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Interesting to see where people stand on this one now, especially after Scolari's sacking.  Still going with Man Utd but I think Liverpool will have a close second.  Wouldn't be at all surprised to see Villa finish third at this point.


Villa are actually really interesting to me, I think it's a case of the sum being much greater than the parts.  Of the players that play regularly, this is how I'd classify them in a theoretical top 4 team.


Top 4 Worthy: Young, Agbonlahor, Barry

Borderline Top 4: Laursen, Bouma, Carew Friedel (age is the only reason I put him here)

Not top 4 material: Everyone else. 


I think Everton probably has a better squad but Villa will finish well above Everton because O'Neill has it figured out and knows how to use speed and counter attacks.  He also knows how to give each player on the pitch a definite role that contributes to an overall victory, I really wonder what he could do with a bit more money there. 

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Guest neesy111

where's the mighty sunderland


since they signed there 3 reserve players, the mackems think they can win league

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Does this signing bring Liverpool any closer to winning the Premier League?

I think if Keane is a success then it absolutely will.


Really sticking his neck out there.


'If he does well it'll improve them.'


Yeah, no shit.

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Guest Flair

1: Chelsea

2: Man.Utd

3: Liverpool

4: Arsenal

5: Tottenham

6: Manchester City

7: Portsmouth

8: Newcastle

9: Everton

10: Aston Villa

11: West Ham

12: Sunderland

13: Middlesbrough

14: Blackburn

15: Wigan

16: Fulham

17: Bolton

18: West Brom

19: Hull

20: Stoke City

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Guest Coubury
If Keane scores 20 goals, Torres gets 30 and Gerrard gets 20 Liverpool are going to be an altogether different proposition in terms of the title.




Never going to happen.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Chelsea to win


Liverpool are fullbacks and 1 winger (as babel will come good on one) away from winning the league. 3 top players in those positions and they have a chance. 2 years away from making a definate challenge

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Guest Geordie_Paul

1. Man Utd

2. Chelsea

3. Arsenal


I see Liverpool hitting 4th again tbh! Don't think they will improve greatly with Keane.

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Guest Mucky01

Chelsea for me, last season they had loads of injuries, and the fallout of Mourinho and his kak replacement.


ManUre were too reliant on Ronaldo’s goals which I cant see him replicating, but a lot will depend if they get a good out and out striker/target man as that’s there missing piece in the jigsaw. Aresnal will be stronger this season and Liverpool will again play for too many draws to effect anything.

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If Gerrard stays fit & on form, then I see Liverpool doing similar to last season and coming 3rd or 4th depending on how Arsenal do. If not, I think someone in the chasing pack will beat them to the CL places.

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Honestly think that Liverpool don't have a hope in feck of winning the title, again. Robbie Keane is hardly a player that is going to transform them, is he. Mental signing for the money they've paid. He'll probably do well for them, but 4th, maybe 3rd, is where they'll finish again imo.


I think Big Phil will do the job this time. Could be said that Man Utd will have a transitional season this year? Scholes, Giggs (Ronaldo even? His heart might not be in it) making way for the new people like Nani and Anderson who will hopefully, for their sake, come into their own.


Chelsea have made two excellent signings thus far...

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If Deco adapts to the League and Scolari doesn't fuck about too much trying to keep people happy, Chelsea will win it.


Still a long way to go before the window closes though and Man U could bring more quality in.

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Guest cfhpantera27

Man U







as for Keane, Rafa will only give him a few games  :iamatwat:

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