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West Ham United 3 - 1 Newcastle - 20/09/08 - post match reaction from page 19

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Anyone else just got a great feeling of apathy to what's happening at the minute? I'm seriously losing the will.


I've been known to swear, hoy the remote control and punch various objects when we concede but I find myself not even bothered - a new feeling that tells me I'm on the verge of having had enough.


Couldn't agree more. On top of the entire debacle of Keegans demise, what's the point really when it's already abundantly clear we'll finish between 9th-15th and go nowhere in the cups? Its been clear since September 1.  And I don't think it will feel any better if some zillionaire buys the club and gets in 15 'galacticos'...


If you won't support the club without us winning a trophy, then you may as well f*** off now.


I think you'll find if you read what I actually posted, I said that I don't care if we go out and buy all the trophys in the world with some super owner and his galacticos. I just feel like I'm supporting a club which does not care about its fans, traditions, heroes, or anything. Its worshipping either money, or some bizarre 'continental setup' (which somehow includes Dennis Wise?), or god knows what. I'm sick to death of internet tough guys declaring that anyone who isn't an ultra-soopa-doopa-fan can go fuck off. Why the fuck aren't you at the game if you're so damn hardcore? Why do I have to endorse a setup that to me is completely alien and a club administration that seems to regard me, most of the clubs fans and its legends as beneath contempt? Why can't I say its fucking boring to watch us try and emulate tottenham (and fail), and to know we'll be dire but still avoid relegation? It is boring. Just because these turkeys happen to be in control of NUFC right now doesn't mean fans don't have the right to stand up and say we are done with their two-bit experiment, and if we're going to meander along and come in tenth or 12th or 15th can you do it with a BIT OF RESPECT PLEASE!!! And try not to go around spraying a fire hose of sewerage over the clubs fans and traditions while you are at it. My God. That those bastards can release a press release like that and then have the nerve to turn out a squad who puts in these kinds of performances.


Here's a press release:


It is a FACT that this setup is fucked


It is a FACT that we were going along much better before this group of turkeys got together and undermined Keegan.



Wullie I doubt we'll go down. We have a decent set of players, they'll get some decent manager in and we'll stay up. People always underestimate how dire the bottom teams are. And in the end, Ashley talks a whale load of crap, and if he has to stump up 30M in January to save his 250M investment he'll do it in a heartbeat.

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KK is a coward. I will never forgive him for betraying our trust and leaving the club for dead.




Agree to a point. Resigning when he did was the wrong thing to do.


How so, when he's been backed by Ferguson and Wenger? The blame lies firmly at the door of the owner and directors. It's as simple as that for christ sake.


All that shows is that you believe whatever you're told to believe unquestioningly and don't figure things out for yourself.

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KK is a coward. I will never forgive him for betraying our trust and leaving the club for dead.




Agree to a point. Resigning when he did was the wrong thing to do.


How so, when he's been backed by Ferguson and Wenger? The blame lies firmly at the door of the owner and directors. It's as simple as that for christ sake.

That would hold a tiny bit of truth if he hadn't done the walkout thing again and again



Rubbish. He left Fulham for the England job and he left City early at the request of the board having given his notice. Are you Steve Curry?

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4-3 here we come!


I swear this referee things we're playing handball here. We should have had like 4 penalties by now.


Owen keeps scoring even as we keep losing.


As for the discussion going on about Keegan and the board. Ashley is asking for more than 250million pounds more than he bought the club for. In my opinion his "emotional" statement to the fans after the Hull game is just a show.

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KK is a coward. I will never forgive him for betraying our trust and leaving the club for dead.




Agree to a point. Resigning when he did was the wrong thing to do.


How so, when he's been backed by Ferguson and Wenger? The blame lies firmly at the door of the owner and directors. It's as simple as that for christ sake.


All that shows is that you believe whatever you're told to believe unquestioningly and don't figure things out for yourself.


I'm not even going to bother trying to argue. Too many folk with wax in their ears.

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KK is a coward. I will never forgive him for betraying our trust and leaving the club for dead.




Agree to a point. Resigning when he did was the wrong thing to do.


How so, when he's been backed by Ferguson and Wenger? The blame lies firmly at the door of the owner and directors. It's as simple as that for christ sake.


All that shows is that you believe whatever you're told to believe unquestioningly and don't figure things out for yourself.


not like indi to insult people by telling them they can't think properly just cos they disagree with him  :rolleyes:

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