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Who Do You Want As Keegan's Replacement?


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How's about nobody.


Who in their right mind would want to work for a bunch of lying backstabbing cockney b@stards. All Ashley has done today is prove that the fans and the passion mean nothing to him or the board, (as long as Dennis the cockney dwalf is all right).


Any half decent manager should look at what has happened to Kev, read his statement and say no thanks.


Gus Poyet has been installed as fav for the job???? (hold on did he not work with dwarfy at Leeds)


I honestly hope that the fools who bought the 3 year season ticket (special deal from Ashley), now wake up and smell the thorns and boycott the next home game.


I would rather see 52,000 stood outside the ground shouting sack the board, than see 1 fair weather fan sitting in their seat.


The sooner all fans stand United and boycott the current regime the better.


Reading Keegans statement tonight, its clear that Ashley chose Wise over Keegan???????????????????????????????????

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Can we PLEASE just get a manger that will be here longer than 3 years!


We're going continental now so the managers will be lucky to last 3 months.


Some of the names mentioned so far


Mancini - never got on with director of football at Inter

Deschamps - left Juventus because he didnt have enough say on transfers

Kouman - nearly got Valencia relegated because of off field power struggles

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Its gunna have to be someone who is either stupid, a yes man or has balls the size of oranges.


Or simply a good coach and tactician who can get the best from what he's got, as is commonplace around Europe.


One wonders how Fergie, Benitez and Wenger (the latter two are foreign and choose their own players) continue to dominate proceedings...


They also have bottomless pits are able to attract Tevez, Berbatov, Rooney, Torres, etc. I'm sure if we could attract those players and could afford it, we'd let Keegan do what he likes.


Also, if Wise/Jimenez/Ashley/Llambias had came in on Monday night and went to Keegan, "Here you go, here's Robinho for you". Would he have walked off because he didn't make that decision? B*llocks man.


The only reason Fergie has a bottomless pit is because he's been the best manager in Europe for 15 years and built the club up into a monster... by buying his own players.


As for the suggestion that Wenger and Benitez have bottomless pits, that's absolutely laughable. Compared to Barcelona? To Real Madrid? Liverpool reached two Champions League finals before anyone had even mentioned Fernando Torres. He won the Champions League with Baros, Kewell and Traore.


The manager is the most important person at the club, not some lackey who can spot a good player (and KK could spot a brilliant player anyway). Why do you think the manager gets paid more than the chief scout?

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I would like :


1. Someone who  comes in as a part of a new ownership structure.


or ;


2. Accepts and thrives under the current management structure, dont think it is going to change much. as we have seen today.

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Can we PLEASE just get a manger that will be here longer than 3 years!


We're going continental now so the managers will be lucky to last 3 months.


Some of the names mentioned so far


Mancini - never got on with director of football at Inter

Deschamps - left Juventus because he didnt have enough say on transfers

Kouman - nearly got Valencia relegated because of off field power struggles


No positives?

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There's only two options they can possibly go for at this point in time.


1. Appoint Shearer on promises to try get the fans back onside.

2. Appoint one of their mates, be that Poyet (!) or someone like that Spanish guy.


I expect number 2.

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Marcelino is the guy I'd go with.


Got Recreativo de Huelva promoted to La Liga and then got them into the top 10.


Got Santander into the top six and then resigned saying that was as far as he could take them.


Now at Zaragoza in the Segunda Liga.

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Like someone would want to touch our club with iron gloves.. Which top manager would wanna come to this hellhole of a club?



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I'm certain it will be someone with a cockney connection. Of those, I'll take Deschamps. However, he's already resigned from Monaco and Juventus due to conflicts with the boards, so he won't come to us. The same goes for Curbishley, of course.

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Obviously someone continental, who won't be put off by the current structure. The way things are looking it seems we'll be going Spanish.


Also, judging from the posts in this thread, it better be somebody with some pretty thick skin...


Tell you what. I think the next manager will resign within a year. But it won't be because he can't work with the board. The problem is that a large segment of the fans will almost want to see him fail. They'll say "we should back our manager" at first yeah, but at the slightest sign of trouble they'll turn on him. So is the fate of anyone who follows a manager like Keegan.

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