so many strikers over the years who are technically proficaient but when it comes to contribution to the team have little input.


Forlan, Milosevic, Heskey (at times), Marcus Bent, Sutton etc etc.  (maybe some ropey examples at the moment but the list could go on and on) all you could say are technically better than martins, they have the touch, they have the passiing ablity, the hold up play and link up play, but when it comes to putting the ball in the back of the net, or making a noticebal contribution to the team, none have been as consitenly as good as Martins has been so far.


That's just wrong on so many levels. If you want to make Martins look good then at least compare him to lesser players.


I assume you mention Forlan because he was a flop at ManU, but his goalscoring record everywhere else he has played is better than 1 in 2.  And with 4 seasons in La Liga that's a fantastic record. (and you'll be hard pressed to find a harder working forward)


Everyone says Milosevic flopped at Villa.  Maybe, but his goalscoring record in his first 2 seasons was almost identical to Martins here.  The reason Savo disappointed so much was because he went to Villa with a record of almost a goal a game.


Heskey might not be able to match Martins for goals (although he's not far behind) but he brings so much more to a team than that.  Best partner Owen has ever had.


And finally Sutton.   A player that scored 25 league goals in one season for Norwich (slightly better than Martins) before going to Blackburn and playing a major part in them winning the league.  Yes he might have been crap for one season at Chelsea but his career record is still better than 1 in 3.


Marcus Bent I'll give you isn't a match for Martins, but if saying he's better than an average journeyman that nobody rates is the best we can do then we have serious problems.



Martins is generally overrated because we are so poor.  Understandable.  Yes he might be important to us, but don't compare him to some players who have at times been in a different class.


Well hold on, its the premiership that counts surely? Like i said the examples are ropey but i could mentions plenty more, in fact im confident that i could mentions far more flops and technically proficient strikers who dont have scoring and contriution records similiar to Martins.  I compared him to players of goosd standards on purpose, the point being that whilst others who are considered technically superior i.e Forlan havent succeeded in the same why that Martins has.


He just has the knack.

Forlan is the only one who doesn't have a goalscoring record comparable with Martins in the Prem, but like I said his goal average in Spain, a league of comparable standards, wipes the floor with Martins.  Who knows why it didn't work out for Forlan in England.


Martins isn't a bad player, as I said previously, we just rate him higher because we are so average and he's not alone in that.  For all the players we have that get constant stick, there are several distinctly average players that are overrated by some fans.


I dont think we do rate him higher, i actually dont think we consider his actual input into a game which should include assists. The strange thing is that the majority of fans will say Owen is one of the prems top strikers, i agree, but his contribution to the nufc team is almost identical to Martins in term of team goals.


Martins suffers from the illusion that he;s a bad player becasue of his many flaws, its a strnge one becasue at the end of the day he's one of our most effective players. As effective as Owen, the stats mirror this as well.


This 1 in 2 is a massive red herring.

Yeah putting the ball in the back of the net is overrated as well.  Let's not change the subject and turn this into another Martins vs Owen debate.


I took issue with you saying this:


Forlan, Milosevic, Heskey (at times), Marcus Bent, Sutton etc etc.

....when it comes to putting the ball in the back of the net, or making a noticebal contribution to the team, none have been as consitenly as good as Martins has been so far.


Ridiculous statement.


Not really, and to be fair to me I did say they were ropey, are you actually implying that what im saying is fundamentally wrong? Or are you just picking faults with my examples? Im sure i could name you many better examples which make your point moot in the first place. Would you like me to do that?


This isnt a Martins vs Owen debate - all im saying is that when you count assists as goals then effectively Martins stats are equal to Owen, but he doesnt get the recoginition he deserves becasue of the technical flaws in his game.

Sorry.  Missed this earlier. :)


No, the only reason I picked you up on your original statement was because the examples you gave didn't support your argument.  Given my reply I'd have thought that was obvious TBH. ;)


You could give other examples but it's pointless as, to repeat myself yet again, my only gripe was with the examples you've already given and not necessarily the point you were making.

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I've made my views about Martins plain in the past, as have most posters, so I'm not going over it all again.


Will simply point out his plus/minus points;-


Pluses - Pace, powerful shot, enthusiasm and good jumping ability for a small forward.

Minuses - Erratic distribution, plays without awareness, erratic shooting, lack of intelligent movement.


Will he score enough goals to be classed a really top Prem forward ? NO - 15 p.a. average, if that.

Will he improve on his weaknesses? No sign of that, and he is at least 24 now, maybe much older.


Would I swap him for Berbatov ? Only if Owen was staying, because I think Berbatov would be a great foil for Owen, but if Owen is going, we need Martins' pace - we have little enough is the whole side without losing any more - but Berbatov is by far the better player technically.


Martins is not by any means the worst forward in the Prem but he is far from the best, and we need better; unfortunately, NUFC are not likely to GET any better ones for the foreseeable future.





This post pretty much highlights my post perfectly. This massive misconception about Martins and his lack of technical ability not making him a great striker. If Martins scrapes to 15 goals as you say, i can almost guarantee you he'd contribute another 5 goals in assist. At the end of the day, team goals a the only goals that count and if Martins has directly contributed to 20 goals in a season. in automatically puts him into the group of top strikers.


He'll of effectively of contributed exactly the same amount of goals as Michael Owen will have. The only difference is becasue Owen has such a good record and seems technically sound he can get away with it more than some likes Martins who infuritaing game play often overshadows his overall contribution.


He may be one of the worst of the bunch, but he'd definitely be up there.


For me, when it comes to those 90 minutes over the course of a season, Martins is equal to Owen in terms of contibutions to the team.


I could name so many strikers over the years who are technically proficaient but when it comes to contribution to the team have little input.


Forlan, Milosevic, Heskey (at times), Marcus Bent, Sutton etc etc.  (maybe some ropey examples at the moment but the list could go on and on) all you could say are technically better than martins, they have the touch, they have the passiing ablity, the hold up play and link up play, but when it comes to putting the ball in the back of the net, or making a noticebal contribution to the team, none have been as consitenly as good as Martins has been so far.


That's just wrong on so many levels. If you want to make Martins look good then at least compare him to lesser players.


I assume you mention Forlan because he was a flop at ManU, but his goalscoring record everywhere else he has played is better than 1 in 2.  And with 4 seasons in La Liga that's a fantastic record. (and you'll be hard pressed to find a harder working forward)


Everyone says Milosevic flopped at Villa.  Maybe, but his goalscoring record in his first 2 seasons was almost identical to Martins here.  The reason Savo disappointed so much was because he went to Villa with a record of almost a goal a game.


Heskey might not be able to match Martins for goals (although he's not far behind) but he brings so much more to a team than that.  Best partner Owen has ever had.


And finally Sutton.   A player that scored 25 league goals in one season for Norwich (slightly better than Martins) before going to Blackburn and playing a major part in them winning the league.  Yes he might have been crap for one season at Chelsea but his career record is still better than 1 in 3.


Marcus Bent I'll give you isn't a match for Martins, but if saying he's better than an average journeyman that nobody rates is the best we can do then we have serious problems.



Martins is generally overrated because we are so poor.  Understandable.  Yes he might be important to us, but don't compare him to some players who have at times been in a different class.


Well hold on, its the premiership that counts surely? Like i said the examples are ropey but i could mentions plenty more, in fact im confident that i could mentions far more flops and technically proficient strikers who dont have scoring and contriution records similiar to Martins.  I compared him to players of goosd standards on purpose, the point being that whilst others who are considered technically superior i.e Forlan havent succeeded in the same why that Martins has.


He just has the knack.

Forlan is the only one who doesn't have a goalscoring record comparable with Martins in the Prem, but like I said his goal average in Spain, a league of comparable standards, wipes the floor with Martins.  Who knows why it didn't work out for Forlan in England.


Martins isn't a bad player, as I said previously, we just rate him higher because we are so average and he's not alone in that.  For all the players we have that get constant stick, there are several distinctly average players that are overrated by some fans.


I dont think we do rate him higher, i actually dont think we consider his actual input into a game which should include assists. The strange thing is that the majority of fans will say Owen is one of the prems top strikers, i agree, but his contribution to the nufc team is almost identical to Martins in term of team goals.


Martins suffers from the illusion that he;s a bad player becasue of his many flaws, its a strnge one becasue at the end of the day he's one of our most effective players. As effective as Owen, the stats mirror this as well.


This 1 in 2 is a massive red herring.

Yeah putting the ball in the back of the net is overrated as well.  Let's not change the subject and turn this into another Martins vs Owen debate.


I took issue with you saying this:


Forlan, Milosevic, Heskey (at times), Marcus Bent, Sutton etc etc.

....when it comes to putting the ball in the back of the net, or making a noticebal contribution to the team, none have been as consitenly as good as Martins has been so far.


Ridiculous statement.


Not really, and to be fair to me I did say they were ropey, are you actually implying that what im saying is fundamentally wrong? Or are you just picking faults with my examples? Im sure i could name you many better examples which make your point moot in the first place. Would you like me to do that?


This isnt a Martins vs Owen debate - all im saying is that when you count assists as goals then effectively Martins stats are equal to Owen, but he doesnt get the recoginition he deserves becasue of the technical flaws in his game.

Sorry.  Missed this earlier. :)


No, the only reason I picked you up on your original statement was because the examples you gave didn't support your argument.  Given my reply I'd have thought that was obvious TBH. ;)


You could give other examples but it's pointless as, to repeat myself yet again, my only gripe was with the examples you've already given and not necessarily the point you were making.


So you're pointing out the poor examples I gave after I'd said they were poor examples in the first place?  :lol:


Fair enough.  :thup:


If only it was 2008, i could nominate you for "most pedantic poster" ;)

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Everyone who has an agent is getting pimped tbh. I honestly don't really take much notice of it. I have a fair idea who is leaving, most others are on longer contracts and will only go if we want to sell them.


It's not really worked that way for a number of years.

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Given is our best player.


Jonas is good but Martins is our best outfield player imo and by far the most dangerous as far as the opposition are concerned. Two footed, young, blistering pace, good in the air, hard worker, good foil for Owen and a rocket of a shot on him makes up for his lack tactical awareness.


Owen is the best at sticking the ball in the back of the net but Martins creates opportunities from nothing for himself and others as well as scoring and being able to tear a hole in any opposition back 4 forcing them back.

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Everyone who has an agent is getting pimped tbh. I honestly don't really take much notice of it. I have a fair idea who is leaving, most others are on longer contracts and will only go if we want to sell them.


It's not really worked that way for a number of years.


I'm not saying we can make players stay, but if they are on decent contracts we can get a price we would be happy with. I would imagine if Martins and his agent want to leave it's only going to happen in circumstances which suit us, the right money at the right price, like Milner.

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Martins underwent surgery on a hernia in Germany earlier this week, and while specialist Dr Ulrike Muschaweck has a reputation for having players back in action much quicker than many of her contemporaries, Kinnear is not expecting to see the Nigerian on the pitch for another six weeks.


He said: “He had his operation two days ago and we assume he will be back in training in between two and three weeks.”

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Some good news at last: -



Oba Martins aims for Tyne-Wear derby return


Jan 21 2009 by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle


NEWCASTLE UNITED were finally handed some good news today when they discovered that Oba Martins could be fit in time to face Sunderland on February 1.


The return of the Nigerian powerhouse striker will provide Joe Kinnear with a massive boost in the must-win affair against the Wearsiders.


And after Danny Guthrie limped out of training yesterday with a hamstring injury that could see him miss a month of action, Kinnear was in need of some positive news following the training field brawl between Charles N’Zogbia and Andy Carroll.


The Toon boss said today: “Oba started training flat out yesterday, and it’ll be great to have him back in the team.


“He’s had this niggling groin injury, but it’s out of the way now, and he should be back for the Sunderland game.


“Danny’s certainly out of the Man City game, but we are waiting for the outcome of a scan.”


Martins underwent a hernia operation on January 12 after jetting out to Germany to see specialist Dr Ulrike Muschaweck.


And just eight days after the op the former Inter Milan striker was back out on the training field and hoping to make it a date with Sunderland at the start of next month.


Guthrie’s hamstring trouble couldn’t have been sustained at a worse time for Kinnear, who already has Nicky Butt suspended for the trip to Eastlands following his red card at Blackburn.


Meanwhile, both Mark Viduka and Brazilian defender Cacapa were also back in light training at the club’s Benton HQ yesterday, with the pair recovering from groin and knee injuries respectively.


Also back was former Manchester United and Leeds star Alan Smith, who was originally scheduled to play some part in the behind-closed-doors friendly with Carlisle United.


However, after taking part in the morning session, medical staff didn’t want to put the forward through too much, too soon.


Kinnear said: “Smithy trained again today and there are no problems. He is back in the first-team squad.


“We thought about putting Alan in, but the medical staff said that might be pushing him too early. He’s back training flat out, and has a chance of making the Sunderland game.”


Steven Taylor and Joey Barton did though come through the friendly, which ended 1-1.


Barton built on his cameo performance against Blackburn at the weekend, while Taylor played and scored against the Cumbrians after missing the last two matches with a calf injury.


Also in action was Danish international winger Peter Lovenkrands, while unsettled Cameroon midfielder Geremi – who is in line to be recalled at Manchester City – also appeared for the Magpies.


Joe Anyinsah opened the scores for Carlisle after eight minutes before Taylor levelled it up with a low shot on the turn into the bottom corner.


Taylor said: “It was tremendous to get a good run out and I was delighted with the goal.


“I stopped short of my usual celebration routine, but it was nice to score.”

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